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 Oh man. Yuri is going to be such a jerk about this, Michel
grumbled as he yanked on his sweats.  He s got a worse mouth on
him than me.
 Hey, I thought your mouth looked pretty damn good from where
I was at, Bren joked as he pulled on his denims. Cross started
coughing like he d choked on his own spit or something.
 Shut. Up. Bren, the redhead demanded.
 Hello? the voice called. The sound of footsteps on the stairs had
them all dashing for the door.
 Hold the fuck up, Yuri! Bren yelled. He was the first one to
reach the door.
They all barreled out, leaving Madigan alone with the mess. He
sighed. It was hard to be mad about it, though. He should ve been
embarrassed by his wanton behavior, but he just didn t have the
energy. As carefully as he could, he stood and made his way over to
the attached master bathroom in search of towels.
Angel Bound 75
Chapter Eleven
Yuri stared at his fellow guardians as they ushered him into the
kitchen and away from the upstairs. They were all flushed, nervous,
their motions tense. His eyes met Dex s from across the room as he
stood by the entryway into the pantry. He d half thought that they d
been kidding when Dex had said  we re busy. Apparently not. At
least that would make it easier on them when Yuri spilled his news to
 So what s up, guys? he asked, crossing his thick arms over his
defined pecks. He hadn t bothered to wear a shirt. He d flown in from
South America. The distance alone had him sweating despite the
altitude. Of course, that was why they sent him. He was the best flyer
and the fastest. As one of Uriel s angels, he was built for speed and
long-distance travel.
 We were taking care of our charge, Cross said simply. He was
always the levelheaded one. Thus why Raphael had put him in charge
of their ragtag team. It was unheard of for angels of all choirs to work
Yuri scoffed.  If by taking care of you mean banging. Sure. They
all winced at his wording. Among all of the angels, he d probably
spent the most time on Earth. It certainly showed in his language. It
amused him to ruffle their feathers, so to speak.  So what s got all
your dicks in a twist? He some kind of super slut?
He didn t even see the fist coming at his face, but he sure as hell
felt the crunch as it collided with his nose. His head whipped back,
blood exploding from him in a wide arch. Fuck. That hurt. Yuri was
76 Jana Downs
momentarily stunned as he was knocked back into the cabinetry. Bren
snarled in his face, hauling back like he was going to hit him again.
 Bren, stand down! Cross was yelling from somewhere over his
shoulder. Though Yuri sure as fuck noticed that the guy wasn t
pulling Bren off of him.
 Don t you ever talk about him like that, you piece of shit! Bren
shouted in his face. Blood dripped down Yuri s mouth, and he spat it
on the white tile floor, leaving a pink stain. Bren fisted his shirt and
lifted him a foot off the ground.  Do you fucking hear me, Yuri?
 Let go of me now, psycho. Or else I m going to fucking murder
you. Yuri tried to keep his voice calm. Energy and anger thrummed
through his body like a physical force. His muscles jumped eagerly
like dogs pulling on their leads. He could already feel the tissue
reknitting in his nose as what was broken was reset and fixed. The
benefits of being an angel. That wasn t the point. The principle of the
thing had to be addressed. He was going to whip Bren s fucking ass.
What did he think he was doing? Why the hell did he care about their
charge s reputation so much? They d known him a grand total of a
 Bren! What the hell are you doing? Get off of him! an
unfamiliar voice shouted. Bren dropped him like a scalding stone.
Yuri landed on his feet but it jarred his knees. The bastard. He was
shaking in rage. He turned his golden eyes and opened his mouth to
tell whoever was interfering to fuck off.
Dark green eyes and a face that belonged on a frigging statue had
him snapping his jaw shut. His nose twitched as the stranger s smell
hit his nostrils. Was this their charge? Holy Christ, he was beautiful,
and he smelled so good.
 Hi, Yuri murmured a little breathlessly. If someone asked, he
was blaming it on the fight.
The little redhead glared.  Hi yourself, dickhead. Why were you
picking a fight with the guys?
Angel Bound 77
 I wasn t trying to pick a fight, Yuri answered defensively.
 Bren jumped me.
 Don t make dumbass comments, and I wouldn t have to jump
your ass, Bren groused.
 Temper, temper, Luci s angel, Yuri goaded, trying to distract
himself from the weird attraction to the nephilim.
 I said stop harassing Bren, Raphael s son interrupted before he
could really get Bren going again. He wanted to finish the fight they d
Yuri turned his gaze toward him.  Who put you in charge of this
outfit, son of Raphael? His eyes flicked toward Cross.  Last time I
checked, it was Cross s job to tell me what to do.
The nephilim held up his hands in surrender.  I m not attacking
you. I just want you to stop fighting with everyone. He paused.
 You re the one they ve been waiting for? Yuri nodded slowly. The
change in attitude was a little disconcerting. Their charge looked at
Bren.  You don t need to jump people like that, Bren. Sticks and
stones, okay? Yuri was shocked when Bren nodded his head and
looked down in embarrassment. Those green eyes turned back toward
him.  Why don t you come into the living room with us and sit down?
I bet you re tired.
Again, Yuri nodded. He was oddly touched by the concern in the
nephilim s voice. The charge favored him with a smile, the enticing
scent growing with each passing second. Hmmm& He d almost
forgotten what it was like to be around a nephilim going through the
transition period between youth and adult. It had to be his
pheromones that were so enticing. No wonder the others had started
tangling with him already. The boy was lucky he hadn t been fucked
six ways from Sunday. And Yuri didn t doubt that he hadn t been
fucked yet. He wouldn t be walking right now if that was what he d [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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