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 I m afraid I won t do that, Mrs. Wyse, he said but then a lopsided grin claimed
his thin lips.  But I will most certainly give you another.
Some of the tension melted out of Gwen.  Thank you, she breathed and had to
resist the temptation to jump up and down as he removed a chilled bottle from the
 How is the second honeymoon coming along?
 Just wonderful, she managed.  I ve fallen in love all over again.
Mike smiled and walked her to the door.
Gwen s gaze scanned the courtyard. Was Blackbeard out there lurking in the
shadows? Goddess, she hoped Stede was keeping watch.
When Mike opened the door, Gwen repeated her thanks and then walked out into
the balmy Charleston dawn.
 There s no sign of him.
She gasped at the sudden sound of Stede s voice as he materialized right beside her.
 Hurry, Gwendolyn, he said and she ran back to the room.
At least there s one perk to having a ghost around, she thought as she opened the door
and then sped inside.
Frantic, she peeled the gold foil off the stopper and then wedged the bottle between
her legs as she tugged and pulled on the plastic top. The blister on left her hand from
digging the treasure popped and she yelped and shook out her hand. She sank onto the
side of the bed and, determined, gripped the bottle and gritted her teeth as she
thumbed the stopper out.
Debra Glass
Gwen turned the bottle up and gulped a couple swallows of the champagne. A little
false courage wouldn t hurt. Scrambling off the bed, she darted into the bathroom and
emptied the contents of the brown medicine bottle onto the vanity. She snatched a can
of hairspray and used it to crush the pills.
With her fingers, she raked the powder into a straight line and then carefully swept
it over the edge of the vanity and into the mouth of the bottle.
 You should leave the bottle here and go outside to hide, Stede said insistently.
That sounded like a damn good plan. Gripping the neck of the bottle, she carried it
to the little cedar chest at the foot of the bed and sat it prominently on top.  That should
be tempting enough for the bastard.
 Yes. Now get your reticule and keys and make haste!
Good idea. Gwen seized her purse, twisted the doorknob and jerked open the door.
 Well, if it isn t my dear lady witch, Blackbeard said with a scowl.
Chapter Twelve
A gasp tore from Gwen s throat.
Blackbeard s look was murderous.
Stede made an attempt to come between them but Blackbeard pushed right through
him and shoved Gwen hard with both hands.
The breath was knocked out of her even before she hit the floor. Her purse flew
against the wall and its contents spilled all over the rug. The stun gun. The knife. Her
keys. Dazed and fighting desperately to keep her wits about her, she crab-crawled
backward until her head slammed against the cherry chifforobe.
Blackbeard stormed toward her and stood, hands on hips, legs braced wide. He
tugged at the collar of his shirt.  What have ye done to me treasure, witch?
 She doesn t have it, Teach! Stede interjected.
Gwen s pulse pounded as Blackbeard shot a nasty glare in Stede s direction. He
then hauled Gwen up by the front of her shirt and curled a big hand around her throat.
She cried out, too frightened to move or fight. Wide-eyed, she stared at Stede as she
kicked and struggled. But she was no match for Blackbeard s strength.
 Tell me what manner of spell she put on me, Bonnet, or I ll kill her slow.
Gwen tried to swallow. She fought down the stampeding panic. She needed to
conserve her energy, to keep her wits and to get him to drink the champagne.
Stede s gaze darted from hers to Blackbeard s.  Wouldn t you rather know about
the treasure?
Blackbeard pulled Gwen up against his chest hard.  I be more concerned about this
fire blazing in me belly.
Gwen fought to breathe as his fingers tightened around her throat.
 I took your treasure, Stede said, trying to divert Blackbeard s attention.
 Ye always thought yer superior intellect would keep ye from hangin .
Gwen winced at the metallic tang of his breath.
 Ye even thought ye d outwitted me!
Stede shook his head.
 Aye, ye did. I can see it in yer eyes, Blackbeard growled.  Ye were a bottom-rate
pirate, Bonnet, and from what I hear, ye weren t much of a husband ter yer wife or
father ter yer bairns.
Gwen squeaked when Blackbeard s hand cruelly cupped her breast.
Debra Glass
 Did ye think ter start fresh with the witch? Did ye think ye d overcome murderin
yer own child?
Stede s ghostly face became mottled with rage.
 And do ye think by savin the witch, ye ve somehow redeemed yer wicked self for
killin the babe?
Stede was obviously stricken and Gwen could stand it no longer.  I have the
treasure! she gasped.  And I m the one who put the spell on you.
Blackbeard s death-grip loosened and Gwen felt a tiny bit of tension melt out of her
 It s in my car. I ll take you to it if you ll just let go of my neck.
At once, she was free. She stumbled, almost losing her footing as her hand flew to
the place he d held her and she rubbed the soreness away as she gulped air.
Desperately, her gaze swept the room. The knife and stun gun lay just out of reach but
seemed a million miles away.
At least the champagne still sat on the cedar chest but she had to be smart about
this. Blackbeard was far too intelligent to fall for a ruse like  aren t you thirsty or
 drink this . [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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