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you in detail afterward, but first of all I would like narrated much about this. But I would like to ask dated by me in the conversation yesterday with
to answer the main questions. both comrade Fidel Castro and all of you to raise comrade Mikoyan. We didn t touch on the issue
As I have already stated before my departure all those questions that you are interested in. of the assessment of the international situation. I
from New York, the Soviet government was made the observation that at the most critical
supporting the five points put forward by com- F.CASTRO. My colleagues are aware of the moment it had appeared that we had no under-
rade Fidel Castro. The demand on liquidation of substance of our conversation yesterday, but in standing of preceding steps. For example, the
the US Guantanamo base is a just and correct order to summarize the questions which are im- objective of placing strategic armaments in Cuba
demand. I had no plans to speak publicly in New portant for us let me repeat them briefly. As was not clear enough for us. We could not
York, but when I read in the American press the comrade Mikoyan has already said, recent events understand where is the exit from that compli-
speculation about the objectives of my trip, I have considerably influenced the moral spirit of cated situation. By no means were we thinking
decided to voice that statement in order to make our people. They were regarded as a retreat at the that the result could be a withdrawal of strategic
my position completely clear. Using radio, Ameri- very moment when every nerve of our country armaments from Cuban territory.
can propaganda is trying to embroil Cuba [in had been strained. Our people is brought up in the Yesterday comrade Mikoyan partly ex-
conflict] with the Soviet Union, is trying to sting spirit of trust in the Soviet Union. Nevertheless, plained some issues but the conversation was
Cubans to the quick. It s natural. Because the many people do not understand the linkage be- interrupted by the tragic news of the spouse of
enemy can t behave differently. He always acts tween the Cuban events and the issue of the A.I. Mikoyan.
like this. But the enemy must be repulsed. liquidation of American bases in Turkey. The
By decision of the CC CPSU, my task in- unexpected withdrawal of Soviet missiles with- A.I. MIKOYAN asks: Perhaps the Cuban
cludes explaining our position to Cuban leaders out consultations with the Cuban government has comrades want some other questions to be an-
within my abilities and capacities, so that no produced a negative impression upon our people. swered?
doubts are left. We also want to discuss new The Soviet Union gave its consent for inspections
problems that arise in front of our two countries. also without sending a notification to the Cuban DORTICOS makes the observation that in
It is not a part of my task at all to put pressure on leadership. It is necessary to take into account the the summary offered by Fidel Castro there have
Cuban leaders. That is an impudent conjecture of special delicacy of our people which has been been generalized all the questions that have caused
American propaganda. Our interests are united. created as a result of several historic develop- differences, but he asks [Mikoyan] to explain,
We are marxist-leninists and we are trying to ments. The  Platt amendment, imposed by the why N.S. Khrushchev has accepted Kennedy s
achieve common objectives. We discussed the Americans upon Cuba, played a particular role in offer to make a statement of nonaggression against
current situation at the CC CPSU and came to a this regard. Using the Platt amendment the United Cuba under the condition of removing Soviet
decision that there was no complete relaxation of States of America prohibited the Cuban govern- missiles from Cuba, though the Cuban govern-
tensions yet. ment from deciding by itself questions of foreign ment had not yet given its view in this regard.
On the military side we can observe a con- policy. The decisions were made by the Ameri-
siderable decrease in danger. I can add for myself cans behind the back of the Cuban people. Dur- A.I. MIKOYAN asks if there are more ques-
that in essence currently the danger has abated. ing the current crisis there was also an impression tions.
But the diplomatic tension still exists. Plans for that important issues, concerning all of us, were
military assault have been frustrated. discussed and resolved in the absence of Cuban C.R. RODRIGUEZ says that his question is
A victory was gained regarding prevention representatives, without consultations with the related to that formulated by Dorticos. It is not
of a military assault. But still we are facing even Cuban government. The USA imperialists un- clear what does the Soviet Union regard as a
larger tasks on the diplomatic field. We must dertook a series of aggressive measures against victory, whether its substance consists in the
achieve a victory over the diplomatic tension, the Republic of Cuba. They set up a naval military success or the diplomatic one. We were
too. blockade of our country, they try to determine considering that for the time being it is impossible
What does that victory mean? How do we what kind of armament we can have and use. to speak about victory insofar as the guarantees
understand it? I ll explain later. Systematically they violate Cuban air space and on the part of the USA are ephemeral.
I would like to do whatever is necessary to elevate these violations of the sovereignty of the
ensure that you understand us correctly. I m not Cuban Republic into a prerogative of the USA A.I. MIKOYAN says that he will give the
in a hurry and if you don t object, I ll stay in Cuba administration. most detailed answer to all the questions raised by
as long as necessary to explain all the aspects of There is the question of inspections. True, comrade Fidel Castro and other Cuban leaders in
our position. I think, first of all, we must consider inspections are a sore subject for us. We cannot order to make the Cuban comrades understand us
those issues where some differences have ap- take that step. If we agree to an inspection, then completely. Therefore I will have to speak for a
peared. I ll do my best to help you understand us. it is as if we permit the United States of America long time. Later, when you bring forward your
We must consider all these questions and decide to determine what we can or cannot do in foreign opinions and perhaps ask some other questions, I
what can be done jointly to ensure the success of policy. That hurts our sovereignty. would like to say some more words. If my
the further development and future of the Cuban In conclusion I said that we are a young arguments seem to you not convincing, please
revolution. country, where a revolution has recently tri- notify me, I will think over what to do in order to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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