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brochures a year after they d met, in fact. Had he
been behind the lucrative assignment from the
beginning? She d never questioned it before, but she
hadn t been established when she d first gotten the
job. It had been quite a coup.
 I don t get too involved. He shook his head, as
if dispelling stray thoughts.  But it s a good place to
see you. We ve made it work like this for years.
 Seven years since we met, she emphasized.
 We ve been doing this a long time. He opened
Anh Leod
the ice cube bucket and unwrapped a plastic cup,
then scooped the cubes into it.
 Twice a year August and October. Would
there ever be more?
He stood.  You look hot, Catee. He stepped
behind her and gently touched her shoulder with the
cup. It was cool from the ice and he stroked her back
with it.
She dropped her chin to her chest.  That feels
Jem put a cube directly on her skin. Catee could
feel rivulets drip down her back as it melted.
 What are you doing?
 Making love to you.
Her heart thrilled at the words. The word,
really. Love.  I m a mess.
She felt his lips on the crown of her head as he
laid a gentle kiss there.  You re never a mess. You re
organized, competent, lovely.
She tilted her head in surprise.  Thanks.
He touched her chin.  It s all true. I m lucky to
spend time with you.
 We could be together more, she suggested.  I
mean, I d like to, when I m not traveling.
 It wouldn t work, he said.  It just wouldn t.
Her stomach burned all of a sudden, though
from the heat or the casual cruelty of his words, she
couldn t say. Still, she was a fighter.  Why not? You
like me. We ve never had an argument. Don t you
think we re compatible?
 You don t know anything about my life. He
said it without inflection and she couldn t see his
Don t read anything into it.  Only what you tell
me, she agreed.  But I want to know more.
 Listen to my body, he said, setting the ice cube
Playing Lycan Games
in the cup he d put on the table.
Isn t that what she always did? Was it only their
bodies meeting all these years?
The chairs had wheels and he turned her so they
were facing. He held out his hands so she could take
them and be pulled upright.
They went into the bathroom where he turned
on the shower and undressed them both, their
clothes becoming a mingled heap on the floor. She
felt limp, both physically and emotionally, full of
wanting and waiting.
In the shower, he soaped her gently. When she
was clean, he lifted her out and toweled her off, then
found a bottle of aloe vera in her toiletry bag and
smoothed it over her skin. She drifted on the bed as
he spread the cool gel, then massaged her shoulders.
Slowly, he worked his way down her body, relaxing
and exciting her. He avoided intimate areas, but
when he started to massage her feet, she realized
there were more erotic zones on her body than just
her Celilo. Her deep womanly places began to heat
as he worked at the muscles and played with her
toes. Her body felt heavy, limp, and tranquil.
 I could get used to this, she murmured.
He rubbed her arches and she let out an
involuntary groan of delight.  You ve got a long drive
coming up. It s good to relax tonight.
She didn t like to remember that. How could he
be content with them separating so soon? She rolled
over and started to sit up, deciding it was now or
never. Her feet slipped from his grasp.
Before she could take another breath, she was
flat on her back with him on top of her.
 What are you doing? she squeaked. He d
pushed the air out of her lungs.
 Isn t this what you wanted? he asked, nibbling
her neck.
 Not exactly. I was going to ask you a question.
Anh Leod
She pushed him up so she could breathe. Her hands
curved around solid muscle and it took effort to hold
him even with his arms taking most of his weight.
He wriggled his hips so his cock positioned
between her legs, nudging her pussy.  What?
She bit her lip.  I wanted to know if you d
consider seeing me again?
 In October, he said.  Like always. He nuzzled
her cheek.
Usually her eyes would have drifted closed, but
she felt different now, more mind than body.
 And after? She wrapped her arms around his
broad back and let him settle back down.
 Next August after your brochure shoot. His
cock bumped against her moist lips, but she didn t
open to him yet.
She might have said they could hire someone
else for the shoot, but since he was the owner, she
realized that wasn t going to happen.
 Are we a couple? she asked.  Or a long-term
fling? I want some definition here.
He plumped the sides of her breasts and rested
back on them, smiling.  We re lovers.
That told her nothing.  Do you have lots of
 No. His smile widened.
 Then don t you want more sex? I m not out of
town fifty weeks a year and it s only a two-hour
drive for me to here. I could come every month, or
nearly. We could see each other more.
 I don t live around here.
He sounded so reasonable, as if her question
was silly and he was making a sensible point. But it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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