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tin sped up the driveway. I heard the Rap music blaring out of the car before I saw it actually.
Alana's doing no doubt. I flung the glass doors open. The early morning sky was a pale blue.
 What took you so long? I shouted like an old hen. Dresden smiled, his black hair whip-
ping in the wind, his driving gloves still on as he reached for Alana. She came around the car
and attached herself to his side.
I frowned, why on earth was she limping? Why did Dresden look slightly guilty at her do-
ing so. I wrapped my arms around her waist just as soon as she came through the doors. I lif-
ted her up, kissing her hair while Christian patted Dresden good-naturedly on the back. Alana
laughed as I sat her down, taking off her sunglasses.
 Will you look at that. Christian said in awe of Alana. He couldn't take his eyes of her
magenta orbs.
 Come in, Micahlene is here. She hasn't been sleeping, none of us have so please ex-
cuse the unsightly black curtains pulled across my walls. He explained. His home was made
up of nearly all glass. Alana smiled at him. She found him charming.
 Will you take me to Micahlene? She asked him.
 Of Course, ma belle. He hooked his arm with hers. Alana looked back at Dresden with
longing, her eyes betrayed the depth of love she had for him as he gave her a parting kiss.
Soon as they were out of sight I turned to Dresden, who was pulling his gloves off and stuffing
them into the pocket of his blazer.
 So how was it! I snapped.
 The drive? Not long... fast. He shrugged.
 The drive! You know exactly what I mean! It's written all over you, and she can barely
walk straight. I hissed.
 Don't even start. He replied walking past me.  How could you...  I began.
 How could I? He turned around his eyes a flame.  How could I? I'm all she has! How
can you even look her in the face after taking off without so much as a word? You didn't see
her the night she realized you were gone, I did! I will not let you do to Alana what you did to
Lila. He snapped.
I curled my hands into fists, counting backward to remain calm.  I don't want to argue with
you. I managed through clenched teeth.
Dresden nodded.  You said on the phone you wanted to talk to me about something.
Oh. I relaxed considerably with the change of subjects.  It's about Gwen. Micahlene is al-
most positive someone else did this to her. I said.
 Someone who didn't want her around, perhaps. She knew a lot about things she
shouldn't have. A lot of stuff Zinnijah told her. He replied shrugging his shoulders.
 And then with this not sleeping thing going on, I wander what's going on with the Primor-
is. I said off handily. Dresden frowned, his gaze far away.  What is it? I asked.
 Nothing, it's nothing. I was just remembering something Gwen had said. He raked his
hand through his hair.
 Well I'm glad she's dead. She was never fit for the circumstances anyway. I crossed my
arms in front of my chest
 Please, don't. He said, his voice thick with emotion.  How can you say such a thing?
I realized then that just how hurt he was over this lost. Even though he would never again
have to look at Gwen and see the grave error he had made in turning her, he would instead
have to think about how he had ultimately ruined her life.
I went to embrace him.  Do you want my help finding the person responsible? I
whispered. He nodded.
 I owe her that much. I forced her into it. She was helpless and I...  He trailed off. I fought
back the urge to roll my eyes. I doubted Dresden had done any of that.
 Do you know what bothers me most about this whole thing? I cut him off.
 What? He asked. I could tell he was still a bit put out by my previous comment.  That no
one knew this was happening to her.
 I've been thinking about that the whole way here. He shuddered.
I led him back to the room Micahlene was staying in. Micahlene was where she had been
the last time I had been in here. On the bed sitting against the headboard with the blankets
pulled up around her waist. Christian and Alana flanked her on both sides.
 My sweet, gentle Dresden. Micahlene said as we came in the door. Dresden quickly
went and placed a kiss on her cheek.
 Micahlene. He said softly, looking into her eyes.
 What took you two so long? Alana asked me.
 Just talking. I replied eyeing her knowingly. She only grinned impishly in return.
 I only wish you all could have known the kind girl I knew. Micahlene said hoarsely. She
pressed her lips in a thin line. She didn't want to sob in front of us. She was referring to Alana
and I. Dresden was the one who had turned Gwen so I assumed he had loved her at one
point and Christian happened to be great friends with Gwen during her immortal life.
 Why didn't you like Gwen? Alana said looking from me to Dresden. I didn't answer and
Dresden sighed.
 I suppose it's my turn, He said placing his arms on the back of the chair closest to the
door. I sat down beside Alana who shifted so that she was leaning against me and we both
waited for him to begin.
 I was given these circumstances by Micahlene LeBeau on the night of September 18,
1825 four months after my 21st birthday. I can still recall that day vividly. The sun was setting [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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