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He nodded.  Excellent. He took off again.
Twenty minutes later, as they began to get settled in, Cameron realized that the one-versus-two-beds
decision really didn t matter. Bottom line: she and Jack were sharing a hotel room. And here she d
thought living together in a five thousand square foot house had seemed intimate.
She watched from the doorway as Jack checked out the closet and bathroom. When finished, he
headed over.  So? Which bed will it be?
 Excuse me?
He laughed at her expression.  Which one do you want? I ll put your suitcase on it so you can
 Oh. I ll take the bed farther from the door.
 Good answer.
She watched as Jack lifted her suitcase onto the bed, then threw his duffel bag onto the one closer to
the door. She suddenly felt . . . jittery. Up until now, every time she and Jack had gotten physical, it
had been under crazy, impulsive circumstances. But staring at those two beds, she now found herself
consciously thinking about all those things a single woman in her thirties tended to think about when
sharing a hotel room with a man she was really attracted to, and who appeared to be really attracted
to her, who she hadn t yet slept with.
Despite all her sass and bravado, she was falling for Jack. Just yesterday God, was it really only
yesterday? she d told Collin that all she and Jack had between them was a physical connection.
True, she d been lying to herself. And a lot had happened since then. But she d never found herself
wanting to be wrong about something as much as she did right then.
She trusted Jack with her life. The next question, she supposed, was whether she could trust him
with her heart.
She watched as Jack threw some rolled-up socks into one of the drawers in his nightstand. He d
taken off his blazer, so his gun harness was exposed and he was looking extra Special Agent Danger-
ish right then. But that single act putting socks in a drawer made him momentarily seem like any
other guy.
 You okay? he asked, seeing her still standing by the door.
She smiled.  Yeah, sure. She headed over and stood between the two beds, surveying the scene.
 Makes me think of the Walls of Jericho.
 From . . . the Bible story?
Cameron laughed.  No, It Happened One Night.
 Still not following you there. What happened one night?
 You know, the movie, It Happened One Night. She saw him shake his head.  Really? You should
check it out it s a classic. Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert are on the run and they stop to spend
the night at a motel. They re not married, but they have to pretend they are, so for propriety s sake
Clark Gable strings a clothesline down the middle of the room and hangs a blanket over it. He calls it
the  Walls of Jericho. 
Jack stretched out on the bed, tucking his hands behind his head. Of course, being a man, he was
already done unpacking and she had barely begun.  So in the movie, after he builds the Walls of
Jericho, what happens next? he asked.
 Things get pret-ty steamy from there. Clark Gable asks Claudette Colbert if she s interested in
learning how a man undresses. And then he takes his clothes off in front of her.
 Sounds like a chick-flick. I bet Wilkins has seen it ten times.
 And good for him. I think most men could learn a thing or two from so-called  chick-flicks. 
 Like what?
 Like how women think. What turns them on.
 If I want to know what a woman s thinking, I ll just ask her. The corners of Jack s mouth lifted in
a sly grin.  And if I want to know what turns her on, well, I ll just ask her that, too.
 Hmm. Cameron grumbled her way into the bathroom. Impossible man being all reasonable and
everything. She unpacked her toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, and conditioner. She set them off to the
side on the marble vanity, as if to suggest they were the only four products she would need the entire
weekend. Hey he was a man, he didn t need to know there was a whole routine involved behind the
curtain. And about fourteen other bottles in her suitcase.
When she came out of the bathroom, she saw Jack standing by the windows that spanned the length
of the room. He gestured.  Come over here for a minute.
She went over. He surprised her by pulling her into his arms, her back against his chest so that she
looked out the window with him. Their room overlooked vibrant autumn-colored rolling hills and
orchards, and the East Grand Traverse Bay.
 I like this view, he said, his voice husky against her ear.
Cameron leaned her head against his chest it was rare to have such a quiet moment with Jack in
contrast to the chaos that had overshadowed their lives for the last couple of weeks. She pulled his
arms tighter around her.
 Me, too.
FOR THE DINNER that followed the rehearsal, Amy had reserved the entire space at Aerie Lounge,
which was located on the sixteenth floor of the Tower. A convenient short elevator ride from
Cameron and Jack s room. Not so convenient for Cameron, however, was the fact that the cousins had
cornered her by the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the bay, wanting to play Twenty Questions
about Jack. Having recognized him from the bachelorette party, they d been on her case ever since
she d walked into the rehearsal with him.
Cameron was relieved when she felt a hand at her elbow and heard a familiar voice to the left of
 Sorry to interrupt, ladies. I need to borrow Cameron for a few minutes.
 Please make it more than a few, she whispered as Collin led her to the opposite side of the room.
She kissed his cheek in an official hello. Since Amy had asked Collin to be a reader at the wedding,
he had been at the rehearsal, too. But she d been running around with various maid of honor tasks and
hadn t gotten the chance to talk to him there.
 I meant to tell you at the rehearsal: you look very dashing tonight. Love the navy sport coat and
tie, she said, gently tugging it.
 Richard gave it to me last Christmas, Collin said.
Cameron saw the hurt in his eyes and knew how rare it was for him to show that.  Are you doing
He nodded.  Just . . . working through some things. Gay man in his thirties, dateless, the fifth wheel
at his friend s wedding. That kind of stuff. His eyes held hers.  And aside from all that, I miss him.
 Richard is a fool, Cameron said.  And you re not a fifth wheel. Technically, I only have a fake
date to this wedding.
Collin scoffed at this.  Looking like that, that won t be the case for long. He checked out her
caramel-colored cocktail dress and heels. Her shoulder had begun bothering her midway through
straightening her hair, so she d pulled it back in a chignon and focused on smoky-eyed makeup
instead.  I m surprised Pallas let you out of the room like that, he said.  At least without being a
good hour late to the rehearsal.
 And risk Amy s wrath? No way that woman scares even me, Jack said from behind them. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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