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piss him off with autocratic orders to butt out of his
investigation. Instead, annoyingly, Elliot felt
almost& disappointed. Of course part of that was the
simple fact that without Tucker, Elliot no longer had
instant access to law enforcement files and resources. He
was a college professor, not a PI. What was his
justification for asking to see police files? General
nosiness? A genetically programmed streak of do-gooder?
He wasn t use to having to go through the same channels
as civilians.
130 Fair Game
But there was another part of him that felt let down.
Kind of like declaring war and nobody showing up. He d
been all psyched up to do battle with Tucker and now
Tucker had retreated from the field. It took the fun out of
Charlotte Oppenheimer phoned to indicate her thanks
for his help and her relief that the investigation could be
laid to rest.
 Gordie Lyle is still missing, Elliot pointed out.
 There can t be any connection. Gordie will show up
when he s ready. Charlotte sounded like her old self,
confident and relaxed.  Will we see you Thursday at the
opening of the annual Art Students Show?
 Not this Thursday. Thursdays were his night to dine
with his dad. These little rituals provided the glue that
held his new life together.
 Not to worry. It runs through the end of the
semester. As Charlotte continued in that light, social
vein, Elliot began to understand why Zahra Lyle felt that
her concerns were being blown off. Not that Charlotte
wasn t in the right, merely that she was determined not to
consider any other possibility.
There were always other possibilities. Elliot didn t
particularly like Zahra. She was abrasive and rude and a
not-so-borderline racist. Her nephew, talented or not, read
like an arrogant, egotistical prick. And yet, Elliot couldn t
let it go. He felt sure that Zahra s instinct was correct
something had happened to Gordie and Gordie, prick or
not, was as deserving of concern and care as Terry had
been. Maybe Roland s views had rubbed off on him more
than Elliot liked to admit, but Elliot couldn t leave it
Josh Lanyon 131
He made a note of Andrew Corian s office hours and
stopped by to see him when his own afternoon lecture was
concluded. As usual, Corian was holding court. Two girls
lounged in his office, hanging on his every word. One
wore a red velvet jacket and looked like a Victorian
consumptive: long dark curls, pale skin, hollow-eyes. The
other looked like a cheerful human pincushion. Elliot had
never seen so many rings and ornamental safety pins in
one face.
 Mills, Corian greeted him cheerfully.  The way the
suits have been circling, I expected the IRS to have towed
you away for tax evasion by now.
The lank-haired beauty snorted, exchanging looks with
the pierced acolyte.
 I was hoping for a word in private, Elliot said.
 Of course. Corian said to the students,  Off to class,
my lovelies.
The girls unfolded and departed. Elliot closed the door
behind them.
 I wanted to ask you about a student of yours. Gordie
 Sit down, Mills. I don t like to be towered over.
Since Corian had a few inches on just about everyone,
that was almost amusing. Elliot took the chair across from
Corian s desk. It put him on eye level with the nude torso
of a woman. He tried to avoid staring at the nipple
pointing his way.
 Why are you asking about Gordie? Corian frowned,
his expression for once completely serious.
 He s been missing since last Monday. One week. His
aunt is naturally worried.
Corian grimaced.  Has it occurred to you that Gordie
has good reason to disappear?
132 Fair Game
 What do you mean?
Corian shrugged.  If you ve met Zahra Lyle, I m sure
you ve observed that she s the classic domineering
female. Living at home was not conducive to Gordie s
creative spirit.
 You re suggesting Gordie left home for the sake of
his art?
Corian shrugged.  If he took my advice, he did.
 You advised the boy to run away?
 The boy is over twenty-one. He s a man, an
autonomous adult, Mills. If he chose to leave home, that s
hardly running away.
 Fair enough, although disappearing without a word,
skipping class and leaving his aunt to wonder where he is
for a week sounds pretty immature to me. Why do you
think he d choose to split now of all times?
 I have no idea. I don t know that that s the case. I m
suggesting Zahra might not have all the facts.
 Zahra? You know Gordie s aunt well?
 I know Gordie well. He s one of my most gifted,
most promising students. Zahra is part of the package. In
my opinion, and it s a knowledgeable one where the
gentle sex is concerned, the woman is a harridan.
Harridan? Now there was a word you didn t hear
every day.  When was the last time you saw Gordie?
Corian stared thoughtfully at the ceiling.  Monday?
Yes, Monday I think. He met Elliot s gaze and raised his
eyebrows.  The day he disappeared, according to you.
Does that make me a suspect?
 How did he seem?
 Like always. Energetic. Enthusiastic. Alive. He was
looking forward to the art show. At Elliot s inquiring
Josh Lanyon 133
look, Corian said dryly,  The annual students art show. It
starts on Thursday.
 Oh. Right.
Corian was still thinking it over.  He said nothing
about leaving. In fact, nothing in his behavior struck me at
the time, but looking back, maybe Gordie
was& preoccupied? Distracted? Nothing definite. Nothing
I can put my finger on and say, Ah ha, Watson!
Elliot ignored the mockery.  If Gordie was in trouble
of some kind, would he come to you?
 I m his faculty advisor, not his father confessor.
Corian shrugged, admitted,  I suppose I ve filled the role
of mentor since Gordie came to PSU. At the least, I d like
to think we were friends.
 He s had a troubled background. At least before he
attended PSU.
 Gordie was more sinned against than sinning.
 You sound pretty sure of that.
 I am. Talent of that magnitude breeds envy. Corian
spoke with the sweeping certainty of one who has [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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