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Gray and M could be out there anywhere."
"Well, I'm an optimist. Maybe that's a crime to you twisted so-and-sos, but being the way I am keeps me
from going crazy." Sawyer looked at Allan Quatermain, expecting to find support there& but he
received none. "We'll figure out something."
"Your cheerfulness is out of place, Mr. Sawyer," Mina said.
"You're wrong. We will get our man at least I will. Tom Sawyer of the American Secret Service." A
shadow crossed his expression. "You all aren't the only ones with a grudge, you know. Remember when
we first met, the other agent I told you about? The one who was first assigned to investigate the
Fantom? Well, he was my childhood friend. He and I were agents together, until that masked madman
shot him dead." He wrestled with his emotions, trying not to get choked up. His freckled face flushed
red. "The rest of you may be done, but I'm not. I swear I'm going to avenge Huck Finn's death."
"But this isn't about any one of us, Tom. Certainly not anymore," Jekyll said. "It's bigger than that."
"Yes, it is, Mister. The fate of the world is in our hands. The world!" Sawyer looked at all the others,
wanting to shake them out of their gloom. "Okay, so Dorian Gray was a traitor. And M tricked you into
joining him, and you walked straight into his trap." Sawyer showed them a determined grin. "But the
way I see it, that was his big mistake& he brought you us together."
The League members looked at each other, considering.
"He& he has a point," Jekyll said.
Quatermain cocked a brow at Sawyer, then finally responded with a wan grin of his own. "And the boy
becomes a man. Perhaps a leader of men."
"And women." Mina stood again and smoothed her skirts down. "So now what do we do?"
First Mate Patel suddenly burst in. "Captain! We're getting a signal! I think it's from the nautiloid."
"M gloating, no doubt," Nemo said. "He'll want to know if we survived."
Patel shook his head. "I don't believe it's from the Fantom, sir and not Mr. Gray either."
Spurred to action, the remaining members of the League rushed to the Nautilus's radio room. A
communications operator adjusted his headphones as he jotted down a message on processed kelp
paper, one painstaking letter at a time. The radio apparatus emitted beeps and clicks.
Quatermain recognized the chatter he had heard at numerous African outpost telegraph stations. "Morse
"What's it say?" Mina asked.
The radio operator read all the words he had so far transcribed. "It says, 'Hello my freaky darlings'."
Sawyer and Mina said in unison, "Skinner."
"So the invisible man has joined M's treachery after all," Nemo said.
That didn't make sense to Quatermain, though. He scratched his head. "Maybe& or maybe not."
The communications operator continued reading off the Morse code message. "Hiding on board little
fish with Gray and M. On way to base. East by North East. Follow my lead."
"He stowed aboard!" Sawyer said.
Quatermain clapped the young man on the shoulder. "Our ace in the hole. You were right not to give up
hope, lad." The American agent beamed.
"You heard him, Mr. Patel," Nemo said. "Fix our heading at East by North East. All repair crews get to
work on our engines, highest priority. I want this vessel moving with every ounce of speed the engines
can manage, as soon as possible. Once we begin the chase again, we will make the other repairs while
we're under way." The new first mate rushed off to follow his orders.
As the Nautilus floated on the surface of troubled seas, the re-energized crew worked to repair holes in
the hull, reattach armor plates, and shore up structural braces from the inside decks. But the damaged
engines were the highest priority and underwent an urgent overhaul. Wrecked components were
replaced with spares, pistons and shafts were ground and refitted, oil reservoirs refilled, and fresh
lubricants applied.
On the bridge, Nemo worked alongside the men to rewire circuits and connect pipes and conduits.
Because the entire submarine vessel was of his own design, the detailed plans remained in his memory.
First Mate Patel tested the patched controls while plotting coordinates.
Mina and Jekyll tended to the severely wounded crewmen, saving many of them, though several of
Nemo's longtime comrades had died. The dead heroes were buried at sea in a solemn ceremony the
following foggy morning at dawn. Nemo allowed the desperate work to pause for only a few moments
before sending the crewmen back to their tasks.
Inside the sooty and stained engine room, Tom Sawyer lent exuberance, if no particular expertise, to
tightening pipes and fixing gauges, wiping away excess lumps of fresh sealant, and polishing the
equipment to bring it back to a semblance of the way things had been.
Still, with every instant the nautiloid drew farther and farther away.
When all the members of the League had gathered in the control room, along with First Mate Patel and
other Nautilus crewmen, Quatermain addressed the group. "Good work. All of you. Captain?"
Standing on the bridge, Nemo activated the controls. The tense and exhausted engineers and mechanics
looked at the captain and at Patel. Then, with a throb and a hiss, the engines engaged, pumping with an
ever-increasing roar until they reached full power.
Finally, the vessel began to move, straining with the effort. The Nautilus crossed many leagues, picking
up speed as each additional repair was completed. The open seas posed no hindrance to the Sword of
the Ocean. Her jagged bow sliced through the waters like a shark in pursuit of prey.
The map of the ocean inside Nemo's stateroom was partially repaired. Relief plates of the sea floor and
longitude lines shifted to the left as the Nautilus traveled further east.
The Nautilus
Despite the submarine vessel's rushing speed across the ocean, those aboard could do little but wait.
Some gathered their energies for the coming battle against the Fantom and his forces; others studied [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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