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stimulating is to be exciting. forceful means powerful.
212. a. Complacent means self-satisfied, smug, or 229. b. Taut means extremely tight, tense; relaxed
unworried; the opposite is concerned, means loose, not tense.
which means interested and involved. 230. a. To rile is to upset; to appease is to pacify
213. b. To be ambiguous is to be unclear, equivo- or satisfy.
cal, or obscure; to be certain is to be defi- 231. d. To be glib is to reply quickly with insin-
nite or fixed. cere or superficial, false words.
214. b. Confer means to compare views or to take 232. d. To mar is to damage or deface; to repair is
counsel; consult means to exchange views. to restore or fix.
215. a. A repast is a meal or the food eaten at a 233. a. To be cognizant of something is to be
meal. aware; to be conscious is to be perceptive
216. a. To be held in high esteem means to have a or alert.
favorable regard; to disrespect is to lack 234. c. To mediate is to settle a dispute; to
courteous regard. reconcile is to bring into agreement.
217. c. To be eloquent is to be fluent; to be 235. b. Concurrent and simultaneous both mean
inarticulate is to speak hesitantly. happening at the same time.
218. b. To be apathetic is to show little emotion 236. a. To induce is to bring about; to prompt is to
or interest; to be indifferent is to have no provoke or induce to action.
particular interest or concern. 237. d. Intrepid is fearless, undaunted, daring, or
219. a. A deterrent prevents or discourages; brave; the opposite of fearful or anxious,
encouragement inspires or heartens. frightened, or terrified.
220. d. Someone who is impertinent is rude; 238. c. To saturate is to fill or to load to capacity;
someone who is polite is courteous. to soak is to penetrate or permeate.
221. c. To augment means to increase or expand 239. a. Methodical is characterized by method or
in size or extent. order; erratic is variable, inconsistent, and
222. c. To be ludicrous is to be absurd; to be unpredictable.
reasonable is to be rational. 240. d. Latent means present but not functioning;
223. b. Archaic means ancient or outdated; active means to be marked by energetic
modern is current or contemporary. activity.
224. d. To be incredulous is to be skeptical; 241. d. To proscribe means to reject, condemn, or
disbelieving is to refuse to believe in. denounce as unwanted or dangerous; to
225. c. To be vindictive is to be vengeful; to be prohibit; to forbid is to command not to
spiteful means to be malicious. do. Proscribe should not be confused with
226. d. Sullen means gloomy or dismal; jovial prescribe, which means to advise the use
means very happy. of (e.g., a medication).
227. a. Menial means servile, related to work 242. b. Prevarication is an evasion of the truth;
done by a servant; lowly means humble or veracity means truthfulness.
plain, suited for one of the lowest rank. 243. b. Mirth means merriment; solemnity means
228. a. A panacea is an all-encompassing remedy; seriousness.
a cure is a remedy or restoration to health. 244. b. Surreptitious is acting in a stealthy or
secretive manner.
245. c. Trepidation means fear; the opposite is 257. b. Receptive, compassionate, and amenable
fearlessness or having no fear. are all synonyms; intolerant is an antonym
of these words.
258. c. Sloppy, disheveled, and unkempt are all
Chapter 4: Verbal synonyms; orderly is an antonym of these
Classification words.
259. d. Word for word, exact, and verbatim are all
246. b. Confirmed, definite, and conclusive are all synonyms; paraphrased is an antonym of
synonyms; tentative is an antonym of these words.
these words. 260. a. Carefully, warily, and prudently are all syn-
247. a. Distinct, explicit, and forthright are all syn- onyms; recklessly is an antonym of these
onyms; implied is an antonym of these words.
words. 261. c. Destitute, poverty-stricken, and
248. c. Premeditated, rehearsed, and calculated are impoverished are all synonyms; affluent is
all synonyms; spontaneous is an antonym an antonym of these words.
