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Then, with a thunderous cry of her name, he buried himself deep even as she arched with a scream of ecstasy, her body convulsing around him. Remy s arms came around her, clasping her tight against his chest as he buried his face against her silky hair, waiting for his thundering heartbeat to return to normal. As reality slowly returned, he realized Gillian was still and unresponsive. Leaning back, he looked into her face, and her vacant, unseeing eyes punched him in the gut, hard. God, what had he done to her, this time? As her body tensed and convulsed in release, Gillian s world went dark, and then overflowed with a collage of light and images; of her life, and death. Voices spiraled through her, and each flash of light was a memory, frozen forever in this time and place. Every pain, every triumph, ever part of her entire existence played in the crystal clear still-life of her mind, and she realized suddenly that she d never been closer to home than she was now, caught within the spiral of her love for Remy. The pain was gone. The thought registered as her eyes closed and a small sigh shivered through her. She d just had the most mind-blowing experience of her life, and there wasn t so much as a twinge of discomfort in her head. She felt light, and dizzy with euphoria. Her lower body was another matter, she decided with a wince. They d gone at it so hard she was betting she d have bruises in the morning; but it was worth every bruise, she decided with a small smile as she opened her eyes, and promptly felt her smile freeze. Remy was standing over her, a horrified look on his face that would have been funny, had she not been totally naked and so not in the mood for guilt. What? She asked, sitting up awkwardly, intent on getting clothes on. She needed armor for what she was sure was coming next. God, I never meant& Her eyes blazed. If you say you never meant to have sex with me, I swear to God, I ll hit you. His eyes met hers, and a flare of humor lit the troubled depths, stilling her anger. I never meant to hurt you. She stopped dead, staring at him in surprise, before laughter bubbled up. If that s hurting me, I ll take all the abuse I can get! He eyed her warily. You re not hurt? Nope. She lowered her feet to the floor, and winced as muscles she hadn t known she had, before, protested. Intrigue 92 Then again, she said with a weak laugh, I might have been a little premature on that one. I think I m going to have bruises. He stopped, in the process of rebuttoning his shirt, and blanched. Seeing him go pale, she sighed in exasperation as she yanked her sweats from the floor. Will you relax? I m fine. He moved forward, taking the sweatpants from her hand and kneeling before her. Lifting one of her feet, he slipped the pants leg over her ankle, before doing the same with her other foot. Resting her hands on his broad shoulders, she looked down at his dark head, and felt something quiver in her tummy. Glancing away, she saw the white flag of her panties, and murmured, Wait. My underwear& Leave them, he whispered, and planted a kiss on her belly that made Gillian quiver. I want to think of you laying in bed, with the sheets against your skin. She shivered warmly, and touched her fingers to his face. Join me? He stopped, his gaze locked with hers for a long moment, and she swore she saw longing in his eyes. Then, he matter-of-factly pulled her sweats up over her hips and her shirt down over her head. Giving the shirt a final tug into place, he rasped, Just promise me you ll stay until the last guests leave. She blinked, startled by this abrupt change from the intimacy they d shared to all-business. His expression was so cool and businesslike, she felt her heart slowly begin cracking. She d known it was foolish to fall for him. So, stiffening her spine, she told herself that her heart would mend, and offered him a cool nod in return. All right. Just until the last of your current guests leave. Then I m moving on. With a sharp nod, he turned on his heel and let himself back out the door. Troubled, Gillian made her way to a cold, empty bed, wishing like hell that she d never heard of Scarlet Oak Manor, or Remy Terreau. At least then, she d never have known what it felt like to have love walk out on her. Esther Mitchell 93 CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE When Gillian arrived at the main house the next morning, it was to total bedlam. Every single one of the guests who d remained at the Manor after the media left were milling around the front desk, issuing frantic demands to a haggard-looking Remy and a glint-eyed Etienne. Hurrying past the front desk, she saw several of the staff standing at the foot of one set of spiral stairs, watching the hubbub and talking quietly. What s going on? Gillian inquired as she joined them. Maybe if you d show up for work on time, you d know, Pam LaRouete sneered, her glare dagger-sharp. Gillian frowned. For some reason, Pam refused give her half a chance. The older woman was petty and cruel in her every assessment of Gillian. Gillian isn t supposed to arrive until seven o clock, Miss LaRouete, Jared informed her starchly. Since it is a quarter til seven, that makes Miss Martin early. Martin. Hah! Pamela snorted disdainfully as she turned on her heel and clomped up the stairs on her ridiculously high heels, muttering to herself. Ignore her, Rochelle Cabot, one of the chambermaids, said airily, brushing back a strand of long, blonde hair. Pam s just pissed cause she can t get Mr. Terreau s attention. She gave Gillian an assessing once-over, and her brow furrowed in concern. You look tired. Gillian sighed. Long night. Here, as well, Jared said, with a shake of his head. Apparently, that is what all this fracas is about. She looked at him curiously, even as a knot of dread formed in her gut. What happened? It s the curse, Trisha Pasquale muttered. Everyone says they heard this evil laugh, last night. Probably Lyle Forrester, if you re asking me. Loose lips, Jared reminded her pointedly, with a stern glare. He turned back to Gillian with a shrug. Although I cannot deny that I have heard the same. Gillian looked over the crowd around the front desk, and felt ice slide through her. They re all leaving? Every last one, Jared confirmed with a brisk nod. But don t worry. They shan t be Scarlet Oak Manor s last guests. No, Gillian acknowledged silently, they wouldn t be the last guests to ever come and go through the main doors. However, they would be the last guests she ever saw. Gillian Martin was getting out, while she still had herself convinced she could leave. Two hours later, Gillian paused at the door to Remy s office, twisting her hands nervously. She [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |