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He moved quickly toward her but she pulled back into the apartment
and shoved the man inside who looked about ready to punch Shane. Of
course, judging from the look on Matt s face, he d have to stand in line.
 Cassie, I m& 
 Let me guess, you re sorry? Shane Chase, this is my brother Brian.
He s here to meet the man I fell in love with and to tell me that Terry has
been sighted. She tried to slam the door but he put a hand out.
152 Lauren Dane
 Cassie, I m sorry. I thought& when I saw you with another man& it
just& I m sorry. Please. Can t we talk about it?
 No, I don t think we can. She put a hand on his chest, shoving him
back and slammed the door in his face. He leaned his forehead against
the frame and let out a ragged breath.
 Oh honey, I don t know what to say. Matt sat down and watched
Cassie as she fought back tears. He was so angry at Shane he held his
hands together between his knees to keep from shaking. The man found
this woman who loved him so much, who d never do anything so bad,
and he might have just thrown it all away.
 I appreciate you coming over, Matt but I think my sister needs to be
alone right now. Brian stood and went to the door.
Matt looked back at Cassie.  He loves you, Cassie. He tries to pretend
like what Sandra did didn t hurt him that bad, but it wrecked him. He
couldn t trust anyone for years. I m not saying he was right, but I want
you to try and understand why he jumped to conclusions the way he
did. He went to the door.  We ll see you tomorrow night at dinner then.
 Oh no you won t.
He sighed.  Cassie, don t. Please don t shut him out. You re good for
him and he s good for you.
 I can see how good he is for her. Accusing her of being a whore on
her doorstep, making her cry. Fabulous. Brian crossed his arms over his
 It was wrong, I m not saying it wasn t. But my brother loves her. He s
a good man and he deserves a second chance. Everybody makes
mistakes, Cassie.
 Yes, and they always tell you they re sorry after they hurt you. Until
they do it again. There s always an excuse. I m not her anymore. I won t
go back to being her.
Taking Chase 153
Matt realized the depth of Shane s mistake then but didn t say
anything further about it.  I m next door if you need me. No matter what
is going on between you two, I m your friend. Okay? He moved to hug
her and she let him.
 Thank you, Matt.
 Please don t judge my brother too harshly, Brian. Matt raised his
hand in a wave and left, hearing the locks click into place behind him.
Shane sat on the bottom step.
 What the fuck is wrong with you, Shane?
Shane shook his head, Matt saw tears shining in his eyes.  Oh shit. I
hurt her so badly. It s just& when I saw her there it made me think of
Sandra. I forgot who she was for a moment. I spoke before I thought and
oh, her face. Shane rested his forehead on his knees and Matt knelt
there, touching his brother s arm.
 I know why you overreacted, Shane. I understand.
 I may have lost her forever.
Matt took a deep breath.  I hope not. But. I m sorry to say this,
Shane but you attacked her and falsely accused her and your shit with
Sandra pushed her buttons. Both of your emotional shit hit in the same
place at the same time. She s really upset and her brother is pissed off.
 And the ex has been seen?
 She didn t tell me much. She came home from work and saw me out
front. Told me her brother was on the way and that she wanted us all to
meet him and for him to meet us. Then she told me the brother had said
the ex had been seen. She didn t know more than that and I came over to
her place to watch over her.
 I need to go to her, work this out. Shane stood.
 Don t. Shane, not right now. Her brother is really angry and
protective. She s a mess. Call her, leave a message. Go to her stall
tomorrow. Let her know you re here but don t rush up on her. Give her
154 Lauren Dane
some space. She s scared right now that you re like her ex. Hurt her and
say you re sorry and hurt her again.
 Fuck. I m an idiot.
Matt hugged his brother.  No you re not. You ve been one in the past
but you got scared tonight and reacted before thinking. You love her and
you hurt her. But you re not her ex.
Looking back over his shoulder at her door, Shane let Matt drag him
over to his apartment where he called and left her a message.
 Carly, what is going on, honey? Brian sat next to her on the couch,
brushing a hand over her hair.  I thought this guy was the one.
Cassie had successfully fought away her tears and now just felt
numb.  I thought he was too, Brian.
 Who s Sandra?
She told him the story of Shane s ex-fiancée who he d found cheating
with his best friend.
 So he saw you with me and he must have flashed back on that. He s
already left you a phone message apologizing. He sounded sincere. What
do you think?
 I m afraid, Brian. He s probably the most sincere person I ve ever
met. But I don t know if I can trust my own perceptions these days and
I m afraid if I take him back that it ll be like with Terry.
 I understand. Well, I don t, but I trust your feelings here. I don t
know this guy well enough to say. Why don t you give it some time to see
how he acts in the coming days? Because I d hate to see you write him
off if he s the one for you. But I d hate to see you take him back and end
up with another asshole.
She put her head on his shoulder and sighed.  Tell me about Terry.
Taking Chase 155
Brian did. He told her about how her ex had been sighted in San
Francisco three times before dropping out of sight again. All the more
troubling was that one person claimed Terry tried to get her to use her
state job access to search information about Cassie.
 We don t have any reason to think he knows you ve changed your
name or that you re here. But I think you should be aware at all times. I
can t see that you should move away from Petal. You re building a life
here and that s important.
Lying in bed that night, Cassie stared at the ceiling and felt the
emptiness next to her in bed. She d gotten used to Shane s body there at
night. Reaching out and touching him. Knowing she was safe and loved.
And that was gone and her heart felt empty. Everything felt empty as she
tried to figure out what the hell to do.
156 Lauren Dane
Chapter Thirteen
Brian stayed in Petal over the next several days to visit and keep in
contact with the investigators on Terry s trail. Still, Cassie tried to keep
to a schedule.
Shane had come to her table at the Sunday market but she asked
him to go. It hurt just seeing him.
He left messages on her voice mail every morning to tell her he loved
her and every night to say goodnight. Her feelings were all over the map.
She loved him. No doubt about that. Every time she saw him walk by the
front of the book store, every time she heard his voice or found a note he
left for her on her car, she missed him more than she had before.
Loving Shane and being with him had filled up her life. Not in an
onerous way like being with Terry had been. Being with Shane hadn t [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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