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numbers; then, and not before, will you fully understand their Validity,
and the infinite wisdom of the Grand Arithmetician of the Universe.
671. Useful, as shown in Part I.
741. Useful chiefly as a denial of the Unity; sometimes employed in the hope
of tempting it from its lair.
777. Useful in a similar way, as affirming that the Unity is the Qliphoth. But a
dangerous tool, especially as it represents the flaming sword that drove
Man out of Eden. A burnt child dreads the fire.  The devils also believe,
and tremble. Worse than useless unless you have it by the hilt. Also 777
is the grand scale of 7, and this is useless to anyone who has not yet
awakened the Kundalini, the female magical soul. Note 7 as the meeting-
place of 3, the mother, and 10, the Daughter; whence Netzach is the
Woman, married but no more.
800. Useful only in 5 = 6 symbolism, q.v.
888. The grand scale of 8. In Greek numeration therefore ™—£Ÿ¥£ the
Redeemer, connecting with 6 because of its 6 letters. This links Greek
and Hebrew symbolism; but remember that the mystic Iesous and
Yeheshua have no more to do with the legendary Jesus of the Synoptics
and Methodists than the mystic IHVH has to do with the false God who
commanded the murder of innocent children. The 13 of the Sun and the
[This may have been wishful thinking on Crowley s part. The time and place of birth
accompanying AC s birthchart as printed in Equinox I (7) and Equinox of the Gods
actually give Cancer, not Leo, rising, suggesting the figure had been fudged. The editor
of the  Blue Brick edition of Magick obligingly  corrected the time of birth to make
Leo the ascendent again. Rupert Gleadow (an astrologer friend of Symonds to whom
AC had claimed there was  less than one per cent truth in astrology ) prepared a hostile
horoscope which was printed in The Great Beast in posthumous revenge  T.S]
Because Cheth, 8, spelt  in full = , 418  T.S.
Zodiac was perhaps responsible for Buddha and his 12 disciples, Christ
and his 12 disciples, Charlemagne and his 12 peers, &c., &c., but to
disbelieve in Christ or Charlemagne is not to alter the number of signs in
the Zodiac. Veneration for 666 does not commit me to admiration for
Napoleon and Gladstone.
I may close this paper by expressing a hope that I may have the indulgence of
students. The subject is incomparably difficult; it is almost an unworked vein
of thought; and my expression must be limited and thin. It is important that
every identity should be most thoroughly understood. No mere perusal will
serve. This paper must be studied line by line, and even to a great extent
committed to memory. And that memory should already be furnished with a
thorough knowledge of the chief correspondences of 777. It is hard to  suffer
gladly the particular type of fool who expects with a twenty-third-rate idle
brain to assimilate in an hour the knowledge that it has cost me twelve years to
acquire. I may add that nobody will ever understand this method of knowledge
without himself undertaking research. Once he has experienced the joy of
connecting (say) 131 and 480 through 15, he will understand. Further, it is the
work itself, not merely the results, that is of service. We teach Greek and
Latin, though nobody speaks either language.
And thus I close: Benedictus sit Dominus Deus Noster qui nobis dedit
Scientiam Summam.83
We may now return to Frater P. s experiences. It will be remembered
that he found Yoga practices of any kind very difficult in the cold
climate of his home; for he was now sufficiently advanced to need
long spells of continuous concentration very difficult from the
early days of practice when twenty minutes in the morning and
again in the evening sufficed for the day.
Further, he had entered on the third stage of life, and from a
Brahmachari become a householder. It was in the course of the
journey undertaken by him shortly after his marriage that
occurred the events which we shall proceed to relate.
And to that end we must ask the reader to accompany us in
imagination to the sovereign nursery of wisdom and initiation, to
the holy land of the Uræus serpent, to the land of Isis and Osris,
of the Pyramids and the Nile, even to Khem, more magnificent in
ruin than all other lands are in plenitude of their glory.
*** ***** ***
[Lat.  May the Lord our God, who gave us the Supreme Science, be blessed. ]
Transcriber s note.
This article on the Qabalah was originally published in Equinox I (5) as part V
of the Temple of Solomon the King serial. Essentially it was a filler, knocked
together after J.F.C. Fuller who had been doing the legwork of working up the
series from Crowley s diaries and notebooks broke with the Beast. In Equinox
I (10) it was declared to be Liber LVIII in Class B (since 58 =  Grace, a
secret title of the Qabalah. )
It was reprinted by Israel Regardie in The Qabalah of Aleister Crowley (a.k.a.
777 and other Qabalistic Writings) under the spurious title  Gematria,
omitting the opening and closing sections (which were intended to link it in to
the serial) and the tables of correspondences (redundant as in that publication it
was bound up with 777). It has also been printed as a pamphlet under the title
 Essay on Number.
Hebrew words have generally been rendered in Hebrew letters; in the Equinox
publication they were generally, but not consistently, given in letter-for-letter
transliteration, e.g. BRAShITh for .
Footnotes indicated by *, , etc. are notes by Crowley; unless otherwise
indicated these appeared in the Equinox publication, the remainder were taken
from a scan of a photocopy of a typed transcript (the original in the collection
of the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Centre at the University of Texas,
Austin) of holograph notes by Crowley to a set of The Equinox, as transcribed
by Gerald Yorke. Footnotes indicated by numbers are by myself. Key entry
from the printed edition in the Equinox; could probably use further proof-
(c) Ordo Templi Orientis. Key entry, annotation, &c. by Frater T.S. for NIWG
/ Celephaïs Press. Last revised 13.06.2004. [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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