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Recollecting herself, she took a step back, glancing about
her to see if anyone had noticed his caress.  Kit, will you mind
your manners and please behave yourself.
A low chuckle preceded his reply.  Behave? How would
you have me behave, my love as a gentleman? And how can
I do that when I am only a hired hand unschooled in the
postures of a gentleman?
 If you would cease currying favour with my father and
stick to the stables and your cottage, it would ease matters.
His eyes seemed to glow from deep within.  Ah my
cottage. Perhaps you would care to drop in some time. I will
show you around if you like. The bed I can recommend all
feathers and down and large enough for two.
Amanda flushed scarlet at what he was implying.  I am not
the sort who goes easily, without thought or affection, to a
man s bed, she hissed.
 Come now, can I not persuade you to risk your heart s
defences in one night of love? Perhaps you will find it agree-
able and want more.
 How conceited of you to think you can make me want you.
Do you really believe you can do that?
His smile was feral as he moved closer.  Judge for yourself.
You will come to me. I have no doubt about that. The light
132 Rogue s Widow, Gentleman s Wife
in his eyes, the subtle undertone in his voice, was a chal-
lenge a warning.
 And what do you think people would make of it if they
saw me entering your home?
 It is no crime, Amanda.
 No but it would be dangerous.
 A little danger adds spice to the excitement.
 I have enough excitement in my life without indulging in
an illicit interlude with my father s horse trainer. As Amanda
was about to turn and walk away, his hand shot out and
gripped her wrist.
  Tis not an interlude I seek with you, my love. I want
something deeper, more profound, more lasting than that.
We have to talk, but not here. You will find me at home later.
Will you come?
Amanda took another step away from him, suddenly afraid
of being alone with him in his cottage and what he could do
if he set his mind to it. But they must talk if they were to
resolve matters between them and in doing so move on with
their lives. She nodded.  If I can.
Amanda moved away from him at the same moment as Mr
Quinn made his appearance. Pausing in the doorway, he
looked at the chattering throng with little interest.
If Amanda had turned to look at Kit, she would have noted
a hardness that infused his face as his eyes settled on her
father s most trusted employee, and would have detected a
grimness in his dark eyes that boded ill for Mr Quinn.
Chapter Six
Dinner was a splendid affair which was all down to
Caroline. When she had married Henry she had brought with
her that well-bred way of life she had known and been trained
to from birth.
The long mahogany table had been polished to a mirror
shine. Small bowls of attractive and colourful flowers
marched down the centre, adding a light and graceful effect,
and the white crockery with a narrow margin of gold was
of the best and most expensive English china. Places were
set with silver cutlery on white damask place mats edged
with the finest Honiton lace, and to the right of the setting,
four differently sized, cut-crystal wine glasses. The food
was the best of its kind plain and simple and cooked to
Throughout the meal, Amanda was aware of Kit seated on
her father s right hand on the opposite side to her. He was con-
stantly within her sights. Their eyes would meet, his full of
meaning and seduction. Heat would suffuse her cheeks and
she would look away, trying, often without success, to appear
serene and composed.
134 Rogue s Widow, Gentleman s Wife
When dinner was over the ladies rose and followed
Caroline to the drawing room. Fluttering and cackling like
hens that have seen a fox in their coop, they plumped them-
selves down on cushioned sofas and chairs and began to
discuss frivolous matters as freely as they would in their own
homes. When the gentlemen joined them, they began drifting
back into the library, where the musicians were playing a
waltz. Couples began taking to the floor.
Of their own volition Amanda s eyes sought out Kit. When
she couldn t find him, disappointment washed over her, but
then he was there, standing only an inch behind her. She in-
stantly felt his presence as if it were a tangible force. She even
recognised the elusive sharp scent of his cologne. Her heart [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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