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Over time he d hoped to get a second chance, but Bryce didn t forgive and forget.
Telling Bryce he didn t want a relationship had been Luke s biggest mistake ever. At the time
he d thought to protect his heart. Luke had stupidly realised too late that he d already given
it away to his best friend two years ago. Unfortunately, he d never found a way to make up.
Luke remained silent as they travelled to Tim s place. Bryce didn t appear to want to
talk and Luke didn t know what to say. As they pulled up beside Tim s apartment building,
Luke saw a man in a black car drive away. To Luke s surprise instead of parking, Bryce
drove into the parking garage. He noticed with a trace of panic that Bryce had a remote to
open the metal gate. How serious were they?
 Do you live here now? He hoped Bryce didn t hear the fear in Luke s voice or the
loud pounding of his heart. Terror gripped him over the thought of Bryce slipping away
from Luke forever.
 Not yet. I hope to soon, though. Bryce exited the vehicle and headed towards the
elevator. Luke quickly fell into step beside him.
Bryce removed a key fob from his pocket and waved it in front of a sensor on the
elevator keypad before pushing the button to what must be Tim s floor. After a short ride up
and a walk down a brightly lit hall, they were standing in front of an apartment marked  five
thirty-three in big brass numbers. Bryce knocked before unlocking the door and letting
himself in.
He gave Luke a sheepish grin.  I don t want to startle him.
Fuck. How serious are they? Scenarios ran through Luke s head, each less comfortable
than the one before. They entered the living room and found Tim sitting on his couch. At the
sight of Bryce, Tim gave a relieved smile. Why hadn t Luke ever noticed how gorgeous Tim
was before? With his sunshine bright hair and sea blue eyes, Tim surpassed cute by a mile.
Why hadn t Luke noticed the competition right under his nose?
 Bryce. Tim threw himself into Bryce s arms.
A spike of pain impaled Luke s heart at the sight of the slim blond in Bryce s muscular
embrace a hold he knew from experience felt amazing.
 Are you okay? Bryce pulled Tim back and examined him carefully as if the mysteries
of the universe would be explained on his face. Luke almost hurled at the sight of Bryce s
adoring expression.
 I m fine. I just saw him drive away.
 Black car? Luke asked.
Tim lifted his head, his brilliant blue gaze zeroing in on Luke.  Hey, Luke, how are
Tim gave Luke a tentative smile, a far cry from the loving one he d given Bryce. Luke
wondered why he cared.  I thought I d come and see if I could help.
The words spoken out loud didn t sound desperate. They didn t convey the futile wish
coursing through him to stay as close to Bryce as possible. He let out a long breath in relief.
 You saw the black car, too? Bryce asked Luke before turning back to address Tim.
 Did you see the driver?
 Not much. I only saw binoculars and once in a while he tipped ashes from his cigarette
out the window. I tried to stay out of sight, but he really creeped me the hell out. Tim gave a
little shudder and Luke had to hold back an urge to hug the smaller man. Tim looking scared
and vulnerable brought out Luke s protective instincts.
 Have you thought someone was watching you before? Luke asked, slipping into
investigator mode. Although Bryce had told him as much, he wanted to hear Tim s version.
Tim pulled out of Bryce s arms, wiping his eyes with the heels of his hands.  I-I think
so. But like I told Bryce, I could be imagining things. I ve been real jumpy since my
kidnapping. I mean& logically, I know I m not going to be snatched again, but inside I still
worry. I m such a wimp.
 You re not a wimp, Bryce soothed.  You ve had a scare. It s natural for you to be a
little skittish.
Tim patted Bryce s arm.  I appreciate you coming over. Would you like some tea or a
beer? I m afraid that s all I have except water.
 Some tea would be nice, Bryce responded.
Luke didn t like the tender look Bryce gave Tim. He hoped he hid his feelings well
when the accountant turned to him.  How about you? Would you like a drink?
 I ll take a beer. Luke could tell Tim needed something to do to. The man fidgeted like
a dog waiting for a squirrel to come down from the tree. How calm, quiet Bryce could handle
that on a day-to-day basis Luke didn t know. He waited until the accountant had left the
room before talking to Bryce.  I don t know if someone is watching him but there definitely
was a car that left when we showed up. I got the license plate.
 Good. If you give it to me, I can check it out tomorrow.
 No. I ll do it, Luke insisted. He didn t squirm beneath Bryce s intense gaze. It took
more than that to rattle his cage.  I want to help.
Bryce gave him a strange look.  You don t have to. I m sure I can handle one possible
 Have you questioned him about why he might have someone watching him? From
their past experiences, Luke knew often the investigators only got part of the story. He didn t
want that for Bryce. He deserved better than a half story from a man he liked.
 No, Bryce sighed.  I didn t want to spook him. He s had a rough time of it lately. He
still gets nightmares about his abduction.
Luke swallowed back the lump in his throat as he thought of all the ways Bryce could
calm Tim.
 Bryce is sweet to take care of me, Tim said, walking into the room with a cup of hot
tea and a cold beer.
 That didn t take long, Luke commented as he accepted his drink.
 I have an instant hot water tap, Tim explained.
The three men sat in the living room. Tim and Bryce took the couch while Luke took a
chair facing them. Silence reigned.
 Maybe I should just go, Luke said to Tim.  I m obviously making you
 No you aren t. I m embarrassed, Tim said.
 About what? Luke asked.
 That I ruined your work for nothing. I didn t know Bryce was on the job and I
certainly didn t mean to pull you both away from something important just to make me feel
Guilt stabbed Luke like little daggers. He quickly tried to make amends.  Tim, you re a
friend. If someone is stalking you, we need to check it out. That s what Bryce and I do we
provide protection against things like this. And, despite what you think, I don t believe for a
minute you d have called if you didn t genuinely think there was a problem. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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