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busy until about two with the remaining private classes, and so I joined Matasi in the weight
room after I finished the class, and he had me doing deep meditation when James finally stepped
into the room shortly after two. I was totally relaxed and feeling much better.
He told me that it was time to run another two miles. But this time, he ran with me. We
didn't speak. If he wanted to treat me coolly, I could manage to handle it. I ran silently and
without looking at him. I didn't feel as depressed now. I supposed that, one way or another,
things would work out. If he'd changed his mind about marrying me, I could handle it. At least I
was getting the benefit of his expertise as I worked out, and that would help me to pass my test
more easily. I would deal with the rest of the emotional stuff later.
After our run, I went into the ring with him again, and I noticed that he was giving me
some clear shots at his body, which I refused to take, knowing that he was doing so to see if I
recognized the openings.
Matasi watched us without comment for a while, and after the first two rounds, after I
had not scored any points and James had scored six, he said quietly,  What are you doing, child?
Just dancing about the ring will not win the fight."
I smiled grimly as I re-strapped my gloves.  I'm letting him show me what he's got."
"I would like to see you get at least one point on him."
"You will, when it counts."
Matasi gazed at me quietly, and smiled slowly, understanding exactly what my strategy
was.  Very well, Daughter. Do as you must."
I bowed and stepped back into the center of the mat to begin the last round. This time,
James didn't wait to bow. He stepped into me with a heavy blow that threw me backward. I
tucked and rolled, and came up a couple of yards away in a fighting stance, and I evaded his next
three attempts to hit me. I knew that I was going to have one hell of a bruise on my chest, but I
didn't let my anger take over.
I remained calm, and I watched his every move carefully. He was damn good. And damn
strong. He wasn't going to wear out in a couple of rounds. I was going to have to move fast, hit
hard, and get the hell out of there when I scored points. He was no longer taking it easy on me, as
I'd guessed he wouldn't.
When the round ended, he bowed to me, and I bowed back, and I turned away to remove
my gloves and arm pads. He came up behind me and said quietly,  What are you waiting for in
there, Lisa? Why didn't you take any shots?"
I shrugged.  I didn't think I could successfully land any of them. You aren't exactly slow,
and you aren't exactly dumb enough to leave an opening you can't close to my detriment."
His dark eyes slipped over my perspiring face, and he breathed softly,  You have to start
trying sometime. He won't pass you if you don't get points on your opponent."
"I know."
I didn't look at him. I wiped the sweat off my gloves and carefully wrapped the straps
about them and hooked them. I knelt to tuck them back into my bag, and he sank onto the mat
beside me, unfolding his hands. I noted that he wrapped his hands before fighting. I thought
about trying that on my ribs. It seemed to protect the bones better than padding.
Matasi clapped his hands together and said,  It is time for stretches, and then you can
warm down. You have had a long day."
* * * *
I noted James eyes following me as I made supper. He'd come back to my apartment
with us, and Matasi was telling him about the test, but his attention was more on me than on my
teacher. I was limping a little, because of a large bruise on my hip where he'd leg blocked me as
I'd tried to move closer. I ached all over, and I wasn't as hungry as I was tired tonight.
When we sat down at my table just before 9:00, Matasi said quietly,  Merrick is arriving
tomorrow at noon. If you would be so kind as to allow me to drive your car, Lisa, perhaps I can
drop you at the school and go to the airport myself."
James spoke up quietly.  I'll stay here on the sofa and take you in the morning, Lisa. I have
some things in my gym bag in the van. We can run together in the morning after getting to the
Matasi glanced from James to me quietly, and he noted the way I avoided James eyes. I
shrugged.  That's fine. Anything you two decide."
I ate everything on my plate, but didn't take seconds. I had about five pounds to drop. It
wouldn't take me long, at this rate. Of course, I expected to gain a couple pounds of muscle in
place of the flab. I rose from the table and cleared away the dishes as Matasi took James back into
the living room and spoke with him quietly. I didn't bother to say good night. I slipped out of the
kitchen and got into my pajamas, and climbed wearily into my bed, groaning as I relaxed. I was
getting too damned old for this stuff.
I awoke with a jerk as I heard my door open and close, and I glanced at the clock beside
my bed. Was it 4:30 already? No. It was just past midnight. I sat up in bed, and said wearily,
 What is it now, Matasi?"
"I couldn't sleep. James voice made my skin tingle, and my throat went dry. Oh, God.
How the hell was I supposed to stay celibate with him in my bed? I swallowed hard as I felt his
weight sink onto my bed, and I felt his body stretch out alongside mine.
"I have to be up at 4:30. I whispered.  Matasi comes in here and throws me out of bed."
"I won't stay long, he breathed softly, and I felt his hands moving over my body so
"I can't do this, I rasped shakily, my body coming alive beneath his touch.
"I need you, he kissed my throat.  And it is very apparent that you need me."
I closed my eyes and tears squeezed from between my lashes to roll down my cheeks. I
felt him pulling me into the curve of his lean body, and I ran my hands over his chest as he kissed
my forehead and settled in to hold me close for a while. When he made no move to do more
than just hold me, I closed my eyes and heaved a deep sigh, and wrapped my arms about his solid
body, burying my face in his shoulder. And I fell asleep wrapped about him once again, feeling far
better than I had last night.
* * * *
I came awake long before Matasi would come to wake me. James was still in my bed,
spooned around my body deliciously. I wriggled and sighed, and felt the instant response against
my bottom as he shifted and growled softly,  Stop wiggling. I don't want to end up breaking your
training by taking gross advantage."
His breath was warm against my nape. His words made my heart pound and my thoughts [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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