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his or her ship. Such things date back to another era now mostly just "myths"
"Something troubling you now, your majesty?" Valerie asked as I sat
there silently beside her, the up and down motion of the ship's longboat
having been enough to remind me that I was not as much of a "sailor" as I
would have liked! The meal I had eaten a bit earlier and washed down with
perhaps too much strong drink now didn't want to stay "down there". The
thought of displaying my seasickness before others of my command much annoying
me now!!
"It will be all right once I get aboard," I answered back.
"I have some good brandy aboard that will settle that stom- ach of
yours," she assured me, putting her arm around me then. I thought of another,
of another ship, another time. Of Darlanis.
"Our Warlady! Our Queen!" the crew of the Corsica cried out as I stepped
aboard, the greeting at least getting my mind off the nausea that had
afflicted me there in the longboat as I sat beside Valerie. The evident
enthusiasm of the crew, the polished whiteness of the deck, the taut and
blackened down rigging leav- ing no doubt that Valerie ran a "taut ship". And
one, I suspect- ed by now, that could be relied upon to give its best in a
fight! While I could not "see" everything, it being nighttime, I could see
enough to know that the Corsica was indeed a well run ship!
"I'll try to do better `next time'," I told the crew as they stood there
in neat rows before me. "And we'll rid the seas of these damm raiders of Queen
Maris'!" I added. I wasn't too sure of that, but I felt certain that once we
reached Dularn we could teach the Dularnians a few "lessons" that they
wouldn't forget!
"I have a good ship, a good crew," Valerie said to me as we went below a
moment later, the crew having been dismissed to their respective duties. The
ship's girls all "healthy" looking wenches that obviously were of the sorts
that could much pleasure a "tired sailorman". I suspected that Valerie had
taken time to see to that. Most captains merely took what was "issued" to them
and called it "good". Obviously Valerie was a very capable and competent
officer. Perhaps better, I thought, than any of my others with the possible of
Mark Berson there commanding Squala.
"And you take good care of both," I smiled back, stepping into the stern
cabin. The sea now invisible beyond the stern windows. The ceiling beams like
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aboard my other ships just high enough that I could walk beneath them without
having to "duck". Mark Berson aboard the Squala was not quite so "lucky" at
"I handpicked my `ship's girls'," Valerie smiled back. "And I insist
that my officers take their `pleasures' from among them too." Most captains
allowed their officers to have their own girl. Usually she was of `better
quality' than the other women who had been sentenced to "serve" on a ship of
war for their crimes. Such being the fate of women here in the 26th Century.
It is more sensible than just locking people up for a period of time to ponder
over their "mistakes". Economically sensible too! I suppose the women don't
care too much for it, but they were the ones who committed the crimes that got
them into the "fix" too!!!
"They look `healthy'," I smiled back as Valerie got out the brandy she
had promised me and poured me a good glassful of it. The furnishings of the
cabin spoke much of Valerie's own tastes.
"They are of the Peasants," Valerie Dann smiled back then, handing me
the glass. They were busty, wide hipped wenches. No doubt with strong female
drives that would make them a true de- light to the sailors. I drank deep, now
feeling it "warming" me.
"Have they required `disciplining'?" I asked. I had seen one whipped
today aboard the Seawolf for minor insubordination. Stripped and tied to the
rigging, then given a couple dozen where it would hopefully do the most good
there before the assembled crew. One must of course be "strict" with such
feminine de- lights. They are usually supervised by the Physician aboard, most
of whom are usually women, "medicine" now being for the most part a "feminine"
profession for what "reason" I don't know yet.
"I haven't found it `necessary' as yet," she smiled back. Even on Squala
it had been necessary to whip one of them in the few days that we had been out
to sea. Two seamen who should have "known better" had also felt the lash since
we had left Trella. I do not tolerate "drunkenness" while on duty. The
"stakes" are far too high, especially aboard a sailing ship subject to wind
and weather and enemy action at any time! I nodded, smiled back.
"Where do you think Maris is now?" I then asked Valerie.
"Somewhere behind us, keeping our mastheads just in sight," she smiled
back. I had suspected the same thing too. We had been keeping to a regular [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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