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For long seconds Teel just stared at him, horrified, while her body betrayed her by responding eagerly to his touch. She fought against falling into his arms. "Stop that. People can see," she hissed, trying to order the hand he held to free itself. Chazz laughed, then pulled her arm through his just as the lights dimmed and the overture began. The show was good. Teel knew by the laughter that penetrated the lavender fog enclosing her. When Nancy leaned forward and stage-whispered, "Isn't this great?" Teel whispered back, "Marvelous," but she really had no idea whether it was marvelous or not. At the intermission they all headed up the aisle for a cool drink. Teel looked at the glass of white wine in her hand and wondered how it had gotten there. She glanced up to see Chazz watching her. He saluted her with his glass and flashed a devastating smile that turned her knees to jelly. She rubbed her hand along her cheek, which ached from keeping her jaw clenched. She moved away and glared from a distance at the cause of all her misery, a man who seemed to hold in her in thrall much like a fox with a rabbit. "You're awfully quiet, Teel," Rena pointed out as Teel joined her, not taking her eyes from Chazz. "Chazz said you spent a great deal of time on his yacht alone with him." "Hardly alone!" Teel returned. "There was a full crew with us as well as the captain and Darby, who took care of me most of the time" "Oh?" Rena's tone indicated that she didn't believe Teel. "I'll tell you right now, I wouldn't care if the whole world knew that I'd slept with Chazz Herman," she murmured softly, as if to herself. "Slept with him!" Teel's sharp tone turned a few heads in her direction, including Clint's and Buz's. Nancy was busy talking with Chazz. "You never used to be so.. .so noisy, Teel." Rena glowered at her, coin-sized red spots appearing on each cheek. "It's embarrassing." "Tough." Teel lifted her chin and looked away from the two puzzled men. She spent the rest of the short intermission pretending to be interested in the other theater-goers. Sitting through the rest of the musical posed serious challenges for Teel as she tried to concentrate on the show, ignore Chazz, and keep her body from overheating at his nearness. She breathed a sigh of relief when the curtain fell and applause rose like a wave. She watched in sightless concentration as the actors came out for several curtain calls, then she stood like a robot so that Chazz could put on her coat before ushering her back up the aisle toward the exits. It gave her a measure of satisfaction to see that the Rolls was not in front of the theater. "I'd thought we would walk from here," Chazz explained. "The club isn't far." He smiled down into Teel's stiff face before taking her arm and adjusting his long strides to her shorter steps. Despite her agitation, Teel began to feel better, able to push the lavender fog to one side. The animated crowds moving along the sidewalk lent it a festive air, as though the show had imbued them with new life. Teel became preoccupied with looking in the windows of shops that were shut tight with latticed steel gates. When Chazz threaded his fingers through hers, she stiffened momentarily, then, seeing that he wasn't about to release her, she shrugged and relaxed. The club was located down some steps from the sidewalk and, when the door opened, Teel heard muted laughter and music and the underlying sound of dishes rattling. The maitre d' appeared before Chazz could remove Teel's coat. "Mr. Herman, sir," he said, his face wreathed in smiles, "we were so happy to hear that you were joining us this evening. It's been too long." "Good evening, Arthur. You have a table for us?" "Of course, sir." Arthur bowed, his smile stretching wider. "Fawning idiot," Teel muttered under her breath. Chazz's shout of laughter made her heart bump against her ribs. Their table was oval and set in front of a curving leather banquette. As the others slid along the long bench, Chazz held one of the two chairs for Teel and sank into the one next to her. The waiter described the entrees for the evening. "I hope you all know you are my guests tonight," Chazz announced, smiling around the table. "Teel and I are anxious to entertain all her friends." His grin widened at her gasp of outrage. He turned to her and kissed her lightly on the mouth. "Aren't we, darling?" "I'm going to draw and quarter you and put you into a tank of piranha," Teel hissed. "She says, of course, that's what we want to do," Chazz assured the others. "The sky's the limit," he added, holding both her hands in a tight grip as she clenched and unclenched her fists. "Teel, you sneak." Nancy laughed, leaning forward to look past Clint. "You kept this surprise all to yourself." "I'll bet it was his idea," Rena stage-whispered to Buz. "You're correct there, Rena." Teel stretched her mouth in a semblance of a smile. "It was all Chazz's idea." Buz looked at her wisely. "Ah, cut it out, Teel. We know you, how generous you are. You just wanted to surprise us." "Surprise, surprise," Teel managed with false brightness, looking at the array of drinks that the waiter had set before them. Had she ordered something? She didn't remember. Drat the man! He was making her lose her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |