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inside all through this.
When they parted, he looked up into Jim's happy face and
couldn't help the big grin that spread across his own.
Then he took both his fellas by the hands and led them to
the bedroom.
Goldilocks and His Three Bears
by Sean Michael
Chapter Five
Feeling a little like a girl appearing at the top of the stairs
in her first prom dress, Brian dropped his robe.
"Mmmm," said Jim when he saw the harness. He was
across the room in an instant, those big, sensitive fingers
travelling all over the supple leather. "Nice."
Now Paul was touching him, too, adjusting the straps the
way a cowboy did his pony's saddle, those fingers knowing
and sure.
Four hands on him at the same time and Brian just
quivered all over. Paul's hand cupped Brian's balls. "I like the
shaving, Jim," he said appreciatively.
"Yes, makes him really sensitive." Jim's beard tickled the
backs of Brian's shoulders as he moved in closer behind
Brian, big hand next to Paul's, stroking Brian's cock slow and
gentle. "You ever think of piercing him?"
Paul's laugh rumbled. "Funny you should mention that."
He went to one of his suitcases, leaving Brian enfolded in
Jim's arms, and brought out a little package. Jim started
licking a pattern up Brian's neck to behind his ear and Paul
held one of the objects out against Brian's nipple. It was a
tiny, golden ring.
"I thought this might go here," said Paul. "Or here," and
the cool metal touched Brian's cock. He whimpered and Jim
fingers came up and tweaked a nipple very gently, warm
breath against his cheek. "What do you think, Brian?"
Brian looked up at Paul. His physical presence was like a
shield that Brian could stand beneath and lay himself open.
Goldilocks and His Three Bears
by Sean Michael
Momma was behind him warm and loving and just full of
acceptance. "I'll let you decide," he said to them both. "I trust
"Good boy." Daddy's hand was on his cheek and then
Daddy's mouth covered his. Somebody's hand covered Brian's
ass, while somebody's finger tweaked his nipples and two
hard cocks pushed up against him.
He moaned.
"I think Brian here's going have trouble standing in a
minute," said Jim. Daddy led Brian to the bed while Momma
Bear stripped.
Paul sat back and drew Brian between spread legs, big
cock pushing right up against him where he lay. "Nice, Jim."
"Thanks." Momma came over, big fat cock just bouncing
along there in front of him.
Daddy's hands stroked him from nipples to balls and back
again, mouth nuzzling, voice deep and rumbly.
"You like that cock, Brian, honey? Does it open you up nice
and wide?"
Brian made a sound he hoped sounded like agreement.
"Yep, I think that'd be real pretty to watch," growled
Daddy at his ear. He rifled in the drawer and tossed the
supplies on the bed, urging Brian to a kneeling posture.
Jim's hands landed on his ass, finding their way to his
balls. Jim rolled them and tugged and Brian spread his legs
automatically, butting his head against Paul's belly as he did
"This warming lube?" asked Jim, across Brian's back.
Goldilocks and His Three Bears
by Sean Michael
Paul's finger drew a line down Brian's neck, kneaded a
shoulder muscle. "Yeah."
A thick thumb at his entrance. Brian whimpered.
"Its okay honey," Paul soothed him, big hands on his
shoulders, back, head. That cock occasionally banged against
Brian's cheek, but he didn't seem to notice.
"Daddy?" whispered Brian as he felt Jim's cock at his
entrance, pressing in.
Paul stroked his head. "I'm here, baby. I want you to suck
me, Brian. Can you do that?"
"I don't know," whispered Brian. Jim was so big, like the
whole world was in Brian's ass big. It was overwhelming. He
didn't know if he could focus on anything else. But then Paul's
cock was just there, and it was like his mouth needed to be
around that, needed it like an anchor. Brian latched on and
He was rewarded by the sound of a moan and Paul's
fingers stuttering across his scalp.
He moaned and whimpered around Daddy's cock, Jim's
cock driving hard over and over against that spot in him.
Daddy's hands were gentle in his hair until the very end when
they pulled a little harshly, cock jumping so that it hit the roof
of Brian's mouth and then drawing out quickly, so the filled
condom wouldn't fall into Brian's mouth.
Jim cursed mildly and jerked once more against Brian's
prostate then held still, quivering, fingers digging into Brian's
hips as the presence inside of Brian throbbed over and over
Goldilocks and His Three Bears
by Sean Michael
He was on his back then, a hand pumping him, a mouth on
his, tongue down his throat, more hands caressing him
everywhere Someone was murmuring soft words. "Lovely, so
good, let me see you honey, let me..." and Brian jerked and
his cock spurted up into the air and warmth splattered over
his chest.
Somebody's tongue lapped once and then a voice said
regretfully, "Damned condoms."
Brian cracked his eyes open. He was cradled in Momma's
arms, Paul stroking his body with one hand.
"Well," said Paul. "We could get tested."
Jim chuckled. "All three of us?"
"It's just a thought." There was something steely and
stubborn in Paul's voice. Brian found that he had to
concentrate really hard to lift his arm from the bed, but he
petted his Daddy's pretty tats and said. "I love you, Daddy."
There was a little silence.
"That's damned sweet," said Jim softly.
"Love you, too, Momma Bear," said Brian. And he yawned.
Then his men rolled him up somehow and made a little nest
between them and Brian just curled up and went to sleep.
* * * *
"Hey! Hi there!" Scott came bouncing into the room like
the ball of muscle that he was. He looked around. "Where's
your keepers, baby?"
"My keepers?" Brian looked up from the Financial Aid form
he was trying to fill out on the coffee table. His men thought
Goldilocks and His Three Bears
by Sean Michael
he was wasting his brains at a cash register and wanted him
to go to college. "Is that what they seem like?"
Scott bounded over and plopped down on the couch. "No,
not really." He wound the towel he'd been drying his hair with
around one fist and popped Brian in the shoulder with it. "Just
teasin' you." He watched Brian filling out the forms for a
while. "Seriously," he said. "What's it like?"
Brian's pen paused. "I'm not sure," he said.
"You havin' fun, sweetie?"
"Oh yeah."
Scott laughed. "I'm sure. So." And he fanned himself. "You
want to give me the low down?"
"Low down?" [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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