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convention, a concerted gathering at which were assembled
Pharisees the acknowledged spiritual leaders of the Jews,
respected, nay revered, by all the people and doctors of the law,
learned men versed in the Scriptures and esteemed as authorities in
all matters relating thereto. These were assembled from every town
 of Galilee, and Judea, and Jerusalem.
There can be no shadow of doubt that they had come for the
express purpose of investigating the claims of Jesus as the expected
One, the Messiah who was promised to Israel. To investigate, nay to
carp and criticize, to criticize God incarnate, Immanuel, God with
us! And yet the sacred record adds, & and the power of the Lord was
present to heal them (Luke 5:17).
Grace, grace, marvelous grace,
Grace that will pardon and cleanse within,
Grace, grace, infinite grace!
Grace that is greater than all my sin!
And it was not God s fault if any of them went away unhealed.
There is never a person who comes to a healing meeting, I care
not how sinful or how sick he may be, but that the power of the
Lord is present to heal him. God is not willing that any should
The Man Borne of Four
perish. He wants to save and heal all. Even if they are carping and
criticizing He desires to bring them to repentance and faith and to
heal them. It is said of our Lord Jesus Christ that He & went about
doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for
God was with Him (Acts 10:38).
Now these magnates filled the house where Jesus was teaching
so that there was no room for real seekers. There they sat occupying
every inch of space, listening with ears that were deaf to the divine
power of the message; gazing with eyes blinded lest the light of the
glorious gospel should shine into them; refusing to enter themselves
and preventing others from entering. There are people today who
are regarded as spiritual leaders who are doing that very thing.
Into this darkness enters the cluster of flashing faith diamonds.
The man borne of four.
How do we know that the paralytic exercised faith?
Because he allowed the four bearers to carry him, helpless,
palsied creature that he was, into a struggling mass of humanity. I
spent years in hospitals and I can assure you that it took faith on his
part. Many and many a time I have known paralytics refuse
absolutely to permit themselves to be moved. If it were done, in spite
of their protestations, they would rend the air with their cries and
It is hazardous enough to go into a mob like that if you are
possessed of all your physical powers, but to allow yourself to be
thrust into it when you are a perfectly inert mass of impotence
takes faith.
Try as they might the courageous four could not find by what
way they might bring him in because of the multitude.
Did they give up? Did he cry and whimper,  Boys, you shouldn t
have brought me. Take me home. I only hope I may live to get
there. No: he had faith. Faith doesn t know how to give up. Do you
remember when Elijah was praying on the top of Mount Carmel and
His Healing Power
sent his servant to look towards the sea to see if there was any sign
of the rain for which he was praying?
The servant came back and said,  There is nothing. And Elijah
said,  Go again. And he returned with the same message and
received the same instruction. And again, and again and again it was
repeated. There could be no giving up. God had promised.
So, to return to the paralyzed man and his four bearers, may we
not imagine this conversation?
 We are going to hoist you up the side of the house and let you
down through the roof.
And his replying,  I don t care what you do with me as long as
you lay me at the feet of Jesus. That s the place for me.
He must have been not only willing but also anxious, or they
would never have attempted such a difficult and dangerous proce-
dure. I have directed the transfer of too many helpless patients not
to know that.
Nothing would stop them, the fearless five; faith knows no fear.
They tear up the roof; doubtless the owner of the house expostu-
lates, and we may imagine the conversation continuing:
 Never mind, Neuben; we will make you a new roof that will
beat this all to pieces, when he is healed.
 I ll mend it with my own hands, adds the paralytic.
 Easy there, boys, as they begin to lower him.
 All right, down you go; you ll walk home, from the faithful four.
And with indignant gazes the dignified rabbis behold this igno-
rant man, unversed in the Law of Moses, actually about to tumble
on their reverend heads. To avert this catastrophe they hastily take
them out of the way. And the paralytic reposes restfully at the feet
of his Redeemer.
Those who have reached that haven of rest after battling midst
the fierce waves of physical anguish and mental torture know what
The Man Borne of Four
blessed quietness fills the entire being there. To alter the dear old
hymn a little:
From every stormy wind that blows,
From every swelling tide of woes,
There is a safe, a sure retreat,
 Tis found at Jesus sacred feet.
Chapter 5
At the Beautiful Gate
Apparently the friends of this unfortunate man had done all in
their power to aid him. Day after day they washed him, dressed him,
fed him, and carried him to the Beautiful gate of the temple where
his pitiful plight was sure to appeal to the sympathies of worshipers
in that sacred place. And they had persevered in this benevolent
work for years, for we are told that the man was  about forty years
old at the time of his healing. But let us note that all that human
effort could accomplish left him outside of everything worthwhile.
It was a beautiful gate but he was on the wrong side of it. A gate
is something through which to pass to something beyond: an
entrance, a portal, to the supply of your needs, the satisfaction of
your longings and desires, the fulfillment of your aspirations.
How perfectly the condition of this sufferer typifies the state of
unregenerate humanity!
By nature we are outside the Beautiful gate,  far off, without
God and without hope;  strangers from the covenants of promise.
(Eph. 2:12.)
It doesn t matter how people may cleanse us by reform methods,
or how resolutely we may endeavor to cleanse ourselves, how we
may be dressed up in culture, morality, and refinement, we are still
outside the Beautiful gate.
His Healing Power
We may be borne along on our own native resolution, or the will
power of others, to the very portal; but we cannot enter; for Jesus
has said, & no man cometh unto the Father, but by me (John 14:6).
It takes Jesus to bring you in. And how ready He is to do it! See
where He comes, in the persons of two of His representatives, Peter
and John, and of them the lame man  asked an alms. (Acts 3:3.)
What a poor, imperfect prayer! But a prayer nevertheless, and
oh, the power of prayer! He asked, and One has said, Ask, and it
shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be
opened unto you: for everyone that asketh receiveth& (Matt. 7:7,8).
Everyone that asketh, no matter how imperfectly, receiveth.
Many years ago I heard a woman address an audience of thou-
sands in one of the great cities of the world. She has been in the
homeland for a long time now, and it is not necessary to mention
the name by which she was known on this earth. Suffice it to say [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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