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unable to communicate with Alan the way Sasha wanted to was pure
 Yes, love. I can. Let me hear that beautiful voice again.
 I love you, my grizzly bear.
Alan looked stunned as he stared down at Sasha. Had he gone too
far? Wasn t he supposed to tell his mate that he loved him? Sasha was
worried that he had moved too fast and that Alan wasn t ready for the
profession of love.
Alan grinned and then gently kissed Sasha on each eye and then
laid a soft kiss on his lips.  I love you, too, my small bear.
Sasha noticed that Alan hadn t said that out loud. But he was
happy with Alan s declaration. It meant that they were moving in the
right direction.
Alan slapped Sasha s hip gently.  I have a mess to clean up here.
 Can I help?
 No, Alan said as he pushed up from the bed.  I want you to just
lay there and look gorgeous for me. It ll give me reason to hurry back
to bed.
Sasha smiled.  I can do that.
 I bet you can. Alan pulled the tray from the bed. He set the
Alan s Anger 51
dishes in the sink then took a quick shower. Sasha waited patiently.
 Almost done? He could hear Alan mentally laugh. Yeah, so,
Sasha could talk to his mate now and he didn t want their
conversation to end. Sue him.
 You re going to talk my ear off now. I can just see it. Alan used
their mating bond to reply.
 Sorry. Before Sasha s accident, he was a chatterbox. It seemed
that hadn t changed since he could talk to his mate now.
 Don t be, and don t go clamming up on me. I ve waited too long
to hear that musical voice of yours.
Sasha s face felt like it was going to split in half from the grin on
his face. Alan wanted to hear him talk. How crazy was that?  I m
getting lonely.
Sasha heard a low grunt, and then Alan answered him.  Here I
Alan brought a cloth with him from the bathroom, gently
separating Sasha s cheeks to clean away the seed that was now
making its way back down the back of Sasha s thigh.  We re going to
have to strip the bed. It s filled with pasta sauce and spunk.
Sasha nodded as he slid from the bed, gazing at Alan s naked
form. Damn if the bear wasn t mouthwatering. He was hairy, that was
for sure, but he was also well-muscled and sexy as sin. Sasha wanted
to tell Alan to leave the sheets be because he wanted to mess them up
some more. But Alan looked determined to strip the bed.
What a shame.
 I can help. Where are the fresh sheets?
 In one of those boxes. Alan pointed toward the closet.
Sasha dug through the boxes until he found a black fitted sheet.
Walking around the frame to stand on the opposite side of his mate,
he fanned the sheet out. He snapped his side of the sheets onto the
corners, watching his mate do the same.
 What? Sasha asked when Alan crooked a finger at him.
Instead of answering him, Alan climbed onto the bed and then
52 Lynn Hagen
pulled Sasha on as well. Alan shifted around until he was spooning
Sasha, a low rumbling in his chest as if he were content.
Sasha pushed into Alan s chest, wrapping his arms around the
arms Alan had wrapped around him.
 I can take the bedding to my house to be washed. I know you
have to pay to do your laundry.
 Where do you live?
 Over on Elm. I answered an ad to rent a room. I live with an
elderly woman named Stella. She s a doll. She makes the best
snickerdoodles. They re to die for. You have to meet her. She will talk
your ear off, but her mind is sharp for her age. She s funny, too. But
you have to watch it. She ll talk about sex like it s no big deal. Really,
she gets me to blushing every time, but you couldn t ask for anyone
more caring. She also makes my lunches and wakes me up on time.
She has dinner ready when I get home. Stella is a very sweet woman,
and, oh god, I m talking your ear off!
Alan chuckled as his hand caressed Sasha s.  I could listen to you
talk my ear off every day for the rest of my life.
Sasha felt his face blush. No one had ever voluntarily wanted him
to babble on. It was refreshing that Alan didn t mind in the least.  If
you want& I mean& I would like you to meet her, so if you& you
know& picked me up tomorrow after work we could go over there.
 That sounds real good, mate. Now let me get some sleep. You
drained all of my energy, and I have to work tonight. But you better
not leave while I nap.
 I won t.
Sasha lay in Alan s arm s until his big bear began to snore.
Man, could Alan snore. Sasha feared the walls would crumble
from the loud noise.
He lay there thinking about how hard it must have been for Alan
to set aside his anger. Sasha wasn t sure why his mate had been so
angry, but was relieved that at least with him, Alan was trying. That
was all Sasha could ask for.
Alan s Anger 53
Sasha wiggled until he was disentangled from Alan s arm. He put
the leftovers into the refrigerator, washed the cookie sheet, and put the
unused paper cups up into the cupboard. The last thing Sasha did was
wipe everything down.
There, the place already looked much better. Sasha glanced over
at Alan to see, and hear, that he was still fast asleep. He left his bear
to his snoring as Sasha went into the bathroom to take a hot shower.
When he stepped back into the small room, Sasha turned the space
heater on. They both had generated plenty of body heat while having
sex, but Sasha was cold now. He had a feeling that the radiator wasn t
much help on bitterly cold days.
With the blanket needing to be washed, Sasha had nothing to
cover them with. Sasha crawled back into the bed, shivering until he
was back in his bear s arms. Alan pulled him close as he began to
snore again. Sasha was going to have to get earplugs since he was
going to sleep full-time with his mate, but he somehow managed to
fall asleep.
Alan woke him some time later by kissing him out of his sleep.
Sasha could get real used to this new Alan. Sasha liked the affection
the most.
 It s time to get up, mate.
 Why? Even to Sasha he sounded like he was pouting. And he
was. Sasha didn t want to move from Alan s arms. He was right
where he wanted to be. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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