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She was intrigued despite herself. She didn t want to express any interest o er his planet in the slightest, yet her curious nature won out. What do you barter with then? she mumbled. Yorin walked a step closer to her, separating the distance between them that quickly. We barter withyenni . Her eyes narrowed uncomprehendingly. Yenni? she asked incredulously. What in the sands are those? His eyes flicked toward the entrance of the silver, ice-coated cave that was his lair. Let us go inside and I will show you. Tis past time to feed them anyway. Jana s eyes darted from the cave back to Yorin. Your species barter with living creatures? Page 54 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html Aye. She sighed, thinking that was the strangest custom she d ever heard tell of. Waving away the enigma of theyenni for the moment, she returned to her earlier demand. She had no desire to enter that cave with him, but she also realized that she had no choice for now. Eventually she would escape him and all this nonsense would be naught but a dream, but for the interim she could only bide her time. If you want me to accompany you inside of my own will, then tis for a certainty, she said staunchly, that you will clothe me. Her hand swept about in a manner meant to broach no argument. Tis nigh unto chilling out here. Twill be a thousand times colder within a dark cave. Yorin s lips curled into a half-smile. Tis not exceedingly cold within our lair,vorah . Nor is it dark. Tis lit of gel-fire. By this point in the conversation, Jana s teeth were chattering from the frigid temperature of Khan-Gor. Her bared feet were freezing, standing upon the silver ice ground as she was. Every second they remained without grew worse. Why d-do you not c-clothe me? she asked again, for some perverse reason wanting to hear the real answer. His gaze devoured her naked body as the thumb and index finger of one of his hands reached toward a nipple and rolled it around between them. She sucked in her breath, immediately aroused. Because, he murmured, his predator eyes narrowing in possessiveness, males of my species do not take chances with their mates. Jana s breathing stilled as she considered the significance of his words. She feared she already understood his meaning, but asked the question anyway. What d-do y-you mean? she chattered out. Yorin plucked her up off of the icy ground, no longer willing to abide her foolishness. She would catch her death if she continued to stand out here in the cold. Cradling her close to his body, he swaddled her within the warmth of the animal pelt he was wearing, then made for his lair. I mean, he explained in an implacable tone of voice as he strode toward the entrance to the cave, that males of my species allow their mates no clothing because tis impossible to flee from us whilst naked. Jana bit down on her lip to keep from whimpering aloud. He was telling the truth and she knew it. In an icy climate such as this one, a wench on the run from the male who d claimed her would last mayhap a Nuba-hour before expiring without clothing to warm her. If she was considering ways she might thieve animal pelts from Yorin, she kept her thoughts to herself. * * * * * Piloting through the black depths of deep space, Kari Gy at Li glanced over to where Dari sat beside her. The princess was silent, her eyes narrowed in thought as she stared out of the gastrolight cruiser s wide porthole. It had been a long day, an even longer week, Kari thought wearily. They had followed the trail dictated to them by Talia, the Chief High Mystik of Page 55 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html Galis, yet so far they had learned very little in the way of useful information. They still didn t know where the Evil One had originated from, nor did they even know who or what it really was. All that they knew was that the information was out there somewhere and that they needed to find it before the Evil One found them. Where should we go now? Kari asked softly, turning back to face the vastness of space. Dari sighed as she tiredly smoothed back a few strands of micro-braids. I think you should pilot us to the far reaches of this galaxy, just to see if what we learned on the last planet has any truth to it at all. Kari snorted at that. I doubt it. As exploratory a people as the citizens of Trek Mi Q an are, surely somebody would have discovered this ice planet if indeed it truly exists. She shook her head. Those males on planet Brekkon didn t look to be the most reputable or reliable of sources. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |