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point he d laughed and his guests had bristled. Rick hoped
it wouldn t be like last time.
Last time, Michael had paid him, but had stuffed a coin
purse up his ass, and followed it with an attached plug that
had a furry tiger-striped tail dangling from it. A collar and
bow-tie, faux cuffs, cat ears and a matching g-string had
been the rest of the present. Michael had insisted he dance
to  Rum Tum Tugger before pulling the plug and getting
his tip. The audience had loved it. Rick never wanted to
hear Andrew Lloyd Weber again.
Rick gathered up his letter jacket and tips, getting back
to the dressing room before Michael. He was waiting,
naked, on his knees just like Michael liked it, when his
exclusive arrived.
There were no words, no preliminaries. Michael
grabbed his hair and shoved Rick down on his cock. Rick
gagged, which drew a nasty chuckle from Michael.
 Suck me, little bitch. Choke on me.
Always obliging, Rick made sure to do so repeatedly,
tripping his gag reflex until his stomach tried to heave.
Michael slapped him across the face and flung himself
irritably onto the couch. Rick crawled to him and resumed
sucking, with no gagging. Michael came, staring at the
ceiling, ignoring Rick.
Rick licked him clean, zipped him up and waited.
Finally Michael looked down at him and ran a hand
through Rick s hair.
 I was needlessly cruel, my boy.
 It s all right, Rick mumbled, kissing the closed fly.
 It s what I m for, a safety valve for the powerful.
Michael lifted his chin.  So is this all there is to you,
Rick? A dressing room, dancing, sucking me?
Rick nodded.  An efficiency apartment, a motorcycle,
a dvd player, a lot of books and a computer. That s it. No
girl. No hobbies. No outside life." Michael kept stroking
him and Rick didn t like the look on his face of pity and
sadness and mild affection, all blended.
 You soothed me well, tonight. I feel generous. No tip.
Instead, I will give you anything you like, within reason of
course. A good apartment? A real job? A nice car? Any of
those appeal, Rick?" Rick just stayed kneeling and thought.
 Anything you want.
Rick looked up.  Kiss me?
Michael looked down at him.  A kiss? I offer you
potential millions and all you want is a kiss?
Rick half-smiled up.  I have money. I have an
apartment I can keep up and a job I like. But I haven t been
kissed, not a real kiss, in fifteen years." His voice grew soft.
 And if my mouth is made for blow jobs, yours is made to
kiss." Michael smiled and Rick saw the sadness and
affection had not left his face.  I ain t a pity case. I like my
life like it is.
Michael stroked his face.  Had you but asked, I would
have taken you home as my own lover. Instead, I will give
you exactly what you want.
Michael lifted Rick s face up and laid his big hands on
either side of it. He moved in slowly and then his mouth
covered Rick s. Rick felt all tingly, his body responding to
this as it always responded to Michael. The taste of his
exclusive filled his mouth and all his senses. There was
nothing but Michael in his world, nothing but the warm,
strong body, the full, soft mouth, the long tongue that
danced inside his own mouth. Nothing existed but the
sound of Michael s breathing and the silence of his own,
the taste engulfed him and he melted, coming in an
explosion of desire.
Rick s head swam when Michael let him up ten
minutes later with a soft chuckle.  You ve forgotten to
breathe, Rick. You re decidedly blue." He traced Rick s
nose.  It s no longer an autonomic for you, is it?
Rick gasped, trying to re-oxygenate himself.  No, sir. I
have to think about it. And you  he stopped to suck in
more air.
 And I drive all thought from you." Michael kissed him
again, not so passionately. He ran his fingers through the
puddle of semen and tasted them before making Rick lick
them clean.  For being out of practice, you kiss well. It will
not be fifteen years before you have another." He pecked
Rick on the lips, rose and left.
Sterling's temper was more than foul when Rick came
to him. He slammed Rick to the bed.  If he tries to take you
away, I'm going to take you to Hell, hide you in the deepest
pit and demand he come get you if he wants you." He bit
Rick, the multiple rows of demonic teeth closing on his
neck and shoulder. He chewed, pumping poison into the
wound like gila monster.
Rick just clung to him and moaned, rubbing his
erection against Sterling's thigh. The vicious claws
shredded his jeans and scrabbled at his groin, shredding
him. Rick came before losing all sensation.
Rick came awake in the big, blood-soaked bed, curled
around Sterling, who was his usual handsome self.  Mine,
he whispered and kissed Sterling's neck. Sterling just
smiled.  Or I'm yours, whichever." He cuddled up and
flung a possessive arm across the demon's chest.
Sterling kept smiling and stroked his hair.  You like
playing with fire, don't you?
Rick grinned.  Yeah. Always have. Or do you mean
real fire? You think you want to run a little blowtorch all
over me?
 I thought I might take you home, even without the
threat of Michael.
 If it's real, why not? How much worse can it be than
 You won't recognize me there, but I will always be
with you.
 What will you look like?" Rick's curiosity was piqued
and he was asking more questions than Sterling had ever
heard.  Wings? He stroked Sterling's back.  Horns?' he
brushed a hand across Sterling's forehead.  Will you know
me? Will you tell me who you are?
 I am a monstrosity. But I will know you. And you'll
know me, if not by sight.
Rick rubbed against him, turning on at the notion of a
monstrosity. A part of him was shocked, but the rest was
pragmatic. There was little he hadn't seen in the way of
debauchery and new thrills were getting hard to come by.
 What will I be? A pale, naked worm?
 Just a man, among other men. But yes, naked.
Rick kissed him deeply, offering his tongue to be bitten
if Sterling desired.  Tell me of the monster-shape." He was
definitely turned on and rubbed against Sterling. One
perfectly manicured hand came down to rub his cock.
 It doesn't even resemble human.
 Mmmm. Will you still be able to fuck me?" Rick had
to know the important part.
 With anything I want, tentacles, fire, my whole body.
Rick squared his shoulders, making his decision on the
spur of the moment.  Then take me there, babe, if you
want. Not much for me on the material. I'll just give notice
on my apartment.
 I will get you passage in. But it involves some
changes to your appearance.
 My looks?" Rick swallowed hard.  Mutilations?" That
could cost him his livelihood if Sterling ever brought him
 No, just brands to allow you to pass between planes.
Five of them.
Rick nodded, despite his fear.  Anything you want."
Sterling kissed him and, the next morning he announced to
the club at large that he was going on vacation and Andrew
would be in charge until he got back. Rick showed up and
danced every night, squirreling the money into his savings
account. He gave notice on his room.
Sterling turned back up two weeks later, with a stranger
in tow. The slim little man looked human, but Rick knew he
wasn't. After his last set, Sterling summoned him to the
office.  This is Max. He'll prepare you for travel. You'll
need another week or so to heal before we use them. Strip
Rick did, shaking. He saw what looked like a branding
iron laying on Sterling's desk. Max walked around him.
 Yes, yes, I can work with this one, even though he's
dead." He licked Rick's shoulder.  Tasty. Sterling, if you
decide to get rid of him, I'll take him on.
 Just mark him, Sterling growled.  We have a gate to
catch. Sit down, Rick.
Rick sat in the big chair and let Sterling strap down his
legs and arms and chest. He didn't know what was about to
happen, but it wasn't going to be nice. Max approached him
with an iron. As he drew closer, the tip glowed, first dull [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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