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to his jaw and forced the other shifter to meet his gaze.
 Relax, my friend. Once we prove to Sandy that her whim
will be our command, and all we want to do is please her,
we ll all be happy.
Devon gave in and nuzzled his hand for several seconds,
taking comfort, before drawing away. He frowned again.
 Do you think we d still want her if& well& you know.
Adam smiled.  I do. She s the fourth that makes up our
Charlie Richards
inner circle. You know that having the inner circle bound by
the alpha-mate proves Fate has blessed the pack and eases
the minds of those in it. Having her as a mate strengthens
the internal ties of the entire pack, plus she completes us.
Even if it wasn t a Blue Moon, and even afterward, I know
we ll still want her, he assured. Then he winked.  The trick
is going to be getting her to keep wanting us.
Devon smiled at his answer.  I think that s something we
can figure out. We re three smart men.
Adam grinned, picking up the merlot and the bud light
the bartender set on the counter. Devon picked up the other
two bud lights, one for himself and one for Ben when he
arrived. Turning, Adam stiffened, his blood running cold.
After exchanging a glance with Devon, they made a beeline
for the table and their waiting mate.
The sight that met Adam s eyes had him letting out a soft
growl, which matched Devon s. Brody, a shifter from the
nearby pride, sat across from Sandy. She pulled her hand
away from the good looking man, but he reached for it
again, so she tucked it into her lap.
 Brody, Devon said softly.  I didn t expect to see you
here tonight.
Brody turned, his eyes narrowing when he took in Adam,
Devon, and the drinks they held. He rose slowly, his smile
brittle.  I m just waiting for my& for Rance. He had a
meeting and told us to meet him here afterward. His gaze
swept over them to Sandy and back again.  It is neutral, you
Us? Adam s gaze swept the bar, seeing Carlos for the first
time. To allow Brody to approach Sandy unaccompanied,
the cougar must be quite a bit lower in pride hierarchy, but
he didn t look happy about it. Adam nodded at Brody.  The
place is, true enough, but our date is not. He winked at
Sandy and settled the glass of merlot in front of her.  Sorry
Blue Moon Mating
we took so long. Our buddy, Ben, called asking where the
party is.
 Ben is coming? Brody murmured, stepping carefully
away from the table.
Grinning, Devon shrugged.  His vision is important to
Adam noted the stress Devon put on the word vision,
knowing Brody picked up on it as well, when he nodded in
acceptance. Vision mates were sacred. Once known, a shifter
wouldn t intentionally mess with them. Of course, if Sandy
went unclaimed for too much longer, her scent would begin
to mess with a shifter s mind, making them run on their
instinctual urge to mate a female in heat. And the heat
would begin affecting Sandy as well, making her more
willing to allow herself to be fucked by anyone. Her desire to
scratch the itch that the coming Blue Moon caused would
become all-consuming. For him and his mates sakes, Adam
prayed it didn t get to that point.
Brody smiled one last time at Sandy.  It was nice meeting
you, Sandy, he said before leaving.
Adam turned back to Sandy and smiled. Her wide green
eyes were traveling over his ass, and when she realized
she d been caught, she blushed prettily and focused on her
merlot. Adam glanced at Devon and winked as the other
man slid into the booth across from her. Normally, Adam
would have joined him and left the seat open for Ben to
claim, but with so many other shifters in the bar, he didn t
dare. It may be viewed as an invitation.
 Do you mind? he asked, indicating the space on the
bench seat next to her. Her eyes widened slightly, but she
slid over, giving him more room, not that he wanted it.
Adam would have loved to have her plastered against his
side. Damn, it had been years since he felt that way about
anyone. Adam slid into the seat next to Sandy and rested
Charlie Richards
one arm on the back of the booth and wrapped his other
hand around his beer.  I see you met Brody. He s a good
sort, most of the time, but since you came with us, sort of,
he added with a grin when he saw her open her mouth to
 Does Brody know Lonnie, too? she asked, frowning, her
gaze passing between the men.
Adam shook his head.  I don t think he does. He does
know Ben though. They d stopped by Lonnie s apartment
the day he d been attacked. The man hadn t believed them
until Adam shifted for him, proving he was one of the
wolves that saved him. Damn near freaked Lonnie out. The
man said he needed time to accept it. Ben had agreed, telling
him if he felt any aggressive tendencies, to call him
immediately. They d left and Ben had put a tail on Lonnie, a
shifter named Cindy, one of their best trackers, much to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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