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_____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Don't forget to keep a record of the words and expressions that you have learnt, review your notes from time to time and try to use new vocabulary items whenever possible. 60 © A&C Black Publishers Ltd 2007. For reference see Easier English Dictionary for Students (978 07475 6624 3). Unit Nine 10a Fill in the gaps From the following list, use each word only once to complete the sentences below. Remember that in the case of nouns and verbs you may need to change the form of the word: anthropology (n) foetus (n) intimacy (n) province (n) quote (v) render (v) repress (v) sift (v) surplus (n) triangle (n) 1. The costs were so enormous that they ____________________ the project impossible. 2. ____________________ is the scientific study of man including such topics as religion and culture. 3. One of the simplest but strongest shapes is the ____________________. 4. The ____________________ between a mother and a child is very important for the emotional development of the child. 5. If you have made a plan for your writing, it becomes much easier to ____________________ through your notes and decide which ideas to include. 6. When there is a ____________________ of oil, the price on the world market falls. 7. In nearly all parts of Eastern Europe, attempts to ____________________ movements for political change failed completely. 8. The Canadian capital Ottawa is in the ____________________ of Ontario. 9. Recent research has shown that drinking heavily during pregnancy can harm the ____________________. 10. When you want to _______________________ something, make sure that the words you write are exactly the same as those in your source. 10b Choose the right word In each of the sentences below, decide which word in bold is more suitable: 1. Although many drugs are illegal, it appears to be increasingly easy for teenagers to procure / secure drugs if they want them. 2. If you have a lot of data which you want to include, an appendix / index at the end of the report or essay is the best place for it. 3. Before they take their examinations, students should revise thoroughly and try to assimilate / ingest what they have been studying. 4. A huge trench was dug to channel / deviate excess water away from farming areas. 61 © A&C Black Publishers Ltd 2007. For reference see Easier English Dictionary for Students (978 07475 6624 3). Unit Ten 5. According to opponents of the death penalty, the idea that executions help to prevent murder is a complete myth / legend. 6. For health reasons, smoking is restricted if not completely embargoed / prohibited in many public places. 7. At the end of an essay, students should always append / affix a bibliography, giving details of the sources of information they have used. 8. France's road and rail networks diverge / converge on Paris because it is the capital. 9. The influence of television is so great that actors can be elevated / lifted to superstar status almost overnight. 10. Some years ago, the shapes of cars were very angular / bent whereas today they are much more rounded. 10c Finish the sentence Choose the best ending for each of the sentence extracts below from the list underneath: 1. Many people working today find it difficult to tolerate& 2. In Canada, it is a huge advantage to be fluent& 3. Although the lecturer's explanation was very cogent,& 4. In some American states, there is a strange anomaly& 5. In recent years, some Asian countries have emerged& 6. Some analysts think that many customers will dispense& 7. New government proposals will increase the rigour& 8. University students usually have the option& 9. A new drug developed by a leading company purports& 10. Although it was particularly radical and ingenious,& 11. Sometimes articles are anonymous,& a. & whereby a 16 year-old may get married but is not allowed to buy a beer. b. & but in the majority of cases the name of the author appears with the article. c. & some students still could not understand the solution to the problem. d. & with conventional phones altogether and use mobile phones instead. e. & of choosing extra subjects to study if they wish. f. & from almost nothing to become major economic players. g. & in both French and English. h. & the design for the Concorde was just too expensive to produce commercially. i. & high levels of stress and insecurity. j. & of the law by introducing longer prison sentences. k. & to slow down the ageing process. 62 © A&C Black Publishers Ltd 2007. For reference see Easier English Dictionary for Students (978 07475 6624 3). Unit Ten 10d Word substitution From the list below, choose one word which could be used in place of the language shown in bold without changing the meaning of the sentence. Remember that you may need to change the form or in some cases the grammatical class of the word: ascribe (v) assent (n) comprise (v) emancipate (v) embrace (v) enhance (v) inconsistent (adj) interrelate (v) outcome (n) saturate (v) vague (adj) ___________________ 1. The minister resigned because many people felt that his behaviour was at variance with his role in public life. ___________________ [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ] |