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barely animate hulk at the wheel. After an interminable period the night came
to an end and a dull purple blush entered the sky. At last the sun rose to
reveal an ocean of rolling black waves tumbled with white froth.
The wind abated. Cugel found that once again the ship would hold its own
course. Painfully he straightened his body, stretched his arms, and worked his
numb fingers. He descended to the aft-cabin, and discovered that someone had
arranged two lamps in the stern window.
Cugel extinguished the lights and changed from the gown of pale blue silk to
his own clothes. He pulled the three-tiered hat clasped with 'Spatterlight'
upon his head, adjusted the tilt to best effect and marched forward. He found
Madame Soldinck and her daughters in the galley, sitting at the table over a
breakfast of tea and sweet-cakes. None displayed the ravages of seasickness;
indeed all seemed well-rested and serene.
Madame Soldinck, turning her head, looked Cugel up and down. "Well then, what
do you want here?"
Cugel spoke with icy formality. "Madame, be advised that all your schemes are
"Indeed? You know them all?"
"I know all those I care to know. They add no luster to your reputation."
"Which schemes are these? Inform me, if you please."
"As you wish," said Cugel. "I will agree that your plot, to a certain degree,
was ingenious. At your request we sailed south during the day on half-bait,
that we might rest the worms. At night, when I had gone to take my rest, you
veered course to the north."
"More accurately, north by east."
Cugel made a gesture to indicate that it was all one. "Then, driving the worms
on tonics and double-bait, you tried to keep the ship in the neighborhood of
Lausicaa. But I caught you out."
Madame Soldinck gave a scornful chuckle. "We wanted no more sea-voyage;
we were returning to Saskervoy."
Cugel was momentarily taken aback. The plan had been insolent beyond his
suspicions. He feigned easy carelessness of manner. "No great difference. From
the first I sensed that we were not sailing new water, and indeed it caused me
a moment or two of bafflement  until I noticed the sorry state of the worms,
and all became clear. Still, I tolerated your mischief; such melodramatic
efforts amused me! And meanwhile I enjoyed my rest, the ocean air, meals of
Page 73
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fine quality  "
Meadhre interjected a comment. "I, Tabazinth, Salasser  we spat in every
dish. Mama sometimes stepped into the galley. I do not know what she did."
With an effort Cugel retained his aplomb. "At night I was entertained by games
and antics, and here at least I have no complaint."
Salasser said: "The reverse is pot true. Your fumbling and groping with cold
hands has bored us all."
Tabazinth said, "I am not naturally unkind but the truth must be told. Your
natural characteristics are really inadequate and, also, your habit of
whistling between your teeth should be corrected."
Meadhre began to giggle. "Cugel is innocently proud of his innovations, but I
have heard small children exchanging theories of more compelling interest."
Cugel said stiffly: "Your remarks add nothing to the discussion. On occasions
to come, you may be assured that  "
"What occasions?" asked Madame Soldinck. "There will be no others. Your
foolishness has run its course."
"The voyage is not over," said Cugel haughtily. "When the wind moderates, we
will resume our course to the south."
Madame Soldinck laughed aloud. "The wind is not just wind. It is the monsoon.
It will shift in three months. When I decided that Saskervoy was impractical,
I steered to where the wind will blow us into the estuary of the
Great Chaing River. I have signaled Master Soldinck and Captain Baunt that all
was in order, and to keep clear until I bring us in to Port Perdusz."
Cugel laughed airily. "It is a pity, Madame, that a plot of such intricacy
must come to naught." He bowed stiffly and departed the galley.
Cugel took himself aft to the chart-room and consulted the portfolio. The
estuary of the Great Chaing cut a long cleft into that region known as the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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