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react to, he d picked Matt s age.
 And the others? Are they& 
 Please. Stop avoiding the issue.
The rogue grimaced, mouth twisting ruefully.  You and me, he
 Yeah, Frankie said softly.  I m yours, and you re mine. Nothing
will ever change that.
 I m yours?
 Afraid so. Frankie managed a smile.
 But you re mine?
 Forever. Frankie reached up, gently stroking his fingertips over
Jay s soft lips.  I want to give you everything, Jay.
The rogue took his hand, kissing his palm gently, and Frankie s
breath hitched, a tremor of desire working up his arm and down his
 You have, Jay whispered.  That s what s so fucking scary.
 What if you take it away again?
 I can t, Jay. Mates are forever. I will always want you, always
need you, always want to be with you and give you everything.
Suddenly, Jay yanked him forward into his arms, gripping his hair
as he kissed him almost desperately. Then he pulled back again,
resting their foreheads together as Frankie whimpered.
 I want you, Jay whispered against his mouth.  Did you mean
what you said last night?
Frankie s gut clenched with sheer need, and he nodded frantically.
94 Teya Martin
 Yes, God, yes, he breathed, pressing an urgent kiss to his mate s
mouth.  Please, Jay.
 I don t really know 
Frankie kissed him again, sliding a hand down his chest and
stomach to his waistband, spreading his fingers over the soft bulge of
his mate s crotch. Jay groaned, and the sound made Frankie shiver. He
pressed his fingers down, rubbing gently as he felt Jay start to harden.
His lover rocked into him, kissing back harder, tongue sliding over
his, tasting him, licking into his mouth.
Quickly, Frankie tugged open Jay s pants and pushed his hand into
his shorts, wrapping his finger round his mate s erection, stroking him
to full hardness. Jay broke the kiss, heaving in a long breath, staring at
him with dark, lustful eyes.
 Get your shirt off, Frankie said, staring back, panting for breath.
He was dying to get Jay naked again, to explore every inch of skin. To
touch, kiss, and suck and then finally feel what it was like to have a
lover inside him. The rogue nodded, almost ripping his T-shirt in his
haste to pull it over his head.
Frankie chuckled and lunged forward to kiss Jay again, biting
down on his bottom lip to taste his beautiful blood. Jay moaned,
clasping his hair tightly as they kissed hard again. Frankie let his
hands roam over soft skin and hard muscle, the slenderness of Jay s
chest visible under his fingertips.
 Mmm, caro, Frankie whispered, licking the gash on Jay s lip
gently. The endearment had slipped out, but it felt right and maybe
Jay wouldn t know what it meant. He kissed the rogue and stroked his
cock until he was leaking pre-cum down the shaft and over his
fingers.  Fuck, I want you so bad.
 I want you, too, but& 
 No 'buts,' Jay, please. Frankie pulled his hand from Jay s pants
and licked the pre-cum from his fingers so he could tug his T-shirt off.
A quiet whimper from his lover made him stop, and he looked up as
Jay reached out to touch him. Gentle fingertips slid over his chest and
Rogue 95
stomach to his groin, flicking his pants open and pushing at them.
 I want to see you again.
 Okay, Frankie said.  But I want to see you, too.
Jay nodded slowly, lying back on the bed and lifting his hips to
push his pants and underwear off. Taking a shaky breath, Frankie got
up and stripped off quickly so he could get back on the bed, lying next
to his mate. He ran his fingers down Jay s ribs, then round to his back
to pull him close again, kissing him as he slid a leg over the rogue s
hip to push their cocks together. Jay gasped softly and touched his
cheek, drawing him closer, nipping gently on his lip and rocking his
hips against him.
Pushing hard, Frankie rolled on top of his mate and got up onto
his hands and knees above him. Jay blinked up at him, a shadow of
fear behind his eyes clutching at Frankie s heart.
 Don t be scared of me, caro, please, he whispered.
 I m not, Jay snapped, blue eyes flashing angrily. He pushed
Frankie back and sat up, grasping his hair and yanking his head back
to lick his neck and bite down.
 Oh fuck, yes, Frankie gasped, grabbing Jay s shoulders, holding
on as his mate lapped and sucked. He was so desperate and needy it
was ridiculous. He felt empty and horny. His cock pulsed and dripped
onto Jay s stomach.
 Please, he whispered.  Jay, I need you so much.
His mate faltered, pulling back with a hitch in his breath.  But I 
 Jay, come on, I m going nuts here.
 I don t want&  Jay closed his eyes and sighed.  I don t want to
hurt you.
 Oh, Jay. Frankie sagged against his mate, wrapping his arms
round him and kissing him gently.  It doesn t have to hurt. And even
if it does, it ll only be a little and for a little while. I want you. You
won t hurt me.
 It doesn t have to hurt? Jay asked slowly, looking up at him and
96 Teya Martin
 No, it doesn t. Frankie cupped the rogue s cheek and kissed him
again.  And I m so sorry you didn t know that.
 I can fuck you and not hurt you?
 Of course, Jay. Do you really think guys would want to get
fucked if it hurt? I mean, unless they re a pain freak.
 I don t know.
 I ve fucked a lot of guys, Jay 
 I don t want to hear about how many men you ve fucked,
Frankie, Jay snapped angrily, shoving at him.
Frankie rolled his eyes.  Don t be ridiculous. They don t mean
anything. They were all one-night things to stave off the loneliness
while I waited for you.
 For me?
 Don t you get it yet? We re mates. From the moment we met,
you re all I ve wanted or needed. You re the only one who counts.
He sighed and carefully tucked Jay s hair behind his ears.  You re the
only one I ve ever asked to fuck me. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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