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was doing this to the Thresls. He hoped something good would come out of this experience. The shift from smiling to frowning passed like a dark cloud that had blotted out the sun. I hate to say it, Zan, but this goes high up. It s more than one person. I don t find all the Thresls. Every few months they change locations. Whoever is doing this is making a lot of money off of the Thresls. We rescued your Thresl at one of the many fight clubs. Luckily, at that one they don t fight to the death. Some of them don t stop the battle until one of the fighters is dead. That s sick! Leo said. Zander nodded absently as he reviewed in his head the people he could ask. I ll call around. They ve gone deep, whoever they are. Now that the king is back they will have to hide their actions better. I have one more question for you, Mars said. What? Zander asked. He figured he owed Mars a favour for getting Leo away from the fight ring. How can Leo shift back and forth? I thought Red Claw was the only one who could do that. Mars sat on the edge of the desk as he regarded the two men. Saint taught me, Leo spoke up. Who s Saint? Mars asked. www.total-e-bound.com POLITICIAN WON Amber Kell 80 A relation to the king, Zander said. He didn t know much about the older Thresl, but from what he d learned from others, the creature was ancient. I wouldn t want to be on his bad side. How did he teach you, Leo? He showed me in my head. He was trapped in an abandoned castle and had a lot of time on his hands. He d shifted back to his Thresl form in self-defence when his mate died, but he can t shift back to human. He s stuck in his animal form. However, if you have a mate you can go back and forth. How do you know that? Zander asked. Leo hadn t said anything about Saint s past before. He showed me, Leo said as if psychically communing with a giant Thresl happened every day. Zander turned back to Mars, shocked when the captain s eyes glowed a bright gold. He d only seen them turn that shade a few times in their entire time together. He wondered what Mars had been doing for the past five years. A knock at the door pulled Zander s attention from his old friend. The sergeant who d accompanied him to the ship peeked inside. We need to get back, sir. I ll forward you all my notes, Mars offered. I m afraid I don t know much. I can send you all the locations I ve found Thresls at. That would be helpful, thanks. Maybe he could map out the locations and spot a pattern. Zander stepped forward to shake hands only to have Leo pull him back. No touching. I couldn t handle it if you touched. Leo s voice revealed the strain. The Thresl must ve picked up on Zander mixed emotions towards Mars. Zander thought of how he d feel about Leo in someone else s arms and understood. He squeezed Leo s shoulder. Let s go. What? I don t get a hug for rescuing you? Mars held out his arms. Leo growled and stomped back to the man. Mars gripped him tight. You take care of him, Mars told the Thresl. I will, Leo vowed. www.total-e-bound.com POLITICIAN WON Amber Kell 81 Leo returned to Zander s side and took his hand. Zander exchanged a wistful glance with Mars before smiling at Leo. The dream of his old relationship dissipated like a marine layer burned away from the brightness of his new lover. The brilliant grin he received told him he d made the right choice. Without another glance at Mars, he walked with his lover back to the other ship. * * * * They made it to Zander s cabin before pouncing on each other, but barely. Leo slammed the door closed then he jumped Zander. I missed you, he growled. Zander gasped at the intensity of his Thresl s expression. I missed you too. He hadn t realised how much he depended on Leo for companionship until his best friend had left his side. The absence of Leo had gutted him. Their tongues tangled together, sliding and entwining until they had to separate to take a breath. Panting, Zander looked into Leo s eyes. How could one person be his everything? Although it had hurt when Mars walked away, he d be devastated if he lost Leo again. He d barely survived the first time. Don t think of him. Not when we re together, Leo pleaded. I was thinking how much I d be devastated if something happened to you, Zander said. It hurt when Mars left. It would destroy me if you did. When I woke up and found you gone it almost killed me. Nothing s going to happen to me. I m never leaving you again, Leo vowed. Good. Zander slid his fingers through Leo s hair. I need you. Logically, he knew Leo had no control over whether he was kidnapped, but his mate s reassurance calmed him anyway. When he d found Leo was gone, he d almost lost his mind. The idea that Leo could be injured or killed without Zander to watch out for him had spun around and around in his mind the entire time his mate had been missing. Their next kiss, a soft brushing of lips, caused tingles to spike down his spine. His cock hardened from the contact of his mate pressed against him. Gripping Leo s hips, he pulled him closer until their bodies were plastered together. Zander s world settled around him again. Now that they were reunited, Zander could finally breathe easy again. www.total-e-bound.com POLITICIAN WON Amber Kell 82 Between touches and kisses they stripped off their clothes. Once they were completely naked, Zander grabbed Leo s arm and dragged him to the bed. I can walk, you know, Leo said, his voice laced with amusement. I know. Zander shoved Leo onto the mattress. I m going to make sure you never feel complete without me. Leo rolled over to face Zander. I already don t. You are everything to me, Zander. I thought you knew that. Zander smiled at the affection in his Thresl s eyes. I love you. Crawling across the bed, he settled on all fours with his knees on either side of Leo s hips. Their erections bumped against each other in a friendly greeting. Groaning, Zander trailed open-mouthed kisses down Leo s chest and stomach. He scooted down to nip at the bit of flesh stretched over Leo s hipbone. The last time they d touched could ve been a century ago for the amount of need rushing through him. Leo hissed. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |