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buggy lurched along the road.  Yes, Father, she said demurely. He grimaced suddenly, with a hand to
his temple. Suddenly, he gave her an angry glance.  I gave you no permission to attend a fiesta! The
sudden mood swing was familiar, frightening. She swallowed.  Papa, everyone else went. I had to.
He wasn't convinced.  How did you come to be hounded by this man Ted?
 He only danced with me, she said softly.  He is a very nice man. Not as nice as Alan, of course.
I like Alan. He moved his piercing gaze back to the dirt road.  King accompanied you and Enid?
 Yes. He is all but engaged to Miss Valverde, she added quickly.  Just as well. I find him offensively
arrogant. You would never suit such a man. I am certain that spineless women have no appeal for that
sort.  Yes, Papa, she said obediently.  Brant has told me of a house going cheap, he added
suddenly.  I plan to look at it tomorrow and if it suits, buy it on the spot. You may begin to pack
tonight. Amelia felt a wave of nausea wash over her.  But the boardinghouse is very convenient, she
began hesitantly.  So, you dislike the idea of having to work at cooking meals and cleaning, is that
it? he demanded harshly.  You have grown lazy living a leisurely life at the Culhane place?  That is
not true! I did my share of work... Oh! His hand had left a faint mark on her cheek, bringing stinging
pain and tears to her eyes.  Do not talk back to me, he said with cold contempt.  No child of mine is
going to be allowed to do that! She glared at him through a mist of tears, fearing him and hating him
all at once. No more, for God's sake, no more! she thought. It was unjust to have to live like this for
fear of endangering his life! Her chest rose and fell heavily with the force of her inner turmoil, but
she didn't raise her voice.  If you strike me again, I shall have nothing to do with Alan, she said
deliberately, knowing his one weakness. Her voice shook, but there was sudden resolve in it.
Adrenaline poured into her veins, making her oblivious to the danger of his reply. Her father was
surprised. He hesitated, frowned as if searching for words, thoughts.  Well, then, you... you keep a
civil tongue in your mouth when you speak to me! She didn't reply. Brushing her hurt cheek, she kept
her eyes to the road ahead. She didn't know how she was going to bear this for much longer.  It is my
head, Amelia, he said confusedly, wincing as he looked at her.  I fear that I am going mad, you
know, there are such terrible headaches, and I cannot... oh! He caught his head in his hands and
dropped the reins abruptly.  Oh, dear God, it hurts... so!  Here. Let me drive. She took the reins
from him and urged the horse forward. He was worse, all right. She had to get a doctor to see him.
She simply had to! The Howards were long gone when King came wearily in the front door. He
scowled as he looked around the parlor and, instead of Amelia, found his father and brother sitting
with his mother.
 Welcome us back, boy, Brant said, rising to shake his son's hand.  I brought you a present. He
pointed to the lion skin lying over the arm of the chair in which King habitually sat.  You got him,
then, King replied with a smile.  I thought you would.  Dad got him, all right, Alan murmured
sheepishly,  after I missed him twice.  If you'd wear those spectacles instead of keeping them in your
jacket pocket, you might have better luck, King chided, but not without affection.  It's good to have
you both home.  Aren't you going to ask where Amelia is? Enid asked demurely, with her eyes
carefully on her crocheting.  Obviously she and her father went home, he replied, unperturbed.  I'm
famished. Is there anything in the kitchen?  I'll dish it up.  Alan and I will finish our brandy while
you eat, Brant said, after a warning look from Enid, who often seemed to read his mind.  You do
that, dear, Enid murmured. She led King into the kitchen with a lighted lamp and then lit another to
give her enough light.  I pray for the day when we have gas lights, as they do in El Paso, she
muttered while she went about punching up the fire to reheat the meat and potatoes in her stew.
 There's coffee on the warmer, dear. He poured himself a cup, quiet and uncommunicative.  Amelia
is afraid of Hartwell, Enid mentioned quietly. He glanced at her.  Her problems are no concern of
ours. She stirred the contents of the big iron Dutch oven.  They might become so. Alan is taking her
to a concert on Saturday evening. King went very still.  Her father, of course, countenances such a
match, he replied after a minute, his voice dangerously low.  I do not. I would not wish such a
woman on my worst enemy, much less on my own brother.  She is not what she seems, Enid said
firmly.  You see only the image she projects for her father! I am certain that she has spirit and
intelligence.  She speaks a little French, he returned.  Barely enough to make herself understood,
and probably Marie taught it to her.  I wish you had been kinder to her, Enid said solemnly.  She
has a tragic face.  Many women are able to cultivate one to catch unsuspecting men in their webs.
 Women like Miss Valverde? she asked sweetly.  She is my concern.
 I shall move out of the house if you attempt to install her here as your wife, she informed him
tartly, and her dark eyes sparked at him. After a minute, his expression lightened, and a corner of his
disciplined mouth curved up.  I wonder that my father has not taken a tree limb to you in the past.
 Oh, he did, once. I took it away and hit him with it. She chuckled. King shook his head, amused.
 Whomever I marry, it shall have to be someone like you, I think. A quiet, docile woman would be the
ruin of me.  I agree, she replied.  But do be sure before you take that step, my dear. Be very sure.
He didn't reply. He finished his coffee and poured himself another cup, just as she dished up his beef
stew and set it on the table. Amelia couldn't go downstairs to have supper at the common table in the
boardinghouse. Her cheek showed the blow her father had dealt her, and it was too embarrassing to
advertise it to the world. It was unthinkable for a person with any honor at all to display her family's
dirty linen for all to see. A woman, or man, who would betray their own flesh and blood, regardless
of the reason, would certainly not hesitate to betray anyone else. She went to her own room in the
suite they occupied and locked herself in. It was as well that she had, when her father staggered up the
steps two hours later, having imbibed heavily with some acquaintances. But this time, fortunately, he
was too soused to cause any trouble. She heard him fall onto the sofa in their sitting room and closed
her eyes gratefully. At least tonight she did not have to fear the violence that strong drink worsened in
him. He had a hangover the next morning and barely spoke to Amelia, even at breakfast. But as he
went out, he paused to remind her to pack.  For by this afternoon, I expect that we shall have a house,
he said stiffly, carefully keeping his eyes from her cheek. It wasn't swollen or obviously damaged, but
he looked guilty and morose.  Very well, Amelia said gently. He hesitated, but only for an instant. He [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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