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"waking" life).
In some dreams the dreamer takes an active part and himself participates in the
play. Often he represents himself (the ego), but sometimes he may take the part of
one of the archetypes. In such a role he may do many things that he ordinarily
cannot do (like flying through the air), or that he would not do (like murder), and can
experience great successes and great failures. Proper analysis and reflection upon
these plays can lead us to greater self-understanding, and also to inner growth.
To do this requires some understanding of ancient symbolism, however. Our
dream figures do not always appear as cowboys and bandits and other easily
recognized figures. Often they appear as ancient or archaic images. Dr. Jung s
dream analysis rests upon his postulation anent the arche-types, where he often
associates dream symbolism with the symbolism of ancient cults. Arriving thus at
his abstract conclusions we see why these have served to baffle many of the more
orthodox psychologists of our day, and why they would be inclined to think of Dr.
Jung as being mystical. His conclusions about this do, however, agree in the main
with the teachings of the Mystical Qabalah, and other genuine occult systems.
One of the structures Jung finds in the psyche he calls the Persona. This, he
says, is the mask the self-conscious personality wears to meet the exigencies of its
world. If the personality becomes totally identified with the Persona it becomes a
"grown on" mask that thereby rules and dominates the true personality. This results
in the conscious mind being cut off from, and therefore unable to recognize the
inferior element or function, which Jung calls the Shadow. (In occult terms the true
personality would be the "unit of incarnation," and the Persona would be the
conditioning, mores, etc., that this personality becomes identified with, including
one s position in life-doctor, lawyer, merchant chief, butcher, baker, candlestick
maker, to quote from the old nursery rhyme.) Jung s shadow archetype would
equate with the Dweller on the Threshhold of occultism one s inferior proclivities
hidden in the unconscious. The cutting off of this element from consciousness, as
the "good" Christian in particular does, results in psychic eruptions that must (due
to their subconscious origin) be projected onto one s world.
In terms of current psychology, the Persona is the role which a person plays, the
major or predominant role. Most people have several roles to play: businessman by
day, boy-scout leader at night, church-elder on Sunday, etc. Most of us are aware
of these roles and can play them without becoming fully identified with them. That
is, we are aware that we are playing a role, and do not fully believe that we are
what we are playing at being. This does not mean that we are not serious in our
play; we can be deadly serious. But we do not intend to become one of those roles
for 24 hours a day. In fact we usually cannot keep it up for 24 hours. This is the
success of the "marathon therapy" currently in vogue; it wears down the Persona
which a person cannot maintain, and it then permits the personality to emerge. The
fact that such large numbers of people profit from this therapy suggests that very
few of us ever show our real selves in public. But the ease with which the person
may be unmasked (by sheer 24 hour endurance) also shows that marathon therapy
is not dealing with the psychological depths, but only with the most superficial
aspect of the psyche. Anyone who is able (or rather willing) to drop his mask at will
is neither frightened by such therapy nor helped by it.
The personality is the "it" which knows that it is the businessman, the boy-scout
leader, and the church elder all together and is also "itself," Harry, who once fenced
hot goods to work his way through college and who has a secret passion for the
poetry of Keats. Harry is the unifying intelligence which keeps all the others
together, and the danger comes only when he forgets he is Harry and starts to
believe that he is one of Harry s roles, like Mr. Business man. If he comes to
believe that he is Mr. Businessman to the exclusion of all the rest, then the other
parts of Harry become repressed and have no chance to live. Living unconsciously,
they will turn mean and nag him. Mr. Businessman comes to dominate Harry, and
will not let him remember that he was once a fence.
This is how the Shadow becomes totally split off from consciousness. Not that
the Shadow is conscious, by any means. But most of us are aware to some extent
of our own failings and shortcomings, of our Mr. Hyde. It is only when we will not
own up to being bad, even to ourselves, even in darkest night, that we are in deep
trouble psychologically. When this happens, we can do nothing but project this dark
side onto the world and begin to see horrible criminals on every side, threatening
our own false goodness. When this happens on a mass level the world turns to
witch-hunting, an event as common today as it was in ages past. Witch-hunts
inevitably follow ages of spiritual purity, for a witch-hunt is the ultimate in holier-
The individual, or society, is constantly oscillating between projecting his better
self onto the world and projecting his lesser self. These are but two aspects or
sides to life, though manifesting as separate in time. Life experiences alternate in
this cyclic fashion, back and forth, back and forth, forever and ever. This forms the
basis of the Hindu concept of the cyclic rhythms of the cosmos, whereas we in the
West tend to view everything in a straight line: progress onward and upward and
things getting better and better every day. The fact that we have wars and peace in
quite regular rhythms does not dissuade us from this linear way of thinking, but if
there is progress to be had, it would appear from the evidence of psychology and
occult science that it is only the cycle itself which progresses. For the individual
person, the period or length of time between the "highs" and "lows" gets
progressively shorter as psychological unity (Individuation or Adepthood) is
approached. For modem nations the period seems, at least in our known history, to
be about twenty years. A war (with inflation) followed by a period of peace (with a
depression) and again followed by a war, the whole sequence taking about twenty
For ordinary man the period is somewhat shorter, maybe fourteen years, with
seven "good" years followed by seven "bad" years in a continuing pattern
throughout his life. As with nations, the period is so long that it is usually not
recognized as being part of a cycle and therefore not dealt with or adapted to. For
an Initiate, the period begins to shorten radically, to months and then to weeks. As
he begins to work at becoming conscious, the two sides of himself start to assert
themselves with increasing frequency until angel and devil (Christ and anti-Christ)
are battling it out together, each demanding control of the personality. When the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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