of these words. 262. a. Inviting, welcoming, and cheery are all syn-
249. b. Rampant, widespread, and pervasive are all onyms; dour is an antonym of these
synonyms; restrained is an antonym of words.
these words. 263. b. Clumsy, all thumbs, and maladroit are all
250. b. Flexible, supple, and limber are all syn- synonyms; nimble is an antonym of these
onyms; rigid is an antonym of these words.
words. 264. a. Ridicule, deride, and gibe are all synonyms;
251. d. Subdue, crush, and suppress are all syn- compliment is an antonym of these words.
onyms; provoke is an antonym of these 265. c. Deprived, bereft, and bereaved are all syn-
words. onyms; replete is an antonym of these
252. c. Comprise, compose, and constitute are all words.
synonyms; exclude is an antonym of these 266. d. Resolve, fortitude, and mettle are all syn-
words. onyms; timidity is an antonym of these
253. a. Infinite, immense, and vast are all syn- words.
onyms; infinitesimal is an antonym of 267. d. Submissive, obedient, and acquiescent are
these words. all synonyms; officious is an antonym of
254. b. Heroism, prowess, and mastery are all syn- these words.
onyms; incompetence is an antonym of 268. b. Proficient, deft, and adroit are all syn-
these words. onyms; inept is an antonym of these
255. d. Rasping, grating, and abrasive are all syn- words.
onyms; polished is an antonym of these 269. c. Felicitous, inopportune, and ill-timed are
words. all synonyms; inappropriate is an antonym
256. a. Deformed, grotesque, and repulsive are all of these words.
synonyms; comely is an antonym of these
270. c. Vex, aggravate, and agitate are all syn- 283. a. Sanction, concur, and assent are all syn-
onyms; agitate is an antonym of these onyms; dissent is an antonym of these
words. words.
271. a. Abject, lowly, and humble are all synonyms; 284. d. Devout, fervent, and zealous are all syn-
stately is an antonym of these words. onyms; dispirited is an antonym of these
272. c. Mercenary, venal, and corruptible are all words.
synonyms; honest is an antonym of these
273. b. Pinnacle, summit, and acme are all syn- Chapter 5: Analogies
onyms; perigee is an antonym of these
words. 285. a. Polite and gracious are synonyms; cordial
274. a. Concur, consent, and accede are all syn- and courteous are synonyms.
onyms; demur is an antonym of these 286. c. If someone has been humiliated, he or she
words. has been greatly embarrassed; if someone
275. b. Replica, facsimile, and reproduction are all is terrified, he or she is extremely
synonyms; permutation is an antonym of frightened.
these words. 287. c. Scarcely and mostly are antonyms; quietly
276. c. Pernicious, toxic, and virulent are all syn- and loudly are antonyms.
onyms; innocuous is an antonym of these 288. d. Candid and indirect are opposing traits, as
words. are honest and devious.
277. d. Stentorian, booming, and thundering are 289. a. Control and dominate are synonyms;
all synonyms; tranquil is an antonym of magnify and enlarge are synonyms.
these words. 290. b. Exactly and precisely are synonyms;
278. d. Permissive, lenient, and indulgent are all evidently and apparently are synonyms.
synonyms; implacable is an antonym of 291. d. Meaningful and insignificant are anto-
these words. nyms; essential and unnecessary are
279. c. Bedlam, pandemonium, and tumult are all antonyms.
synonyms; repose is an antonym of these 292. b. Simple and complex are antonyms; trivial
words. and significant are antonyms.
280. a. Somnolent, soporific, and hypnotic are all 293. c. Neophyte and novice are synonyms;
synonyms; stimulating is an antonym of pursuit and quest are synonyms.
these words. 294. a. Regard and esteem are synonyms;
281. d. Impassioned, vehement, and emphatic are ambivalence and uncertainty are
all synonyms; apathetic is an antonym of synonyms.
these words. 295. d. Elated and despondent are antonyms; [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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