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Miller's A View from the Bridge. The male was a space pilot, the female some
kind of a farmer. That didn't mean she dug seedlings into the mud with her
toes. None of these
Horch, however ancient in time, had to do much purely physical work. For that
sort of thing they had machines. Those were pretty primitive compared to the
latest Christmas-tree models, but they were good enough to free the Horch for
more intellectual pursuits. Some of the characters in the play were artists,
some philosophers, some teachers, some, as far as I could tell, engineers.
I can't say I followed every detail of the story. There were a lot of
references that went right past me, but there are plenty of those in
Shakespeare, too. The basic story was clear enough . . .
except that I kept thinking what a pity it was that I hadn't had this
experience while I was in graduate school. What a hell of a doctoral
dissertation I could have written-maybe even one that somebody might actually
have wanted to read.
Pirraghiz had gone about her own business while I was watching the bowl. She
timed her return perfectly, coming back in just as the story finished, and she
wasn't alone. The male named
Mrrranthoghrow was with her. After the two of them had greeted me, she looked
at me
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0Far%20Shore%20Of%20Time.txt apologetically. "Was any of that what you wanted
to know?"
I came alive. "Not exactly. I was more interested in your field, technology,
weapons, that sort of thing."
"Not weapons," he protested. "I have no experience with weapons. That is what
the warriors and the
Horch fighting machines are for."
"All right then." I pointed to the viewing bowl. "What makes that thing run?"
He scratched his beard. "Do you mean where the power comes from? There is a
small unit in the base, which provides that. It is called a-" I heard the word
he said, but it meant nothing to me.
"Something like a battery?" I guessed. I used the English word, because I
didn't have one in
Horch, but when I explained, "A device in which power from another source is
stored, and released as needed," he shook his great head.
"I have never seen the (incomprehensible) charged up, Dannerman. I know
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nothing of such matters; I
am a mechanic, trained in that alone. The power in each machine comes from-"
he searched for a term I might understand, and came up with- "an accumulator,
but what it accumulates, and what it accumulates it from, I do not know.
Perhaps Djabeertapritch can tell you, if he wants to, but the
Others had no reason to instruct me in such matters. When I disassembled and
rebuilt the transit machine for the Horch, I knew what components needed to be
connected in certain fashions, but I do not understand how it works."
Suddenly there was a rush of hot blood to my brain. I stared at him. "You
worked on the transit machine?"
"With others, yes."
"And it is in working order?"
"Certainly. The cousin Horch use it all the time-for making copies, such as
yourself, and also for tracing channels to other installations of the Others."
I swallowed, my throat tight. "Strictly as a theoretical question," I said-I
didn't want to scare him off too soon-"would it be possible for me to use that
machine to, say, transmit me back to my planet?"
He looked startled, and so did Pirraghiz. "Oh, Dannerman," she said
sorrowfully, understanding at once what I was getting at.
So did Mrrranthoghrow. His voice was sympathetic as he said, "I am sorry,
Dannerman. It is impossible."
I wasn't giving up, although my pulse was racing. "Why impossible? The Horch
wouldn't have to know! You could just smuggle me in-"
He was shaking that great, moon-faced head. "I could not do that without their
consent, Dannerman," he said gently. "But that is not the reason. It simply
cannot be done. Nothing can be transmitted to any locus unless there is a
receiver there, and die receiver in your Starlab has been destroyed."
There was another little period of time there that I'd just as soon forget.
The next days passed, but they took a long time doing it. Pirraghiz clucked
over me and tried to cheer me up. She proposed entertainments, promised that
Beert would soon come back with good news, produced tasty new meals-she did
everything she could to cheer me, but I didn't cheer. I was trying to adjust
to the fact that I was marooned in this place for the rest of my life, while
my world was going to hell. . . and there was nothing I could do about it.
I think I was a big frustration to Pirraghiz. She deserved better. She was my
maid, valet, cook, and washerwoman and all-day-long companion. Life with her
around was like living in a five-star luxury hotel, with my personal Jeeves to
care for all my needs. If she had a life of her own, she didn't let it
interfere with her total attendance on me. She washed and mended my ragged
She tended my chamber pot, whisking it away to be sterilized and cleaned
before I had to use it again. She fed me about as well as I had ever been fed
in my life-found new ways to improve the preserved swill from Starlab and
added to it actual fresh vegetables, salads, soups, little cakes dripping with
something like fruit-flavored honey. There was even milk. It didn't come from
an actual cow, of course, because there weren't any of those within many
light-years, but it was a sweetish, butterscotch-colored fluid that came,
Pirraghiz said, from the females of one of the other captive species.
That startled me. "Don't they object when you take their milk away from them?"
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She wagged her great head reprovingly. "Don't be foolish, Dannerman. It is not
'taken.' It is bartered. They give us things we do not have, and we give them
things of ours in return. These females are well repaid for what they have in
plenty to spare." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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