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more than five or six hundred times on any given night.
Cody led me to the door to the backyard. About ten feet from the door he stopped dead, and I stopped with him.
"There," Cody said softly.
There indeed. It was not a bad dream, or at least not the kind you need to be asleep to have.
The doorknob was moving, wiggling as someone on the outside tried to turn it.
"Wake up your mom," I whispered to Cody. "Tell her to call 9-1-1." He looked up at me as if he was
disappointed that I wasn't going to charge out the door with a hand grenade and take care of things myself, but
then he turned and walked back down the hall toward the bedroom.
I approached the door, quietly and cautiously. On the wall beside it was a switch that turned on a floodlight
which illuminated the backyard. As I reached for the switch, the doorknob stopped turning. I turned the light on
Immediately, as if the switch had caused it to happen, something began to thump on the front door.
I turned and ran for the front of the house-and halfway there Rita stepped into the hall and crashed into me.
"Dexter," she said. "What-Cody said-"
"Call the cops," I told her. "Someone is trying to break in." I looked behind her at Cody. "Get your sister and all
of you get into the bathroom. Lock the door."
"But who would-we're not-" Rita said.
"Go," I told her, and pushed past her to the front door.
Once again I flipped on the outside light, and once again the sound stopped immediately.
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Only to start up again down the hall, apparently on the kitchen window.
And naturally enough when I ran into the kitchen the sound had already stopped, even before I turned on the
overhead light.
I slowly approached the window over the sink and carefully peeked out.
Nothing. Just the night and the hedge and the neighbor's house and nothing else whatsoever.
I straightened up and stood there for a moment, waiting for the noise to start up again at some other corner of
the house. It didn't. I realized I was holding my breath, and I let it out. Whatever it was, it had stopped. It was
gone. I unclenched my fists and took a deep breath.
And then Rita screamed.
I turned around fast enough to twist my ankle, but still hobbled for the bathroom as quickly as I could. The door
was locked, but from inside I could hear something scrabbling at the window. Rita shouted, "Go away!"
"Open the door," I said, and a moment later Astor opened it wide.
"It's at the window," she said, rather calmly I thought.
Rita was standing in the middle of the bathroom with her clenched fists raised to her mouth. Cody stood in front
of her protectively holding the toilet plunger, and they were both staring at the window.
"Rita," I said.
She turned to me with her eyes wide and filled with fear. "But what do they want?" she demanded, as if she
thought I could tell her. And perhaps I could have, in the ordinary course of things-"ordinary" being defined as
the entire previous portion of my life, when I had my Passenger to keep me company and whisper terrible
secrets. But as it was, I only knew they wanted in and I did not know why.
I also did not know what they wanted, but it didn't seem quite as important at the moment as the fact that they
obviously wanted something and thought we had it. "Come on," I said. "Everybody out of here." Rita turned to
look at me, but Cody stood his ground. "Move," I said, and Astor took Rita by the hand and hurried through the
door. I put a hand on Cody's shoulder and pushed him after his mother, gently prying the plunger from his hands,
and then I turned to face the window.
The noise continued, a hard scratching that sounded like someone was trying to claw through the glass. Without
any real conscious thought I stepped forward and whacked the window with the rubber head of the toilet
The sound stopped.
For a long moment there was no sound except for my breathing, which I realized was somewhat fast and ragged.
And then, not too far away, I heard a police siren cutting through the silence. I backed out of the bathroom,
watching the window.
Rita sat on the bed with Cody on one side of her and Astor on the other. The children seemed quite calm, but
Rita was clearly on the edge of hysteria. "It's all right," I said. "The cops are almost here."
"Will it be Sergeant Debbie?" Astor asked me, and she added hopefully, "Do you think she'll shoot somebody?"
"Sergeant Debbie is in bed, asleep," I said. The siren was near now, and with a squeal of tires it came to a stop in
front of our house and wound its way down through the scale to a grumbling halt. "They're here," I told them,
and Rita lunged up off the bed and grabbed the children by the hand.
The three of them followed me out of the bedroom, and by the time we got to the front door there was already a
knock sounding on the wood, polite but firm. Still, life teaches us caution, so I called out, "Who is it?"
"This is the police," a stern masculine voice said. "We have a report of a possible break-in." It sounded
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authentic, but just to be sure, I left the chain on as I opened the door and looked out. Sure enough, there were
two uniformed cops standing there, one looking at the door and one turned away, looking out into the yard and
the street.
I closed the door, took the chain off, and reopened it. "Come in, Officer," I said. His name tag said Ramirez, and
I realized I knew him slightly. But he made no move to enter the house; he simply stared down at my hand.
"What kind of emergency is this, chief?" he said, nodding at my hand. I looked and realized I was still holding
the toilet plunger.
"Oh," I said. I put the plunger behind the door in the umbrella stand. "Sorry. That was for self-defense."
"Uh-huh," Ramirez said. "Guess it would depend what the other guy had." He stepped forward into the house,
calling over his shoulder to his partner, "Take a look around the yard, Williams."
"Yo," said Williams, a wiry black man of about forty. He walked down into the yard and disappeared around the
corner of the house.
Ramirez stood in the center of the room, looking at Rita and the kids. "So, what's the story here?" he asked, and
before I could answer he squinted at me. "I know you from somewhere?" he said.
"Dexter Morgan," I said. "I work in forensics."
"Right," he said. "So what happened here, Dexter?"
I told him.
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T HE COPS STAYED WITH US FOR ABOUT FORTY MINUTES. They looked around the yard and the
surrounding neighborhood and found nothing, which did not seem to surprise them, and which truthfully was not
a great shock to me, either. When they were done looking Rita made them coffee and fed them some oatmeal
cookies she had made.
Ramirez was certain it had been a couple of kids trying to get some kind of reaction from us, and if so they had
certainly succeeded. Williams tried very hard to be reassuring, telling us it was just a prank and now it was over,
and as they were leaving Ramirez added that they would drive by a few times the rest of the night. But even with
these soothing words still fresh, Rita sat in the kitchen with a cup of coffee for the rest of the night, unable to get
back to sleep. For my part, I tossed and turned for more than three minutes before I drifted back to slumberland. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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