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Mitter said nothing.
 Before you came into the picture, at least. What about the
situation at your school, for example?
But Mitter had no desire to answer, that was obvious. He
leaned back and folded his arms.
 You ll have to ask somebody else about that, my learned
friend. I have nothing to add.
R�ger hesitated a moment before putting his next ques-
 Your quarrel at the Mephisto restaurant, referred to by
the prosecuting attorney it didn t have to do with another
man, by any chance?
 You re certain?
 Of course.
Ferrati suddenly intervened.
 Are you jealous, Mr. Mitter?
 Stop! bellowed Havel.  Erase that question! You have no
right to intervene at this stage, that was . . .
 I can answer it even so, insisted Mitter, and Havel fell
silent.  No, I m no more inclined to jealousy than anybody
else. Nor was Eva. And besides, neither of us had any need. I
don t understand what my attorney is getting at.
Havel sighed and looked at the clock.
 If you have anything else to ask, please keep it short, he
said, turning to R�ger.
R�ger nodded.
 Of course. Just one more question, Mr. Mitter: Are you
quite certain that your wife wasn t lying to you?
Mitter appeared to be pausing for effect before answering.
 One hundred percent certain, he said.
8 1
R�ger shrugged.
 Thank you. No more questions.
He s lying, Van Veeteren thought. The man is sitting there and
lying his way into jail.
Or . . . or is he extending the premise of telling the truth in
God only knows. But why? If he doesn t miss her, why
defend her as if she were an abbess?
And as he elbowed his way out through the crowd of
reporters, he decided to leave the pyromaniac lying in peace
for another half day.
Why the mother?
He didn t know the answer to that himself. Perhaps it was a
question of geography. Mrs. Ringmar lived in Leuwen, one of
the old fishing ports on the coast. It meant an hour in the car
through the polders, and perhaps that was what he needed
right now. A lot of sky, not much earth.
He arrived at the precise moment the clock in the little
town hall struck three. He parked in the square and asked his
way to Mrs. Ringmar s house.
The air was full of sea.
Sea and wind and salt. If he wanted, he could allow it to
remind him of his childhood summers, but there was no rea-
son why he should.
The house was small and white. Wedged in a confusion of
shacks, sheds, fences, and net racks. He wondered if there
could be any room for integrity in a place like this. People
lived in each other s kitchens, and every bedroom must be sur-
rounded by listening ears.
The higher the sky, the lower the people, he thought as he
rang the doorbell. Why did there have to be people in every
kind of landscape?
. . .
8 3
The woman who peered at him through the barely open door
was small and thin. Her hair was short and straight and com-
pletely white, and her face seemed to be somehow intro-
verted. Van Veeteren recognized the expression from lots of
other old people. Perhaps it had something to do with their
false teeth. . . . As if they had bitten into something thirty
years ago, and stubbornly refused to let go ever since, he
Or was there more than that to this woman?
 Mrs. Ringmar?
 My name s Van Veeteren. It was me who phoned.
 Please come in.
She opened the door, but only wide enough for him to be
able to squeeze through.
She ushered him into the drawing room. Indicated a sofa in
the corner. Van Veeteren sat down.
 I ve put the coffee on. I suppose you d like some coffee?
Van Veeteren nodded.
 Yes, please. If it s not too much trouble.
She left the room. Van Veeteren looked round. A neat,
attractive room. A low ceiling and a degree of timelessness.
He liked it. Apart from the television set, there was not much
about it later than the fifties. The sofa, table, and armchairs all
in teak, a display case, a little bookcase. The windowsill tightly
packed with potted plants to prevent people from seeing in,
presumably. A few paintings of seascapes, family photographs.
A newly married couple. Two children, at various stages. A
boy and a girl. They looked to be similar in age. The girl must
be Eva.
She returned with a coffee tray.
 Please accept my condolences, Mrs. Ringmar.
m i n d  s e y e
She nodded and clenched her teeth even more tightly. She
made Van Veeteren think of a stunted pine tree.
 There s been a police officer here already.
 I know. My colleague, Inspector M�nster. I don t want to
inconvenience you, but there are a few questions I d like to ask
you, just to complete the picture.
 Fire away. I m used to it.
She poured out the coffee and slid a plate of biscuits
toward Van Veeteren.
 What do you want to know?
 A bit about . . . the background, as it were.
 You never know, Mrs. Ringmar.
For some reason she seemed happy with this answer, and
without his needing to prompt her, she set off talking.
 I m on my own now, you know are you a chief inspec-
Van Veeteren nodded.
 I don t know if you can understand, but it s something I
always seemed to know would happen. I ve always sort of
known I d be the last one left. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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