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heavy chrome with a number panel right above.
 No easy-to-pick tumbler lock for you.
 Not here, no. It s too dangerous. Kevin punched in a string of
numbers then pushed open the door.
A curious transformation happened inside Anthony when he got a good
look at the room. The fear melted away as arousal took its place.  It s a
 Yeah. Kevin let go of his hand.
Anthony considered the wall of whips. Lined up in a row were all
different sizes, shapes, and kinds of whips, from thin leather to thick, from
one strand to nine.  A cat-o -nine-tails. He reached for it but pulled back
at the last moment. Touching was too much. The only hand this belonged in
was Kevin s.
 You can touch whatever you d like. Everything is clean.
Anthony drew a deep breath and tasted disinfectant and bleach in the
air, but below was the tang of blood, tears, and sweat. He shivered.
One wall had a series of chains and cuffs, allowing the binding of
everything from a neck to ankles. One smaller cuff confused him until he
realized it would fit perfectly around the base of a cock. Not his cock, as
he was too big, but some man s cock. There were other devices that
Anthony couldn t even fathom a use for, but all of it intrigued him. Clips,
Wicked Alpha 69
clamps, and collars were precisely placed along a portion of the wall where
there also hung a collection of paddles.
 This is how you sell yourself? Anthony could easily picture Kevin
dressed in a leather bastard outfit tormenting the hell out of  Who are
your clients?
Kevin pointed to the corners of the room.  I know they are difficult to
see, but there are cameras all over this place. I have very few clients whom
I service directly. Most of the money is made from others who watch.
Rather than a look of pride, Kevin looked mortified.  The peephole in the
door is for one client in particular.
Anthony turned away, trying to hide his erection. Was it wrong for him
to be so turned on by something that his lover clearly regretted?  Do you
only do this for money?
 No. It feeds a need I have. But it stops now. I promise.
Anthony spun and faced him.  Why would you stop?
Kevin s eyes went wide.  Because it s wrong.
 Says who? Anthony thought he understood what was going on.  Did
you ever do this with an unwilling partner?
 Of course not. It s safe, sane, and consensual.
 Then where s the wrong?
 I ve been selling myself.
 No, you haven t. Anthony moved near and embraced Kevin, who
resisted at first then melted against him.  You sold an image of yourself, I
guess, but you didn t sell you. No one owns you but you.
 And you.
Anthony grinned.  Just like you own me.
 I m the last person you should want owning a part of you.
 Why? Because you have this kink? It dovetails my kink quite nicely.
Anthony pulled back and turned Kevin around so he was hugging him from
behind.  I refrained from touching that whip because that belongs in your
hand, not mine. The lashes, however, belong on my skin.
 You aren t angry?
 No. Like you said, it fills a need in you. You need to do this, to
express this part of you. Just like I need pain. It s not weird, or gross, or
70 Anitra Lynn McLeod
any of the things that I ve thought. It s what you like just like a little pain is
what I like. When I walked in here, I got hard so fast it was almost
Kevin arched his back, lifting his buttocks against Anthony s erection.
 God, you are hard.
 Yeah. Anthony slipped his hand down to the front of Kevin s pants.
 And so are you.
 Just walking in here does that to me.
 Is this why you wouldn t tell me how many men you ve been with?
 Yeah. Mainly because I don t know how many have watched the live
 That s not what I meant when I asked that question. Anthony
cupped his hand along Kevin s cock.  How many men have you been
intimate with? Like you were with me?
 I ve never been intimate like that with anyone but you.
 You don t fuck your, uh, playmates?
Kevin snickered.  My submissives. And no, I don t penetrate them.
Not personally, at any rate. Kevin nodded to a shelf under the paddles.
 There are all kinds of toys for that purpose.
 Ah. That explains why you had toys in your duffle bag.
 I never used those on anyone but you. I mean, I don t want you
thinking that 
 Relax. I understand. Anthony knew Kevin was worried that Anthony
was concerned that the toys had been around, and reluctantly he had to
admit the idea did make him a bit squeamish, no matter how attentively
they were cleaned. Knowing they were new was a relief.
 I wanted something special for you.
 How did you even know I d be into that?
 I didn t. I hoped.
Anthony placed his mouth against Kevin s ear.  Take me upstairs and
then claim me.
Kevin was stock-still for a long moment, and then he extricated himself
from Anthony s grip.  How can I take such a beautiful gift from you and
make it dirty? Don t you see? I m a defiler. I m filthy. Look at what I ve
Wicked Alpha 71
done. Kevin extended his arms to his dungeon and all the cameras.  I ve
sold myself to hundreds of men, probably thousands at this point. I don t
deserve to claim you.
 I don t care about any of this. Anthony lifted his arms, too.  They
may have watched you and imagined themselves with you, but not one of
them claimed you. You gave that honor to me.
Kevin shook his head.
 I get it now.
 What? Kevin crossed his arms over his chest.
 What Dylan said about us healing each other. I knew right away that
you were already healing the damage done to me by my narcissistic father,
but for the life of me, I couldn t figure out how I was going to heal you.
Anthony stepped into Kevin and pushed his arms off his chest.  I know
One brow lifted high.  And how s that?
 You did all this for money, right?
 So? When Kevin tried to step back and cross his arms protectively,
Anthony wouldn t let him.
 It filled that need in you to have power and authority. Control turns
you on. And you used that to make a living for yourself. There s nothing
wrong with that. You didn t do anything to those men that they didn t want
done. I m going to heal your shame. Another insight struck.  And with me
you did things differently.
Now both eyebrows rose.
 I wondered why you wanted to play as if we were from another era.
My boy. My lord and master. You wanted to separate what we were
doing from what you do here for money. You don t play that here, do
 No. Here I m as modern and cold 
 As the living room furniture. Anthony snapped his fingers.  That s
why I found that room so creepy. It wasn t you. It s a mask. A façade that
you put on to do this.
 You should switch majors to psychology.
 Naw. Anthony pulled Kevin close.  All the money is in business.
72 Anitra Lynn McLeod
Twin Pines was starting up an MBA program, and Anthony intended to
apply.  Which reminds me, what is your major?
 I want to build dungeon equipment.
Anthony grinned.  Ya know, I could help you with the business side of
 I was hoping you d want to help me test my inventions.
 That, too. Anthony kissed Kevin and then realized he was slowly but
surely backing him up.  Where are you taking me?
 Out of here.
 But I want to play with 
 I can t. Kevin was drop-dead serious.  We have to have a clear line.
This is for clients only. You and I can play, but not here, not with this stuff.
I don t want those lines getting blurred.
 Fair enough.
 You re really okay with me continuing to do this?
 I really am. Right down to the sticking place in his heart, Anthony
knew that if he took this away from Kevin, it would destroy something in
him. Something that he desperately needed.  I don t want to watch you do
it, or hear about you doing it, but you need this. I like a little pain but not [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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