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"You're not moving." Bukowicz licked his lips. Better to act aggressive, he thought, than deferential. "If you do not comply immediately with this official directive, I will have to request that you be forced to move." On board the ship Follingston-Heath regarded his companions. "The old boy's bluffing. Earth has been wholly demilitarized for centuries. He has nothing to threaten us with except a few domestic police cruisers and some rangers. I don't think the Adirondack Park patrol can compel this vessel to do anything it doesn't want to do." "We should try not to upset anyone," Iranaputra remarked. "Why not?" Hawkins clapped his hands to his knees, enjoying himself. "Let the bastards get as mad as they want. The Colonel's right: they can't touch us." "One of these days that attitude is going to cost you your Village residency, Wallace." Gelmann eyed him severely. "You know what the management thinks of retirees who exhibit belligerent tendencies, I shouldn't have to be reminding you." "What, me, belligerent? I don't have belligerent tendencies. I haven't had belligerent tendencies in& " He paused, thoughtful. "Wait a minute. By golly, I guess Iam having a belligerent tendency! I haven't had a good belligerent tendency in years." Iranaputra wore a distasteful expression. "What do I tell them? How should I respond?" "Tell them," Follingston-Heath suggested, "that we will take their request under advisement." That sounded properly bureaucratic, he thought with satisfaction. Iranaputra dutifully relayed the message. Page 86 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html Supervisor Bukowicz frowned as he put a hand over the pickup, glanced back at his assistant. "What does that mean?" "I really have no idea, sir." Mavis smiled politely. "It doesn't sound like they're ready to move." Bukowicz nodded once, let his gaze sweep the room. "Somebody think of something. We're supposed to be in control here, dammit." A young tech raised her hand for attention. "You might like to skim the book I'm reading, sir. It's a first-contact story." "Don't know how you can read that crap," Bukowicz muttered. The blinking red mass in upstate Newyork had not budged. "Oh, all right. Give me any pertinent details." "No response." Iranaputra eyed his companions. "What do we do now?" "Don't have to do anything." Hawkins looked smug. "I'm sure we've given 'em plenty to think about." "I await your orders," said the Autothor. Iranaputra smiled. "Could we have a little privacy, please? I'll wave when we need you." "As you wish." Sounding slightly miffed, the blue ellipse darted toward the far end of the huge chamber, mumbling to itself. "Very confusing." "I wonder if it is still listening to us." Iranaputra followed the Blueness as it retreated. "There isn't much we can do if it is," Gelmann noted. "I'm hungry," Shimoda announced. Everyone ignored him. "I don't see how this ship can be a million years old," she went on. "Nothing that old should look this clean and fresh, or function so efficiently." "Oh, I dunno." Hawkins wore a speculative expression. "Inezz Nandu over in Wing D is a hundred and eighteen and she still works pretty good. Doesn't look too bad, neither." "Who are we to say how things can last and things can work?" Shimoda pouted as he checked his girth. "This is nonhuman technology we are dealing with, sustained by in-conceivable means. We are surrounded by wonders we have-only just begun to experience." "I wonder what the crew looked like," said Gelmann. "There must have been thousands of them. Maybe tens of thousands. Maybe this is some kind of gigantic transport." She glanced around the vaulted chamber. "There's nothing to indicate what they looked like. No chairs or couches, no handles to pull; nothing." "You wouldn't need a large crew. Not with floating operating controls like the Autothor." Follingston-Heath cast a benevolent eye on his companions. "The place is attractive too," Gelmann added. "Though I would have gone with some bright colors instead of all this unrelieved silver and gold. A nice pastel or two, maybe a light pink, you shouldn't think me presumptuous." Page 87 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |