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Fuck, Burn hissed, glaring at Rena. Break her jaw so she can t do it again, damn it. Most of us on this ship are from those detention centers. He moved forward. If you don t have the stomach to incapacitate her then move aside. I don t want her opening her mouth and knocking me out. Steel released Rena and was on his feet, spinning around in the blink of an eye to grab the advancing cyborg. He grabbed him by his throat. Touch her and you will suffer. 33 Kissing Steel Laurann Dohner The blond took a step closer, looking uncomfortable. You just said she is able to incapacitate by words. If she s an Earth operative, she could kill a hell a lot of us, Steel. I know why you don t want her killed. She needs to tell us more about the chips but I m with Burn on this. Disable her ability to speak. He reached behind him and withdrew a knife. If you don t want her to suffer then I could permanently disable her voice box with one jab. Horror engulfed Rena. She could feel her fingertips, a burning pain shooting down her arms, and realized the nerves must be working again. She tried to move her arm and got her wrist to move. She backed up until she hit the wall. She looked up at Steel s naked backside. He was silently standing there, staring at the other two cyborgs. Would he let them do that to her? Steel slowly turned his head, their gazes meeting. Rena was afraid to talk now, afraid to utter a word in case they thought she was attempting to shut them down. She silently pleaded with. He took a deep breath. You don t say a word, all right? She nodded. I don t trust humans. Burn looked pissed. You need to let one of us disable the threat, Steel. The blond ran his eyes over Steel. They had sex. Maybe he s not rational. His attention turned to Rena. If I was nailing her and she was any good, I d be a bit protective of her myself. She s cute and little, not like our women, and it s probably brought out every protective instinct in him. They would be active in me if she were mine. She s the perfect operative then, Burn grunted. They programmed us to defend the weak. She definitely looks the role. I bet she s an assassin. The door to the room opened, causing Rena to feel dread as another cyborg in black leather uniform walked in. She was astonishment when she saw it was a female cyborg. She had her hair chopped short to her head but there was no mistaking her feminine features, even if she was six feet tall and muscular. She carried a bag with her. The female stopped, her gaze roaming over Steel s body, a grin curving her lips. If you need help, then clear the damn room, Steel. I ll definitely tend to any damn thing that hurts on you. I heard you were single again. It s not me, Wire. Tend to the human. Burn thought she was attacking me and harmed her. He pinched her nerves in her arms so give her something for pain. Burn took a step forward. Disable her, Steel. Steel glared at Burn. Wire was never in detention so you re safe while she s here. If Rena wanted to disable us she wouldn t be able to do that to Wire. If you think Wire couldn t defend you against a human, you tell her she can t watch your back. Wire would kick your ass if you do. The human is no danger so stay the hell away from her. Rena saw Burn glare at her but he didn t move forward. The female cyborg stared at Steel as he bent over, picked up his pants and then straightened. The woman grinned and turned her head, a pair of bright green eyes flashing amusement until her focus landed on Rena. Her look hardened as she moved forward. 34 Kissing Steel Laurann Dohner I heard we had a human onboard. What I want to know is why. The woman turned her head and glanced at Steel as he pulled up his pants. She snorted. Never mind. That question is answered. The commander is single again and he decided to celebrate with a little& Wire s gaze flashed over Rena. Oh hell. She turned her head to Steel, frowning at him. You ve got half a dozen women on this ship, me at the top of the list, who would jump on you in a heartbeat and you pick up this little thing? Why? She s like a snack instead of a meal. Steel studied Wire then yanked a shirt over his head to cover up his muscular chest and abs. She was a gift from Flint. You know how he is. He wouldn t take no for an answer. Wire opened her bag, yanked out a scanner and ran it over Rena s arms, where red marks showed. Wire watched the screen where the x-rays were displayed. The woman hesitated and then ran it slowly over Rena s body, studying the screen. She paused at Rena s hip for long seconds, then moved down her body and then up her back to her neck, pausing again. She sighed. Nothing broken but there s going to be some bad bruising on both arms and on her hip. I ll dose her with a two-day time capsule of pain meds. That should get her through the worst of it. She dumped the scanner in the bag, grabbed an injector programming box, and punched in the dosage. In seconds she gave Rena a shot. The woman stood, taking her bag with her. Who wants to explain to me what the hell is going on here and why do I need to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |