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When are you returning me? I ll take you back as soon as you re ready. Jason watched as lust once again filled Elia s gaze, as that regard roamed his body from top to bottom and back up again. Would you like something to eat? I can have the kitchens bring up a tray. Elia s eyes were trained on his cock, which had been slowly filling from the moment the demon had walked through the door. Will you stay and eat with me? Perhaps answer a few questions I have? He wasn t ready to be alone just yet. Even though he felt uncomfortable standing around in his underwear, he liked the company. Freak or not. Elia s eyebrow cocked in response, seemingly not expecting that request. But of course. Jason watched as Elia ordered a tray of food to be brought up, noting the confident manner the male had about him. His cock thickened more as he observed him. He was truly a handsome being, but Jason wondered if it was indeed a false face hiding something more sinister. It will only be a few moments, Elia stated before his eyes cast down and he noticed Jason s burgeoning erection. He began an approach, but Jason took a step back. What exactly are you, Elia? Elia s eyes grew black as onyx as his canines lengthened slightly. Horns that resembled slightly narrower ram s horns began to curl out from his forehead and rounded beside his head. Claws had burst from his fingers. This is what I am. I m an Air Demon. And this is your true face? It doesn t get worse? This is it. What were you expecting? I saw Molock in his real state. It was much worse than this. Molock is a Hell Demon. He s nothing like me. Elia retracted all his demon attributes, quickly morphing back into his more human-esque state. There is good and evil amongst demons? That s not what my Sunday school teacher taught me. Just like humans, there is good and evil amongst our kind. The good pretty well leave humans alone, so your kind has only seen the bad. So, the assumption is, we re all bad, which is far from the truth. Air Demons, good. Hell Demons, bad? It s a little more complicated than that. When the Fallen fell from the heavens into Hell, some demons from all branches followed them in, seeking the power the Fallen supposedly had stolen on their descent. Most of the demons came from the Earth and Fire Realms, which already leaned toward an evil nature. But, even some of the Air and Water demons followed, when we are higher on the hierarchy. Hierarchy? Even more complicated. But long story short, a lot of the beings humans think aren t real actually are. Heaven and the angels are at the top, followed by the Fae. Then Air and Water Demons, followed by Humans. Earth and Fire Demons are then followed by Vampires. And then there is Hell and its inhabitants at the bottom. And these creatures live amongst us without us knowing? Come on, that sounds a bit too unreal. All of their worlds are on different dimensional planes connected together through energy ribbons, which we use as portals between worlds. Humans are the only entities unable to connect with those bands. We don t so much live amongst you, although some do, but we can travel through your dimension. That s why there have not only been sightings of otherworldly creatures on Earth recently, but for many years before also. That s a lot of a story to swallow. It is. And I don t expect you to believe it all at once. Elia gazed into his eyes and Jason saw no guile there. The look heated over and he felt the same connection he d felt the night he d met the demon. There was something that called out to him, made him yearn to touch this male. It was unlike anything he d ever experienced. A knock came to the door, breaking the spell. Jason jumped into the bed to cover himself, his gaze drifting to Elia. A servant came in, a rolling trolley before him. He moved to a round table in the corner of the room and began to place plates of food and drink down. He silently left, after asking Elia if there was anything else. Elia eyed Jason, desire simmering in his gaze and suddenly, Jason wasn t quite so hungry. Not for food, anyway. He hadn t had sex since returning to his hometown, afraid the small town gossip would ruin his career. It had been four years of self-inflicted abstinence. Masturbation had only carried him so far. Here, on a whole other world, he didn t feel the chains that surrounded him on a daily basis. For once, he felt free to chase after completion without having to worry about his reputation. Here, he could be himself. Jason let out a shaky breath, lust swamping him at the thought. Even if it hadn t been four years, the draw was so strong he suspected he d have felt the same pull to the demon. His abstinence wasn t the total reason behind how strongly he felt. Are you hungry? Elia s gaze said he was hungry, for Jason. Not for anything on that table. And just what is it you want? Elia s hand began to slide across the top of the covers, closing in on Jason s leg. Elia began to morph once more, his eyes darkening and his horns and teeth elongating. What s happening? Jason stiffened as he looked at Elia. Strong emotion causes the shift. I want you, and I m showing it. Those teeth what do you do with those teeth? Once, we used them in battle with our enemies. Now, we only use them to claim our mate, a quick bite that is by no means painful. You have nothing to worry about. I won t bite you. Yet. Jason swallowed. Even though the thought of getting bit was startling, there was something else there that was darkly seductive. A part of him was intrigued by the prospect and his self-conscious screamed in his head, telling him how wrong he was for wanting it. Shaking it off, he chose to succumb to the pleasure he knew the demon could provide, instinctively knowing Elia wouldn t do anything he didn t want to have happen. Then show me how badly you want me. Come here and suck my cock. Elia paused, an eyebrow rising regally at the demand. Jason was a man used to giving orders, so like Elia. They would eventually have a power struggle, but for now, he relaxed as Elia followed his command and did as he was expected. Apparently, the need the demon felt overrode his need to be in control. Elia rose to his hands [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |