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like a criminal.
Once again she reminded herself what she d done was wrong. No matter how
terrible Rick was, shooting another person was against the law.
 There are papers that I need to read and sign. And she has copies of depositions
that will be admissible in court as evidence. She tried to remember Marcy s exact
words she d gotten it close.
 And we re supposed to be at her office at ten. Luke glanced at his watch and then
reached for her.  We better get a move on. Afterwards I need to stop downtown. With
the weather possibly turning on us again, we ve got some trees still left to haul out.
Giving her aunt a kiss on the cheek, she tried to make the worried expression on
Aunt Lisa s face go away.  Call if you need anything, she said, smiling.
 I know you re dying to get out of the house. Aunt Lisa gave her a scrutinizing
look, chewing her lower lip.  We ll have stew with the homemade bread tonight for
supper. Don t eat while you re out.
It sounded a bit heavy for Susie but she grinned.  You re going to make me fat,
she whispered, then hugged her aunt before heading toward the back door, following
Luke out past his father s old truck to his Bronco.
It was exceptionally muggy for so early in the day. The thin dress Susie had chosen
that morning stuck to her back against the seat in spite of the air-conditioning Luke had
cranked in the Bronco.
Marcy was her usual cheerful, all-business self, escorting the two of them into an
office that was nothing more than a desk, computer and tons of files and paperwork
stacked everywhere. Possibly Marcy had just set up camp here in her father s law firm
and hadn t made time yet to personalize the small room. Nothing hung on the walls,
and other than pens, notebooks and some form on the computer screen, there was
nothing that indicated anyone used the office at all. Marcy was all work. Susie
wondered if she had any social life at all.
Luke excused himself twice when his phone rang while Susie sat facing Marcy at
her desk. She did her best to concentrate on everything Marcy explained to her about
the investigation unfolding on Rick.
 Basically we re on hold while the FBI gathers evidence. Marcy sat back in her
chair, crossing her hands over her waist.  Which is a good thing. The more time they
take, the more the information you gave them should have proved worthwhile.
Dressed in a white blouse tucked into dark slacks, her black hair pulled from her
face with two plain barrettes and her creamy white skin unadorned with any makeup,
she looked like a forgotten china doll beautiful but seemingly unaware of the fact. Her
dark eyes were unreadable, but Susie guessed she d dedicated every bit of her life to her
work and not to how she looked.
The thought made her a bit sad. Under different circumstances, she wouldn t mind
knowing Marcy better. The role she played for Susie wouldn t allow that. They had a
professional relationship, and Marcy showed she put a lot of work into helping Susie.
After all, she wasn t behind bars.
 So we don t know if the charges will be reduced yet or not? Susie asked when
Luke came back into the office.
 I m working with the FBI and the state for a plea bargain possibly knocking your
charges down to aggravated assault if you cooperate fully as a witness for their case.
There would still be jail time, though nothing like an attempted murder sentence.
Susie nodded, her gut twisting. Rick s life for hers. That decision wasn t a difficult
Dark purple and blue clouds loomed overhead when they walked out of the office.
The contrast from the heavy air-conditioning to the thick humidity was enough to steal
her breath. Sweat trickled down her spine before they d reached Luke s car. It seemed
as if the fragrances from flowering trees and the freshly cut grass were more
accentuated than normal. Like everything around her was extra attentive to the intense
weather surrounding them.
 Several of us are gathering downtown and making sure all debris is cleared. Luke
glanced down at the dress she wore, which clung to her in the heat.  I could drop you
off at the café while I take care of things. We ll make it back to the house before your
allotted time is up.
She brushed hair off her neck, climbing into the seat while Luke held the door for
her. The clothes she wore weren t exactly conducive to helping work outside. If she d
Lorie O Clare
thought about it before leaving, she would have dressed more appropriately so he
wouldn t have to leave her somewhere while he went off to do other things. She d
much rather spend her time with him.
His T-shirt clung to packed muscle when he walked around the front of the Bronco.
His soft brown hair was damp against his head, making it appear darker. The intent
expression on his face gave him a determined look.
The longer she spent time with this man, the more his brooding looks had become
an open book. Luke plotted and planned every event with extensive detail. That and his
large, powerfully muscular body turned her on. Even in the heat, thoughts of sliding
over him, their sweat-soaked bodies intertwined while fucking each other until they
screamed made her heartbeat pick up. She d overheat sitting here if she wasn t careful.
Maybe a cool bath with him later. She might suggest that. After he finished hauling
trees he d be sore and in need of a way to cool down. Before she could stop herself, she
imagined soapy water gliding over his corded muscle. Her pussy swelled, forcing a
heat to rush inside her that matched the temperature outside.
They were two adults, their lives laden heavily with problems and tight schedules.
She d hardly seen Luke the past few days with the workload he carried. Always gone
before she even woke up, not coming home until almost dark, dirty and worn out and
retiring early. He worked harder than any man she d ever known.
Escaping from work, from lawyers, from the burdens of life just for a bit, just long
enough to have time alone with him would make dealing with everything that came at
them that much easier. They d already proven that one true.
Luke drove the blocks from the quiet neighborhood where the law office was
toward downtown. He d turned his headlights on, even though it wasn t yet noon, by
the time they d reached the block of downtown shops. It seemed to get darker by the
Business was as usual with the shops that had reopened since the tornado had
devastated the place. Luke pulled into an empty stall on the newly reopened downtown
street. She got out just as a hot breeze tore around them.
 Looks like we got trouble. Beaux Miller walked toward them, squinting against
the sudden onslaught of wind.  We re going to have to move quickly to get any work
done before this storm breaks free.
Luke studied the sky.  Let s get a move on then, was all he said.
Susie went inside and sat on a barstool at the counter, nibbling her straw absently.
Her ankle bracelet itched against her skin. She swore it tormented her further every [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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