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I understand that. Look at me for a minute here, Chris. Braden reached across the table and covered Christian s hand with his, drawing his attention up from the table. I never feel good about arresting someone and altering his or her life forever, but sometimes it has to be done for the greater safety of others. If I m able to get a restraining order, my professional advice is that you let me issue it, for your safety. Nothing s going to make you feel good about it, and I won t either, but my belief is that it needs to be done. Christian studied Braden, looking like he was taking his measure, for an excruciating dragged-out minute. All right, Christian said, and Jonah started breathing again. Do it. Thank you, Braden Crenshaw. Keep me informed, Christian added. Braden squeezed Christian s hand. Will do. He released the hold and stood. I ll let myself out. Wait! Abby grabbed Braden s arm but quickly snatched her hand away. Sorry about that. 104 Cameron Dane Braden looked at his forearm, where Abby had touched him. He shook his head and looked up. It s all right. What did you need? You really brought this room down, Detective Crenshaw, Abby informed him. Totally killed the vibe we had going. So now you have to join us for dinner and help lift it back up. It s Christian s birthday, and we are not ending the day on this sour note. That s kind of you. Braden glanced around the small group. But -- Yes, it is kind of me. Abby talked over Braden s protest. And you re going to be equally kind and accept. Rodrigo moved in, edging Braden out of eye contact. Damn it, woman, if the man doesn t want to join us, then let him leave. Zip it, Santiago. Abby pointed right in his face. For once, you are not running the show. A flare of visible heat burned in Rodrigo s dark eyes. I warned you about that finger. Christian rubbed at the furrow between his brows. Guys. Abby clamped her hand over Christian s mouth. Nope, I don t want to hear it. You obviously had a great day with Jonah, you liked your birthday present, and damn it, you re going to let me and Rodrigo treat you to a nice meal with your friends and love the hell out of that too. I don t want to hear another word about it. She moved around the table and hauled Christian and Jonah to their feet. You guys go shower and change. Double up and make it fast. She smacked each of them on the ass and got them moving. You ve got ten minutes, and the clock is ticking. Jonah followed Christian to their room, wondering how the hell this day had turned so completely, yet again. He didn t want food; he wanted to be in that new bed with Christian. Holding him, making sure he was safe. Jonah watched as Christian gathered a change of clothes, but stopped him before he could exit the room. Are you okay? Cupping Christian s neck, Jonah rubbed his thumb under Christian s jaw. If you re not up to it, we don t have to go. His lips still a little pale, Christian shrugged. I m all right. It took a moment, but a small smile did eventually appear. Truth is, I can probably use the distraction. It ll be interesting to watch Braden observe Rodrigo and Abby bickering, if nothing else. Not sure what to do, Jonah eased up his worry and followed Christian s lead. You could be right. He leaned in and pecked a kiss on Christian s temple, grabbed his own clothes, and tucked them under his arm. Let s go get that shower before we get in trouble. * * * * * Fifteen minutes later, everyone filed out through the front door, pausing on the porch long enough for Jonah to lock the knob and bolt. A Fostered Love 105 Inside the house, another door snicked. The closet door in the first bedroom opened just as the bolt on the front door slid home. The man inside wandered the home, navigating through the shadows. The occasional slash of moon and streetlights cut through the darkness, reflecting off the metal of the gun in his hand. 106 Cameron Dane Chapter Fourteen Christian slipped in behind Jonah as Jonah unlocked the front door. This is familiar. He leaned up and nipped the back of Jonah s neck, getting a secret thrill at the very nice love bite marring the man s skin under his ear. Got any more surprises behind door number one that I should know about? Jonah reached back and rubbed his hand down Christian s thigh. Not a one. You sound like you re smiling. He jiggled the key and finally got the finicky bolt to turn. It s nice. Christian almost melted, but at the same time, he felt about ten feet taller. Sweet Jonah, the man had no idea how sensitive and in tune with the world he was. Well, with Christian anyway. I am smiling. I have to admit that Abby was right; I needed to get out with friends. I do feel better. Jonah worked the key in the knob s lock, and the door slid open. He reached in and flipped the light switch, then turned in Christian s arms. Sure it wasn t my bike making you feel better? He hooked two fingers into the waist of Christian s jeans and tugged him over the threshold. Stopping to kick the door closed, he looked down at Christian s cock and smiled. That s a hell of a lot of vibration between your legs if you ve never straddled a bike out on the open road before. Rodrigo, Abby, and Braden had each driven their own cars so they could head straight home after dinner. For the first time since coming into town, Jonah had offered to put Christian on the back of his bike for a ride. Jonah was right. The power, vibrations, and being able to hold on to Jonah had been incredible. But that didn t even begin to come close to the half wood Christian sported through [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |