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Surrendering to his masterful talents, she lifted both feet to the
edge of the counter and hung on as her orgasm drew near.
So wet. So ready. So& close.
He suckled her clit, dipped a dampened finger toward her anus to
tease the sensitive rosette, and she begged,  Please.
She needed his touch, his penetration. She wanted him. Now.
He pushed two fingers into her pussy and simultaneously slipped a
third into the tight little opening of her ass. His entry, combined with a
hard suck on her clit, snapped the thin thread of her control. The climax
ignited a rush of electricity throughout her body, drawing every muscle
tight as she groaned with the release. Her body trembled in the aftermath
as she lay panting, splayed before him, a little lightheaded even though
she sprawled across the countertop.
Just as her equilibrium began to return, he cupped the back of her
head and lifted her up for a sweet kiss. It turned ravenous in an instant,
and then he plunged into her, his hard cock filling her with an exquisite
thickness and length.
 Ah! She panted and gasped and moaned again with each new,
irresistible, pulsating thrust of his hips.
Without pause, he pulled her toward him for another passionate
kiss, and she hugged him tightly, riding out the storm of need.
More explosions seemed to erupt around them, but nothing else
mattered beyond the feel of his hard body against her, inside her the
powerful strength and vigorous energy of the man in her arms.
Their tongues dueled. Their bodies collided. And he drove her over
another edge of ecstasy before, with one final lunge, he joined her there.
 My God, he huffed in a breathless whisper near her ear, while his
cock softened inside of her.  Are you all right?
She smiled at that. She was way more than all right.
 I didn t hurt you, did I? My mind wasn t functioning enough to
realize how hard this countertop is.
She opened her eyes to see he was serious and grinned as she
touched his cheek.  I m okay. Fine. More than fine. How about you?
She loved it when he smiled at her like that. The tiny crinkles at the
corner of his eyes&
His grin brightened.  Sticky, he teased, straightening up and
looking down,  but I m great. He licked his lips.  And you taste
She cocked an eyebrow at him.  You re quite tasty yourself, you
 I am?
 Mm hmm. You might say you have the potential to become my
favorite condiment.
With a hearty laugh, he said,  I think that s the best compliment
I ve ever received. Definitely the most unusual.
 That s me. Forever the unpredictable Sylvia.
 Pleasantly unpredictable, he corrected. After one final peck on the
lips, he eased out of her, removed the condom where he got it and when
he d donned it were a mystery to her and tossed the thing in a trash bin
under the kitchen sink. Then he pulled up his underwear and refastened
his jeans.
Meanwhile, she sat up and surveyed the damage to his kitchen.
More things had crashed to the floor than she d realized, and she gave
him an apologetic glance when he waded through the spicy debris.
 I thought I heard something shatter. He eyed the remains of the
wine bottle, now lying in shards on the floor.
 I m so sorry. I ll help clean it up.
 No. He put a hand on her bare thigh.  You re barefoot, and this
can wait until later. First things first. He spun away from her, backed up
between her knees, and said,  Hop on.
With a chuckle, she hugged him around the shoulders and let him
lift her for a piggyback ride.  Where are you taking me?
 Like I said. First things first. I owe you a VIP tour of my bedroom
suite& starting with the shower.
Chapter Six
Richard didn t share with her how wonderful it felt to have her
draped around him, her cute nose buried in his shoulder, or how much he
enjoyed the light sounds of her merriment.
 I can t believe I m riding piggyback naked as a newborn.
He grinned and twirled once in a quick circle, causing her to cry
out with a startled, joyous yelp.  I m glad you re here.
 I m glad no one else is.
He seconded that. He couldn t imagine how difficult it would be to
have privacy while living with a house full of nosy siblings. He had
enough trouble with one busybody at home. She was conveniently absent
tonight, however, and he was quietly grateful to his unsuspecting mother
for having the foresight to reschedule her monthly Bunco club night, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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