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locals. Now, that seemed to make real sense!
He tried hard to remember the maps. Clopta. Liliblod, and Agon were all on the
coast. That meant Liliblod would be the border along this segment of the hex,
going- what?-probably northeast. Southwest would mean the ocean, and that was
no good, and north would most likely take him through the heart of Clopta,
not a good option. In a high-tech hex it would be impossible to remain hidden
forever. If he only knew how far along the border they were! It might well be
shorter going north if they were near the point where three borders came
together. Best not to take that much of a chance, though. Stick close to the
border, check every once in a while, and go when it no longer smelled of
spiders. After that it would be time to stop running and start exploring until
he came up against something with an appetite as bad as a Liliblodian that he
couldn't outrun or impale.
No. Wait a moment. There was a potential destination, wasn't there? The same
one they'd had since the start. That place, that break between the hexes at
the equator where those who knew how might be able to enter the inside of
this strange planet. If anyone got there and could get inside, he wanted to
be there. It was the longest shot in the universe, but it was all he had. If
he could just survive, get up there, get to that entrance-way, and wait, no
matter how long it took ...
It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing. It was somewhere to go and
something to do, and it was at least a sliver, no matter how microscopic, of
If not this trip, then the next. The first time they gave him an opening, he
had to have the guts to take it. To get away, to get free, that was the first
objective. Then, once safe, use the sun as a guide and head north all the way
to the barrier, which he assumed was much like the barrier that formed the
southern boundary of Erdom. Then west, toward where the sun rose on this
backward-turning world. West until there was a door.
If not this trip, then the next. Or the next. Whenever it was possible. As
hopeless as it all was, it was the only thing he had.
she had done. Nearing the place where she and the Dillians were staying,
essentially a huge tent struck on some deserted landfill north of the city,
she began to feel light-headed, and by the time she was inside, she had the
start of a serious headache. Dizzy and sick, with a throbbing head, she lay
down on the pillows in the rear area of the tent and pretty much passed out.
More concerned and suspicious of everything were the Dillians, who found her
out cold and decided that there was no purpose to rousing her. Some of this
was to be expected from a radical injection, but as Doctor Drinh had feared,
they were also quite suspicious at what Alowi had told them about the
capabilities of the process. While Tony took care of some business at the
port, Anne Marie put in a call to the capital.
While embassy operations on the Well World were best handled within Zone, most
hexes had small offices whose function was to pass messages to and from Zone
via Well Gate couriers. Reciprocity gave any race the right to use the
service of any hex at all, and under diplomatic seal. It wasn't beyond being
compromised, but it was effective, and any hex found compromising the system
Page 24
ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
would of course lose its own rights and privacy.
Anne Marie had no intention of giving an oral report but used a recording cube
of the type standardized by Zone and put it under a password that was known on
the other end only to the Dillian ambassador. She dispatched the cube via
messenger service on the next train to the capital, where someone alerted by
her call would pick it up and stick it in the next courier pouch. She had no
idea who would ultimately hear the report and no real hope that those
bureaucrats could decide on whether they had to go to the bathroom, let alone
anything important, but it was worth trying.
In the message she had simply summarized Alowi's experience to date and
related the claims of Drinh and his reputation and voiced her suspicions with
hope that all this would be relayed to the inner council committee that was
in charge of the "immortals problem," as they so euphemistically put it.
At least the committee had proved honest and reliable. While it had been next
to impossible to sit on the rumor that the ancient and legendary Nathan
Brazil might be back, the fact that Mavra Chang might be an immortal equal to
Brazil had been suppressed to a remarkable degree. The most that seemed to
have leaked was that Chang was wanted because she had known Brazil and might
prove useful in motivating the mysterious man to make a deal. Brazil,
however, remained the real target for all the factions out there nervous
about either his possible powers or his potential; Chang's cover story had
been increasingly reinforced to the point where no one outside the council [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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