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particularly to the Gospel of St. Luke, given in
Kassel, and From Jesus to Christ. And now we
have heard of the other fact, namely that all
external progress on Earth from one culture-epoch
to the next is dependent upon influences from
beyond the Saturn region. A question arises here:
Progress on Earth from one culture-epoch to
another is dependent upon influences connected
with a world beyond the Saturn sphere  a world
altogether different from the one where progress is
brought about by the stream of spirituality that
flows through the evolution of humanity, that
approached humanity in ancient times, has its
centre of gravity in the Mystery of Golgotha and
thereafter took its course in the way often
described. How do these two facts harmonise? The
truth is that they harmonise completely.
You need only picture to yourself that our Earth
evolution as it is today was preceded by the earlier
incarnation of the Earth, namely Old Moon. Now
think of Old Moon as we have often described it,
followed by the present Earth. Midway in the
process of evolution between Old Moon and Earth
something like a condition of cosmic sleep took
place. During the transition from Old Moon to
Earth, everything that had existed on Old Moon
passed into a kind of germinal state from which, at
a later stage, everything in existence on Earth
came forth. But all the planetary spheres also came
forth from that cosmic sleep. During the epoch of
Old Moon, therefore, the planetary spheres were
not in the state in which they exist today. Old
Moon passes into the cosmic sleep and out of this
condition the planetary spheres develop into what
they now are. Everything that evolved in the
Cosmos between the era of Old Moon and that of
the Earth is contained within the range of the
Saturn sphere. The Christ Impulse, however, does
not belong to what evolved in the Cosmos during
the period of transition from Old Moon to Earth,
but it already belonged to the Old Sun and
remained in the Sun sphere when Old Moon
eventually separated from it. The Christ Impulse
continued to evolve onwards towards the Earth but
remained united with the Sun sphere after the
Saturn sphere, the Jupiter sphere and so forth, had
separated from it. And so, in addition to what the
human soul was, before the Mystery of Golgotha,
it now has within it something that is more than all
that is contained in the planetary spheres,
something that is founded in the depths of the
Cosmos, that does indeed come over from Sun to
Earth but belongs to far deeper regions of the
spiritual world than do the planetary spheres. For
these planetary spheres are a product of what took
place when Old Moon evolved to become Earth.
What streams to us from the Christ Impulse,
however, comes from Old Sun which preceded
Old Moon.
From this we realise that external culture on Earth
is connected with the Cosmos, whereas the inner
life of soul is connected in a much deeper sense
with the Sun. Thus in all these connections  in
their spiritual aspect too  there is something of
which the following can be said: When we look
out into the stellar spheres there is revealed to us,
as it were outspread in space, a world that is
embodied in culture on Earth because souls of men
have entered into these stellar spheres between
death and rebirth; but when we gaze at the Sun we
behold something that has become what it is today
because behind it there is an infinitely long period
of evolution. In an age when it was not yet
possible to speak of a connection between culture
on Earth and the stellar worlds as can be done
today, even then the Sun was already united with
the Christ Impulse. Thus everything brought from
the stellar worlds for the promotion of culture on
the Earth is to be regarded as a kind of Earth-body
which needed to be  and actually was 
ensouled by what came to the Earth from the Sun,
namely by the Christ Impulse. The Earth was
ensouled when the Mystery of Golgotha took
place; it was then that culture on Earth received its
 soul .
The death on Golgotha was only seemingly a
death; in reality it was the birth of the Earth-Soul.
And everything that can be brought to the Earth
from cosmic expanses, also from beyond the
Saturn sphere, is related to the Earth-Sphere as the
Earth-Body is related to the Earth-Soul.
These reflections can show us that the presentation
given in the book Theosophy  in rather different
words and from a different point of view 
contains what has been described as the cosmic
aspect in the lectures given this Winter. You need
only be reminded that in the one case the account
is given from the point of view of the soul, and in
the other from that of the great cosmic conditions,
and you will find that the two descriptions are in
complete harmony.
The conclusion which I should like to be able to
draw from these lectures is that you realise how
vast is the range of Spiritual Science and that its
method must be to gather from every possible side
whatever can throw light on the nature of the
spiritual world. Even when additions are made to
what had been said years ago, there need be no
contradiction, for what is said is not the outcome
of any philosophical argument or reflective
thinking, but of occult investigation. Yellow today
will still be yellow ten years hence, even though
the essential quality of yellow as a colour is
grasped for the first time ten years later. What was
said years ago still holds good, although light is
shed upon it from the new points of view which it
has been possible to contribute during last Winter. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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