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required to finish your internship with them.
William gripped the rail lining the footboard at the
end of the bed. His large knuckles turn white. He
might be the oldest male member of the family, but
he had no right to treat her like a child.
 In truth, I finished all of the requirements
listed in my contract last week. She fidgeted on the
arm of Scott s chair.
 Then why in dragon s lair, didn t you just come
home? he barked.  Then you wouldn t be in this
His irritated tone hit a chord that spiked her
anger. She rose and pointed a finger at him.
 Because I had important work to do, and I couldn t
afford to abandon it. I know you weren t happy with
me for not calling every week and for delaying my
visits home.
 But don t you see 
 No, Syndetic wasn t forcing me to stay. I was
under a great deal of stress and was frustrated
Anita Philmar
because I couldn t find the answers they wanted.
She lowered her hand.  But I knew the moment Jake
arrived, that you sent him and I d have to leave. I let
him sneak me off campus so I could avoid the exit
interview and length of red tape with my advisor.
Madame Blake hates me. She stepped forward until
she was almost nose to nose with William.  If you
want to blame someone. Blame yourself.
 Sarah, Jake s tone raked against her nerves.
He didn t believe her, so she ignored his plea. Why
did they think she wouldn t fulfill her obligation to
She shoved passed William and started for the
door, but he grabbed her arm.  Sarah, this isn t a
game. They re talking about having you arrested.
 For what? I haven t done anything! she yelled
 How about murder? a voice said from the
doorway leading to the corridor.
Black Dragon s Heart
Chapter Ten
 What? Jake tried to sit up, but a sharp pain
lanced through his shoulder. He fell back against the
cushions and took a deep breath. William s tall form
blocked his view of the man by the door. Sarah took
a step back, and Scott laid his arm around her waist.
She swayed on her feet, and he supported her for a
Jake silently cursed the policeman who had
entered the room. Where did he get off accusing
Sarah of committing murder?
 Perkins, how can you accuse her of murder?
She was trying to protect herself and Jake. William
took charge and confronted the police chief.  The
gunman had already shot Jake. How could she know
he wouldn t shoot her, too?
 That s your story. Some people believe there s a
different one. Perkins walked into the room. The
door closed, and Jake caught a glimpse of the police
chief s bulky form. He stood next to the group at the
end of his bed.
 Who? Cornerman? You know the man as well
as I do, he loves to find faults with anyone who has
dragon blood.
Jake listened to William s argument but turned
to Sarah to check on her reaction to this
interrogation. Scott guided her back to the chair and
directed her to sit. The crisp sweet smell of apples
teased his senses, sending him an erotic message of
lust his loins couldn t ignore.
 Yes, but the man pleads an excellent case.
Jake s shooter, Charles Shore, worked for a security
Anita Philmar
firm. They claim Syndetic International hired them
to track down your sister and return her to her job.
Syndetic reported to them Sarah had been
 So what you re saying is it s our word against
theirs. William turned and asked in a soft voice,
 Sarah, did the man chasing you through the woods
tell you he was there to help you?
Jake s chest tightened with rage. Charles Shore
hadn t tracked Sarah through the forest to save her
from a kidnapper. He d been there to kill her. Jake
knew a professional killer when he saw one.
 He didn t give me any warning, Jake said
before Sarah replied.
She turned. Her dark brown eyes stared at him
without focusing. A frown marred her face, and a
muscle under her left eye twitched. The grisly events
of the day before were taking a toll on her.
 Sarah, Jake held out his hand.
She blinked and turned to glare at Perkins.
 After he broke into Jake s cabin, I escaped out the
bedroom window. She paused, eyebrows furrowing
together as if trying to recall the sequence of events.
 I got to the corner of the house, and he started
yelling at me. But I don t remember what he said.
He fired a shot and hit a tree near me. I panicked
and ran.
 What happened after you started to run?
Perkins drew out a pad and jotted a few notes.
 Well. Sarah lowered her head. Her raven hair
fell over her face, blocking her features from Jake s
view. Her high level of anxiety filled the room with a
unique fragrance. His cock swelled, and a shot of
longing pulsed through his system like a live wire.
He shifted in the bed, wanting to be closer to
her, to reassure her, to touch her, to have her relieve
the pain building in his loins. A low whisper of agony
slipped from Jake because she sat too far away.
Black Dragon s Heart
Scott laid a hand on her shoulder.  Sarah, after
you took off into the woods, where were you planning
to go? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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