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offender during the commission of the crime and taken away by him
or her. Such questioned evidence can be compared with evidence of
a known source and can thereby be associated/linked to a person/
vehicle/tool of a crime.
3. Evidence of an unknown/questioned source recovered from
several crime scenes may also be used to associate multiple offenses
that were committed by the same person and/or with the same tool or
Samples whose source is known are of three basic types:
1. A standard/reference sample is material of a verifiable/docu-
mented source which, when compared with evidence of an unknown
source, shows an association or linkage between an offender, crime
scene, and/or victim (e.g., a carpet cutting taken from a location
suspected as the point of transfer for comparison with the fibers
recovered from the suspect s shoes, a sample of paint removed from
a suspect vehicle to be compared with paint found on a victim s
vehicle following an accident, or a sample of the suspect s and/or
victim s blood submitted for comparison with a bloodstained shirt
recovered as evidence).
2. A control/blank sample is material of a known source that
presumably was uncontaminated during the commission of the crime
(e.g., a sample to be used in laboratory testing to ensure that the
surface on which the sample is deposited does not interfere with
testing. For example, when a bloodstain is collected from a carpet, a
segment of unstained carpet must be collected for use as a blank or
elimination sample).
3. An elimination sample is one of known source taken from a
person who had lawful access to the scene (e.g., fingerprints from
occupants, tire tread impressions from police vehicles, footwear
impressions from emergency medical personnel) to be used for
comparison with evidence of the same type.
Contamination: The unwanted transfer of material from another source
to a piece of physical evidence.
Control/blank sample: See comparison samples.
Cross-contamination: The unwanted transfer of material between two
or more sources of physical evidence.
Documentation: Written notes, audio/videotapes, printed forms, sketches
and/or photographs that form a detailed record of the scene, evidence
recovered, and actions taken during the search of the crime scene.
Dying declaration: Statements made by a person who believes he or she
is about to die, concerning the cause or circumstance surrounding his or
her impending death.
Elimination sample: See comparison samples.
Evidence identifiers: Tape, labels, containers, and string tags used to
identify the evidence, the person collecting the evidence, the date the
evidence was gathered, basic criminal offense information, and a brief
description of the pertinent evidence.
First responder(s): The initial responding law enforcement officer(s)
and/or other public safety official(s) or service provider(s) arriving at the
scene prior to the arrival of the investigator(s) in charge.
Impression evidence: Objects or materials that have retained the charac-
teristics of other objects that have been physically pressed against them.
Initial responding officer(s): The first law enforcement officer(s) to
arrive at the scene.
Investigator(s) in charge: The official(s) responsible for the crime scene
Known: See comparison samples.
Latent print: A print impression not readily visible, made by contact of
the hands or feet with a surface resulting in the transfer of materials from
the skin to that surface.
Measurement scale: An object showing standard units of length (e.g.,
ruler) used in photographic documentation of an item of evidence.
Multiple scenes: Two or more physical locations of evidence associated
with a crime (e.g., in a crime of personal violence, evidence may be
found at the location of the assault and also on the person and clothing of
the victim/assailant, the victim s/assailant s vehicle, and locations the
victim/assailant frequents and resides).
Nonporous container: Packaging through which liquids or vapors
cannot pass (e.g., glass jars or metal cans).
Other responders: Individuals who are involved in an aspect of the
crime scene, such as perimeter security, traffic control, media manage-
ment, scene processing, and technical support, as well as prosecutors,
medical personnel, medical examiners, coroners, forensic examiners,
evidence technicians, and fire and rescue officers.
Personal protective equipment (PPE): Articles such as disposable
gloves, masks, and eye protection that are utilized to provide a barrier to
keep biological or chemical hazards from contacting the skin, eyes, and
mucous membranes and to avoid contamination of the crime scene.
Porous container: Packaging through which liquids or vapors may pass
(e.g., paper bags, cloth bags).
Presumptive test: A nonconfirmatory test used to screen for the pres-
ence of a substance.
Projectile trajectory analysis: The method for determining the path of a
high-speed object through space (e.g., a bullet emanating from a firearm).
Radiological threat: The pending exposure to radiation energy. (This [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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