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Reading him. He gave a curt nod, set his glass aside, lifted a pail of water, and dashed Donald with it. Donald Greenlea returned to consciousness with a jerk and a grunt. Caimbeul set the pail down and started in with the whip once more. He got in ten strokes, before he saw Donald start to lose it again. Caimbeul laid the whip aside and patted Donald's torn shoulder, getting a wince from him. "I'll return in an hour or two. I'm going to get lunch at the Difficult Horse. When I get back, we'll finish up." After changing his clothes, Caimbeul left for the tavern. He took most of his meals out. Money was not a problem as a percentage of the tax money went to maintain the Lawgiver House and the lawgivers. Nikko Softpaws had been thrifty and a lot of gold had accumulated in the local bank account for the lawgiver. Several of the local widows had begun bringing If Truth Dies [Lycan Blood Vol III] by Janrae Frank 193 him covered dishes and baked goods, trying to woo him with their cooking. Caimbeul thanked them, but did not encourage them. * * * * Kady sat at the table in the shop, measuring out doses of highly refined willow bark powder into small paper squares that she then folded so that the powder could not escape the package. She put them all in a jar and closed the lid. Page 91 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html "Rory, I have Miz Softpaws order ready. You need to deliver it." The cub stopped stocking the shelves, snatched up his carrying sack, and regarded the collection of jars and bottles. "Big order." "Yes, it is. Collect thirty pence from her." Kady wore her black tunic and trousers, which were her favorite. All of her dresses had long ago been ripped up and turned into pants, shirts, and tunics as part of her determined efforts to recreate herself. Rory whistled. "Okay." As soon as Rory left, Kady took her book and her word list out of the knitting basket. A strong hand clamped down on her wrist, startling her. Her arm came up to drive an elbow into him and saw that it was Kynyr. She lowered her arm. "Aha! You have the book." Kynyr crowed triumphantly in her ear. "Kynyr!" Kady gave him a look that would melt stone. "Where did you come from?" "The backroom." If Truth Dies [Lycan Blood Vol III] by Janrae Frank 194 "You've been watching me!" "Ayup. I dug through the library looking for it and when I didn't find it, I figured you had it." Kynyr opened the book to a random page and read it. "You can have it back tomorrow." "You can't possibly read it that fast." "It's just Engla-Yurpan. I've been reading that language since I was seven." Awe entered Kady's eyes. Kynyr had to be the most extraordinary person she had ever met. "You must know everything." Kynyr shook his head. "I'm just good with languages." "And your weapons." "Yeah." Kynyr took his hand from behind his back and laid a bag on the table. "This is for you." "What is it?" Kady opened the bag and stared at the brown blobs in wax paper twists. "Chocolate. Try it. It's good." "It's expensive." "So?" Kady unwrapped a piece by pulling the ends of the waxed paper. She touched her tongue to it tentatively and smiled. "It's good." She put the piece in her mouth. "Oh, this is delicious." She kissed Kynyr. "Call Courtship, Kady. I'm ready for you." Kady blushed. "When I'm ready." Kynyr covered his disappointment at her reticence to take the next step but she had seen it. Guilt ate at her. If Truth Dies [Lycan Blood Vol III] by Janrae Frank 195 "I apologize for being so pushy, Kady. Touching you, being near you, even just thinking about you ... it makes me feel good." "I know." Kady stroked his head and shoulders in a comforting gesture. Sex was often an antidote to grief and stress among her people; yet it was getting shoved into tight corners as the lycans adopted more and more human customs. "I'm done with the horses.... "Cooley pushed the front door open and stared at them. "Have you started dancing the mattress with Kady? She's as bright-faced as a new whore." "Shut up, Cooley." Kady growled. "Watch the store. Kynyr, let's talk in the Page 92 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html back where Mister Big Mouth can't hear us." She rose, snatched up the bag of chocolates, and headed for the door. Kady felt guilty for keeping Kynyr at arms length, and refusing to Call Courtship. She could smell the disappointment on him. Kynyr trailed after her. "What can you expect? He grew up in a whorehouse." "I know. Lock the door?" "Huh?" Kynyr limped over and locked it. "Keep your bone in your pants." Kynyr turned around and gaped. Kady was nude from the waist up. Kynyr sucked in a breath. "Your breasts are beautiful, Kady." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |