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need to keep secret from me? And then, she wrote out a
list, including only scary, bad things.
1. Drugs
2. Pornography
3. Botox (other beauty treatment? liposuction not that cheap)
4. Gambling
The Not-So-Perfect Man
5. Debt to Mafia
6. Blackmail
7. Hookers
8. An affair
He had lost a lot of weight, possibly aided by chemi-
cals. But she knew from her own college experiences
that Peter hadn t been exhibiting the signs of cocaine use
(fidgeting, nonstop talking, smoking cigarettes and fre-
quent trips to the bathroom). If he d started smoking pot,
he d have gained weight. Heroin? She didn t know much
about the drug personally. But, as she understood it, that
would cost more than $200 a week. And he seemed en-
ergetic lately, not in a morphine-induced stupor. Could
be pharmaceuticals. She added  Prozac? to the list, and
moved on.
Porn. Hard to imagine he d spend that much on maga-
zines and videos. She scratched that off. Okay, beauty
treatments. Men were senselessly embarrassed to admit to
getting help from trained Russian facialists. His skin
seemed the same. No sign of UVB exposure from tanning
booths. No injection marks from Botox. He couldn t very
well hide the crackling red burns of a fruit-acid peel. Cel-
lulite suction treatment? He couldn t stand the pain.
Gambling, Mafia debt, blackmail. Unlikely, she thought.
But who really knew about such things? Had Peter hit a kid in
the Bronx while driving drunk like in Bonfire of the Vanities
been seen, and had to pay off some wise guy? Wouldn t the
blackmailer ask for a larger sum, probably lump?
alerie Frankel
Debt? On what? Not drugs. Gambling? He d never
shown any interest. The one time they d tried roulette on
a vacation in the Bahamas, Peter nearly wept when they
lost $50. Hookers? Peter would be terrified of catching a
Which left an affair. Ilene put down the pad. Two hun-
dred, once a week. The price of a two-star hotel room in
Manhattan, plus a bottle of cheap champagne. He d paid
cash for the same reason she didn t want to use her credit
card for holiday gifts. The money was always withdrawn
on Thursdays, she realized. Was he, at that very moment,
humping some slut at the Waldorf? The weight loss. Wasn t
it a predictable clich� that a man got in shape before dis-
solving his marriage, or when he took up with a younger
Relationships are 90 percent perception. Her marriage,
bright as the sun an hour ago, had plunged into a swamp
of black gook. Should she feel upset, defensive, belligerent,
or hopeless? Or all of the above? Until she sorted out her
feelings and gathered information, Ilene had to present a
calm exterior.  Pretend everything is normal, she in-
structed herself.
She picked up the phone and dialed Peter s office again.
Jane answered. Ilene said,  Jane, it s Ilene. I m so sorry I
was rude to you before. Don t bother telling Peter I called.
Jane said,  The message was urgent.
 This Christmas, you deserve a full day of beauty at
Georgette Klinger, said Ilene.  For all your hard work and
The Not-So-Perfect Man
Jane, who usually received a half day of beauty at Geor-
gette Klinger from Ilene, said,  I m ripping up the message
right now.
 And you won t mention my little episode? said Ilene.
 What episode? asked Jane.
Chapter 20
Monday, December 23
 I thought you did well, said Frieda to Sam as they lay in bed.
 Just now? he asked.
 Yes, she said,  but I was referring to the party.
The pre-Christmas dinner had been a success. Her guests
left a couple of hours ago. Frieda went to work on the
dishes and Sam put Justin to bed, as if they were a normal
family. Once Justin was sound asleep, Frieda and Sam
made love on her four-poster bed, Christmas lights wound
around the posts and canopy like a starry ship. They d
never had sex on her bed before, or had a whole night
sleepover. He d been introduced to her family. As evenings
go, this was a significant one for their relationship.
They d decided that Sam should leave before Justin
woke up. Frieda thought it might upset Justin to wake up
and find Sam sleeping in his father s place. Sam was
amenable, as always. He d leave at 5 A.M. That gave them
alerie Frankel
five more hours, of which they d make good use. Frieda
would have another day on minimal sleep. She was getting
used to the REM-deprived buzzing in her brain. The phys-
ical demands of her relationship with Sam were like hav-
ing a newborn baby. She felt exhausted, with sore breasts
and a well-traveled vagina.
She said to him,  Party postmortem?
 Okay, said Sam.  I like Justin.
Justin had appeared to like Sam.
Showing up twenty minutes late (a high drama en-
trance), Sam had seemed wary at first. Who could blame
him, walking into an apartment full of strangers? Frieda
rushed to Sam s side immediately, eager to introduce him
around. Justin, who d seen Sam s head shot in the Playbill
for Oliver!, approached him before her sisters had the
chance. He said,  You re Sam?
And Sam said,  And you must be Peter. No? Then you re
Betty. Ilene? Wait a minute. I ve got it. You re the butler!
Justin giggled appreciatively, and that was that.
Sam s arrival had drawn Frieda s sisters, Peter, and Earl
into the living room from the kitchen. Frieda made the in-
troductions. Sam shook hands around the semicircle of
gawking people. Betty invited Sam to sit on the couch. He
asked for a Scotch, which Peter supplied. Frieda said she
had a turkey to baste. She headed back toward the kitchen.
On the walk down the hall, she d heard Justin say,  In your [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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