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they really couldnt offer me more money without a casino, which a strip club
couldnt have under the weird laws there, their top gross was limited but they
did wind up offer-ing me a slightly lower salary and a profit percentage,
which we took, along with the biggest piece of ego I could imagine a name
change to
Mistys Harbor, complete with large, sexy portrait of me framed in Ve-gas
The only dark spot was the numbers of the Redeemed that seemed to be
growing everywhere. You couldnt go anywhere without running into them with
their flowers, candy, shaved bodies and raped and gutted minds. They
had bought large buildings, huge tracts of land, and were gaining political
influence, the kind that comes with massive amounts of tax-free money and
power. They swelled in membership and never seemed to lose converts, a fact
that actually attracted more young peo-ple and lost souls to the
movement. As usual, the press was mixed, the conservatives upset at
losing their kids, the liberals shocked at the gutting of a generations
spirit, but with Constitutional guarantees
there was noth-ing, it seemed, that could be done to slow them.
They were spreading worldwide, in the Latin coun-tries, in Africa, in Europe
and parts of Asia, tailoring their public beliefs to fit local concerns. It
was hard
to tell what they were doing in the Iron Curtain countries, but I had no
doubt they were there and working successfully.
The cult alone soon had a worldwide following esti-mated at more
than twenty million.
Dory and I watched the TV and headlines and understood anew what Dan Pauley
had meant. The Association planted, and grew, and moved out to conquer all.
I couldnt believe that Parch and IMC would take this lying down,
and I
wondered if, somehow, they'd just discovered an enemy they could not
fight without mak-ing themselves into the enemy. It must be
frustrating, I thought more than once, to know and have the power and be so
Wed been living our own life of peaceful glamour for more than two years
now, and it showed no signs of slacking off. Some tentative investments Dory
had made in local real estate had already paid off, and we were very
comfortable and secure. To celebrate our second anniversary I'd taken some
time off and
we'd gone to Hawaii and Tahiti, a sort of belated honeymoon, just the two of
us doing what all lovers do or would like to do, if they had the time and
Coming home from the club late one night, about four or so, I was feeling a
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little off and just wanted to get in, eat, and relax. On such days Dory would
have a light supper waiting, and I could just relax and unwind.
I walked in and saw nothing cooking and Dory in the living room
avidly watching TV. For a moment I just thought shed got engrossed in a
movie or
something, but then I realized it was a newscast and that she was very intent
on it. I frowned. A newscast? At this hour?
She looked up as I entered, looking worried and hag-gard, and I
grew concerned. Whats up? I asked. Whats happening?
She got up and came over, giving me a hug and a kiss. You havent
You dont
I shook my head. News didnt travel much in my circles, at least not while it
was happening.
They shot the President!
She nodded. He was comin out of a hotel in Chicago where he was
campaigning and they zapped him! "What?
"The Redeemed! About an hour ago. Opened up on all sides with automatic
weapons! Mowed down a huge crowd."
My God! I thought, and sank back into the sofa. What insulated lives weve
led. I wasnt a fan of the Presi-dents, but I still felt a deep sense of
outrage at the
Why would they do it? I asked aloud. It doesnt make sense for The
Association to do something like this.
We both went over and turned back to the TV. They were showing an instant
replay of the thing it seemed to have been in front of the network cameras. It
was a stunning, horrible, grotesque sight. "Theyre all
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ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
smiling, "
I breathed, unable to tear myself away from it. Oh, my
They switched back to the studio, where a tired looking anchorman, not one of
the regulars, continued the story.
"Vice President Arnold was awakened and told the news at 3:45
Time. Arnold immediately cut short his campaign swing through California and
is expected to fly to Washington later on this evening. His motor-cade is
already getting ready to go to the airport and he is expected to leave for
there as soon as possible.
"Repeating our earlier story. President Long is dead, shot to death
by gunmen waiting for him with subma-chine guns outside the Trevor House Hotel
in Chicago where he had been in an early morning political strat-egy session
Illinois Republican bigwigs. He emerged from the hotel at about six
fifteen [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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