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http://www.miami.com/mld/miami/4344211.htm; Internet; accessed 16 February 2003. 40 Letting Some Go at Gitmo, 22 October 2002; http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/10/29/attack; Internet; accessed 7 December 2002. 41 Attack on America: Detainees Won t be Reclassified as POWs, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 29 January 2002, sec. A, p. 5 (680 words) [database on-line]; available from Lexis- Nexis; accessed 21 November 2002. 42 Reyko Huang, Guantanamo Bay Dispute: Legal Interpretations, 23 January 2002; http://www.cdi.org/terrorism/guantanmo-pr.cfm; Internet; accessed 7 December 2002. 43 Ibid, 2. 44 Karen Branch-Brioso, Bush Camp Has Yet to Explain How Detainees Might Be Tried, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 27 Januzry 2002, sec. B, p. 1 (1869 words) [database on-line]; available from Lexis-Nexis; accessed 19 November 2002. 45 What to Do with Al Qaeda Prisoners, 3. 46 Camp X-Ray: The Legal Options, 27 February 2002; http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas.stm; Internet; accessed 16 February 2003. 47 Jennifer Elsea, Terrorism and the Law of War: Trying Terrorists as War Criminals before Military Commissions. (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, December 2001), 1. 48 John Dean, Appropriate Justice for Terrorists: Using Military Tribunals rather Than Criminal Courts, 28 September 2001: http://writ.news.findlaw.com/scripts/printer_friendly; Internet; accessed 16 February 2003. 49 Ibid, 4. 50 Tom Malinowski, What to Do with Our Detainees , 28 January 2002; http://hrw.org/editorials/2002/uspow012802.htm; Internet; accessed 7 December 2002. 51 Anupam Chander, 1. 21 BIBLIOGRAPHY Aldinger, Charles. More Detainees Flown to U.S. Base. Swiss Info. Last Update 28 October 2002. 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