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when they told her they loved their mates and that they were loved in return. What was so wrong with her that her mate's couldn't love her? Hey, how are you feeling? Honey asked quietly as she sat down beside Erin. Okay. You look sad, Erin. What's wrong? Honey asked her friend. I don't know if I want to be here Honey. It's obvious you and Rhi are happy, which I think is wonderful. But I want that too. I don't want my mates to think I am a duty to them. I want them to love me for who I am. What makes you think you're a duty to them Erin? Jord told me. What? Are you sure you didn't misunderstand girlfriend? Tell me what he said, Honey stated. He told me it was their duty to love and protect me. Don't you see Honey, I don't want to be a duty, a burden to anyone. I just want to be loved, for me. No, I can't stay here. I want to go back home to Earth. Do you know of anyone willing to take me? Maybe you could help me steal one of their spaceships and help me get home, Erin stated with a sob. Honey pulled Erin into her embrace and let her friend cry on her shoulder. She ran her hand up and down Erin's back in a soothing motion. When Erin calmed down again, Honey pulled away and looked at her friend. If you really want to go back home, I will find a way to help you. I want you to promise me something first. I want you to give your mate's time to get to know you and for you to get to know them, before you make any drastic decisions. I think you have misunderstood Jord's words. Just remember they are not from Earth, Erin and they could have easily mixed up one word with another. Please, think about giving them and yourself sometime together. Now I have to get to work, Rhi's probably hogging all the orgasms. Why don't you come and watch Rhi and I work and you can get to meet some of the other people of this community? Honey stated as she stood, extending a hand to Erin. Okay, Erin stated with a laugh and a sniffle. You know, I am going to feel like such a pervert. Honey gave Erin a grin and a shrug of her shoulders, When I first took Rhi over to meet your mates, I didn't let them know where I was going. They were terrified something had happened to me, so when they found me, they joined their life's spirits with me straight away out in the middle of the foot path. They had sex with you outside? Erin asked, covering her mouth in shock. Well, yes and no. We joined with our life's spirits only, not our physical bodies. Oh, I didn't know you could do that. How many times have you joined with your mates, Erin? asked Honey. Once. Oh, you are so missing out girlfriend. What do you mean? Sorry, that's something you're going to have to find out on your own. Come on before Rhi has a fit. Erin let Honey lead her to where she and Rhiannon worked. She watched with awe as her friends let one male after another touch them. There was nothing sexual or sleazy in the way the men touched her friends. If they knew the males mate, then Honey and Rhi would tremble and convulse as they climaxed. What astounded Erin more, was the gratitude on the male's faces, when they realized they had a mate. Erin's curiosity got the better of her. She waited until there were no men in the house and asked her question. How do the males know who and where their mate's are? Hm, good question. As far as we can tell, they actually see flashes of our memories, seeing their mate's as we had seen them. Sometimes we may have passed their mate in the street and not even known them. But somehow, these men are able to pick it out of our brain and their life's spirits will begin calling to their mate's life's spirit, the closer they get to Earth as they search for their mate. We give them hope to hang on and not let the mating fever consume their every waking moment. There are not enough females on this planet Erin, something has happened to the women's fertility. Even though their scientists are working on a cause and solution, none of them have been able to find the actual problem as yet. Therefore, we think their males have evolved to be able to mate with other species so they don't die out. If we can stop the males from going rogue and give them something to hope for, then we will continue to do so. Besides the side benefits are very pleasant, Honey said with a grin. Only pleasant? Erin questioned. Erin, the orgasms we have from the touch of these men are nothing like what we get from our mates. If you allowed them to join with you again, you would understand. I am not pushing you into joining with them. I want you to wait until you are ready to accept them. Maybe once you have everything with them sorted out, you'll want to join with them. The choice is yours, girlfriend. Thanks guys. I think if you two weren't here, I would [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |