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a question and the host doesn t know the answer, he or
Organising the Dining Room 91
she will have to find out the answer and return to the
guest with it.
Nothing is more frustrating for guests than to have to wait
for something: a reservation, food, or drinks, The host has
to be ready to accept guests into the dining room at its
stated opening time. If a guest is promised a 3 P.m.
reservation, then the table should be ready for them at 3
P.M. Preparedness is the act of planning and organising
all equipment and supplies so the guest will not have to
wait for service. Procrastinators do not belong in the
hospitality industry. The host should have a plan for each
situation and be considering alternative plans in case of a
A good host is always available when needed. However,
the host has to be aware of the proper time to talk to
guests and when to leave them alone. When talking to
the guests, it is done in a nice manner, not in a loud or
boisterous one. The host must act with dignity, and do
the job quietly.
Restaurants are where many special occasions are
celebrated, such as engagements, wedding anniversaries,
births, and job promotions. Unfortunately, it is also the
place where many marriages and relationships are ended.
People often choose a restaurant in which to tell their
spouse or lover that the relationship is finished, because
they think that the hurt party will not make a scene in so
public a place. The host has to be sensitive to the needs
92 Banquet Management and Room Division
of the guests and observe their actions to determine how
much attention they want from the host. Sensitivity is a
two-part trait: first to observe what is occurring between
the guests or to the guests, then act appropriately. If the
guests have just become engaged, congratulations should
be offered. A dessert or drink may be offered, compliments
of the restaurant. If the couple obviously is having a fight,
then staying away from the table is best. Going to the table
asking how the food is would not be appropriate. That
would show a lack of sensitivity.
A skillful host knows how to  work the floor. He knows
how to obtain the most efficient or effective use of the
tables in the shortest period of time. The skillful host
knows how to keep the guests happy and how to motivate
them to return. Skill also involves making salads tableside,
carving meats and poultry, and pouring wine.
The ability to say the right phrase at the right time without
offending the guest would be a definition of tact. Saying
to a guest,  Where have you been, I haven t seen you in
a long time, can be interpreted by many guests as tactless.
A more tactful way of saying this would be,  It s nice to
have you patronise the restaurant, we re glad to have you
here again. This says the same thing, but it will not offend
the guest.
Tact is also involved when inquiring about the guests
or their families. The host has to be aware of what is
happening in the community. Reading the local
newspapers will give the host information needed to avoid
embarrassment and appearing tactless.
Organising the Dining Room 93
Productivity is defined as the ability to get the maximum
amount of tasks accomplished in the shortest period to
time. There are times when the host must take
reservations, greet guests, take their orders, and return to
their table to see if the meal is to their satisfaction. In
addition, the host must monitor the service staff s
performance, seeing that the sidework is being done and
that the dining room is operating to its maximum
This is another important behavioural trait, especially
when dealing with guests who have problems.
Persuasiveness could he used to convince the guest to take
a different table, or to take a different time because the
restaurant is sold out (booked solid). Convincing the guest
to change his or her mind about something requires
persuasiveness. There are many more behavioural traits
that the reader will be able to identify; however, an
individual has to exhibit some, if not all, of the traits stated
above in order to be an excellent host.
In order for any restaurant to run efficiently, the host must
be prepared. The key to having a successful restaurant or
banquet are the five Ps of management: Prior Planning
Prevents Poor Performance.
This phrase and the meaning of it are important for
all restaurant employees. However, this philosophy is
especially critical in the host s job. The five Ps of
management mean that if all tasks are planned in advance,
problems will be kept to a minimum. Therefore, a plan is
needed to use before each meal period. By completing it,
94 Banquet Management and Room Division
the host ensures that the restaurant is prepared to accept
The following are some examples of what items may
be on the checklist and why they are important. The list
should include checking both the men s and ladies room
for all paper products and for cleanliness. If the host does
not do this, it will have to be attended to during a busy
time, taking valuable time away from the guests. Another
important area to check is the physical cleanliness of the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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