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 I like my girl chained up. He ran his hands down my breasts and pinched my nipples again until I
squealed. He seemed to enjoy agonizing me, looking at his broad smile.
He stepped closer onto the plateau, moving his hand across my spine and now he was only a few
inches away from me. I could feel his breath on my face as he inhaled and exhaled.  Do you give me
permission to kiss you? he asked.
I was a bit dumbfounded by his question.  Um & yes.
A smack against my butt followed. The pain followed after. A cry escaped my mouth.
 Yes what? he said.
 Yes, master, I mumbled.
Dominic smacked me again, it wasn t as painful as the previous one, but still made me shriek
from the abruptness of it. He enclosed my mouth with his, smothering me with his tongue to make me
silent. He explored my mouth with eagerness, while rubbing his hand over my aching skin. It was
soothing, but a gentle reminder of the force he d use to make me do what he wanted. I was his and had
no control. Giving it up was hard, but it was also the most erotic thing I d ever done. Letting someone
be in complete control over your body was a new and titillating experience for me and I wanted more
of this. Of him.
When Dominic s lips parted from mine again, he licked his lips and stepped off the plateau. He
took off his shirt, button by button, right in front of me, as if he was trying to kill me. Figuratively of
course, but I couldn t wait to get my hands on those tight abs and smooth pectorals. If I ever got the
He walked to the table and grabbed a scarf which he then put over my eyes and knotted it behind
my head.
 Taking away your sight will heighten your pleasure, Julie, Dominic said.
His footsteps were all I focused on. Moving around me, circling me. I didn t know what he was
doing or what I should expect. Every sound was much louder to my ears now, as if they picked up
things I wouldn t have when I could still see.
And then came the painful pang on my breasts.  Ah! I shrieked. He d slapped it with his bare
hand, I could feel his fingers linger on my hardened nipples as if they were his prize. And then came
another smack on my other breast. Each time my breath faltered. The pain was sharp, but the burning
skin that felt hot afterwards was arousing my senses.
His hands slipped across my body, over the painful skin and I hissed when he touched it. He
growled and put his lips on mine only for a few seconds. His hand suddenly came down with
fierceness on my pussy. I never expected this much pain, but it was exciting and something new
 Ouch! I screamed. He groaned near my ear and sucked on my earlobe, then moved around to my
 Now this is my idea of fun, he said.
Dominic s hand came down on my butt again. After every smack he would caress my aching skin,
rubbing it in circling motions. He slapped me again and again with the back and front side of his hand,
back and forth from one cheek to the other. I squealed and my legs were shaking beneath me.
His hands cupped around my butt. He steadied me.  Settle down, he said, his voice insistent. I
felt his fingers travel from my butt to my belly, each motion making me shudder, taking in breaths as if
I was preparing for the next blow. But it didn t come. Instead, he massaged my boobs and caressed
my waist, until he reached my inner thighs. Up he went to my longing folds, nudging them aside,
stroking my sensitive nub. Oh, how I wanted more.
 Do you like what I m doing? he asked.
 Yes, master, I replied, this time remembering his command.
He chuckled.  Good. Do you like the soft spanking as well?
 Soft? I muttered, lingering on the word.
He laughed.  Oh, yes, this is definitely soft. There is so much more I can do. I d like to try
something on you, if that s okay.
 Um & okay.
One of his hands moved up to my nipple and he squeezed it boldly.  Okay, what?
 Okay, master.
 You re starting out to be a wonderful sub, Julie, but I want you to beg me.
 You heard me. Beg me to pleasure you.
I flushed and felt the heat pool in my belly.  I & please pleasure me, master.
He grunted and released my nipple from his grip. He walked away and I could only hear the
muffling sounds, but I knew he d picked up something. Without a warning, he smacked me with
something hard and leathery.
 Ow! I yelped. It was much more painful than his hand, but the sting that followed released
endorphins that turned me on so much I wanted more.
 Yes, Julie. It s a soft, leather flogger. I want to increase the intensity a bit.
He hit me again on my butt, the pain sizzling into a hot sting. Each time I gasped for air.
 Let me pleasure you more, he said. The flogger came down on my nipples, and again, but I
could sense he was restraining himself. He stroked them afterwards, using the leather to caress my
skin. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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